I succeeded. I failed. I'm starting again.



  • zombinaape
    zombinaape Posts: 24 Member
    You've got this, girlfriend! You can do anything you put your mind to!
  • blackout4
    blackout4 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm part of the seemingly big group who has done this.

    A few years ago I dropped about 25 pounds. Now I'm back where I started, mainly after changing jobs from an active one to a much less active job.

    You've already proven you can do it once, so you know you can do it again. No questions asked!
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    If it was easy there would be NO fat people.
    I would be skinny just thinking about it.
    You've done it before you can do it again!:happy:
  • caramiame
    caramiame Posts: 3 Member
    I joined a while back and lost 40 lb, -- can't believe it has been so long since I was here. I just did it on my own with the master cleanse but it gave me a loose skin chin, well my chin is not loose anymore because i ate it into fullness again. So here I am just turned 50 -- and am setting myself up to achieve what I started so long ago, this time I think I will actually use the tools here and be more accountable to myself. I look forward to meeting people here on this journey together -- Happy New Year to us!
  • Been there, done that and bought the giant t-shirt :)

    Feel free to add me xx
  • mellowadam
    mellowadam Posts: 114 Member
    I didn't log for months and a lot of people deleted me. Anyone feel free to add me. I love the social aspect of the site and I'm looking to get in great shape in 2014.
  • robsonl1
    robsonl1 Posts: 1 Member
    I find myself back on here again .... loving the support and motivational stories. I lost 3 stone and put on 3.5 stone, back to square 1, but determined to feel heathy again. Being overweight makes me feel bloated, I ache all the time ... no more! I want a healthy 2014.
    Let's go for it.
  • theWinchester
    theWinchester Posts: 68 Member
    I was so embarrassed! I did the same thing, I have severe depression and life was being especially stressing so I gave up for a bit, but now I'm ready to get back on the ball!

    I'm glad you found your way back too and good luck with a healthy lifestyle!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR btw!
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    I think we've all been there and done that! I know 2 years ago when I joined I lost almost 20lbs and had my best running times ever - now my weight is up and my times are down. I'm running my first full marathon May 2014 and need to get the weight down!
    Add me if you like!!
  • CharisXE
    CharisXE Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm also the same, I lost around 2 stone/30lbs a couple of years ago but since moving to Uni have gained most of it back! mind if I add you? :o)
  • Hi,
    Be there and done that and back again for me as well. I'm starting over as well and I am very frustrated with myself. Every time a little weight would come back on, I would just make an excuse and promise to work on it. Of coarse I never did. Hopefully it would be better for you and me in 2014.
  • Hi - I totally understand! I lost about 30 pounds and then gained it all back. On a journey to lose it again and more!
  • To me, losing weight has been much more difficult than even stoping smoking (which I did 10 years ago) becasue you simply stop - which we cannot do with food.
    I gained over the holidays and am also starting anew. Like my motivational motto (by A. Hepburn) says: Nothing is impossible. The very word says "I'm possible".
    What's important is that you are back and that you did not give up on yourself!
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    Been there more times then I can probably even count at this point. But with the new year I'm ready to give it another shot, I need to make a change because I'm no longer happy with myself and the person I see in the mirror. Sent you a request, and anyone can feel free to add me :smile:
  • Ok this so sounds like me. I am at the heaviest I have EVER been. I have been on this site before and lost nearly 20kgs and have since put that and more on :(. I am looking for some friends to motivate and help motivate me. I am. Looking at losing 40+kgs so please anyone feel free to add me! I need all the friends I can get lol!!!