10 KG // 22pounds ASAP

CharlieWolt Posts: 15
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've given myself 30 days to do this.

I know a lot of you will criticize and say it's crazy - but I'm asking you not to judge and just to help keep me motivated.

3.3 kg every 10 days - totally do-able.
I need to get myself into shape and my body picks up eating patterns really quick - so the more abrupt I go cold turkey, the easier my body will catch on.

I know it sounds unhealthy, but it's not, and I'm not saying I'll be a total diet freak - cos the reality is I may not reach it, but I need a hard goal to strive for to help kick up my motivation, even if I can't reach it completely, I want to try my best.
So add me. Check up on me. Be a total hard-nut and just help me do this and keep me on track - I totally repay the favour with any virtual help I can offer.

I'm asking you as a fellow weight-loser. Thank you.


  • AdventureVia
    AdventureVia Posts: 84 Member
    How much do you need to lose total? Just this, these 10 kilos?
  • no I'd like to lose 20, but my metabolism reacts quickly to weight loss - so to get the ball rolling these ten should be lost first, then the rest can be lost over time. - It sounds rather odd...but its weird to explain. haha
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I totally wouldn't mind losing 3.3 kgs in a week! How do you do it???

    I lost almost 6 - but it took me 40 days!
  • Querky
    Querky Posts: 22
    A soup diet would probably be your best bet, although I wouldn't recommend it.
  • Ahh - I'm not positive this is accurate - but 3.3. kg is my goal now. I know 2kg in 10 days is do able with intense cardio classes - or gym work outs.
    Accompanied by A LOT of water and low sugar in take (not including natural sugar) and a fair amount of wheat/wholegrain stuff

    So I'd say - and this is tough to be strict with - especially if you're a social eater - eat with others and eat what they eat - I do this too much.

    Weet bix with skim milk for brekky.
    I find salad is amazingly good for lunch - but sometimes not filling or satisfying and one may be tempted to reach for something on top of that. So I'd say perhaps a salad sandwich, with tuna in brine for something more filling.
    And dinner should be tiny as - and this is where I stuff up.
    We always feel like cooked food for dinner, so something high in bran is good, brown rice?
    The problem with this is that it is all healthy and in small portions and accompanied by exercise - total positive. However, it is not a permanent type of thing, like soo could not live off this... so it's important to be careful on the junk foods you keep in your diet.

    Mmmm, I guess its a lot of trial and error - but I find its better to just decrease the quantity drastically as opposed to changing the food itself, unless theres mega fat content....BUT here's the hope for 3.3 kg every 10 days - you're welcome to join me in attempting this.
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