Christian lady friends

Im 38. Im a Christian. Im married to a nice Peruvian man. I need some serious gentle pushing. If you would be willing to keep me accountable, Id SO appreciate it. CANDACEdeHUGO


  • I am a Christian 36 yr old lady and I wld love to offer u support! I'm on MFP EVERY DAY so I will totally hold u accountable as long as u (yes there is a condition, lol) do the same for me, lol. My name is Sarah and I actually started my weight loss journey with a spiritual fast for 2 weeks. Then I realized what foods my body likes vs. what foods I really like. That was not the reason for fasting, of course, but it was a very positive "side-effect", lol. I'm a social worker with a 5 yr old (she'll be 6 in January). So here I am and u can count on me. Hope to be hearing from u soon, Lovely. Sarah
  • css1
    css1 Posts: 1
    Hi, I am a 39 yr old Christian lady who needs to lose 50 lbs. I need help! I have been struggling with weight since 2009 when I was laid off from work and became a stay at home Mom. It's a great life but too easy to be alone and eat all day. I'm willing to offer support and am looking for a group of friends who will offer me encouragement. Can I be added to your group? Today is my first real day of following MFP. BLESSINGS, CHRISTEN
  • JAyers27
    JAyers27 Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am a 44 year old stay at home mom of 3 boys. I log almost daily and live on the east coast.
  • hollybk1
    hollybk1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello ladies. My name is Holly and I am looking to join a supportive Christian group for accountability. Would you add me? And is anyone else looking for an accountability partner?
  • gianamicole
    gianamicole Posts: 39 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • feel free to add me! i am a Christian young lady who's in need of some great Godly friends to help me as i finish my journey! we help each other! Merry Christmas! :smile:
  • Hey Ladies! I'm 27 and looking for some Christian support in my weight loss journey. I am a mother of 2 boys, 1 and 3. I work full time, graveyard shift. It's taken quite a toll on my body and I'm always very tired. I'm just looking for some friends to check in on me and who would like the same! I can do wonders with a little bit of encouragement. Add me if you like! Thanks!
  • kimbelder
    kimbelder Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all - it sure would be nice to have a few ladies to connect with and to share the journey to a healthier lifestyle! I injured my knee in the summer and had some minor surgery to repair it just before Thanksgiving and I've used that as an excuse to eat poorly and to not exercise! I've found myself able to exercise again and ready to make 2014 a much healthier year! Can I be added to the group?
  • Shines01
    Shines01 Posts: 26 Member
    I'd love to be added by anyone. I"m 30, mom of 2, looking to add friends for acountibility
  • candlehaze
    candlehaze Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Christian empty nested Mom. I need to finally learn to take care of myself and get this weight off. I will pray for you if you would do the same for me. Looking forward to meeting new friends!

  • Good Morning,
    I am 28 and a mother of 3 wonderful blessings. I am a Christian and a member of a awesome church! I would love to add anyone who can be an encouragement to me as well I to them. Feel free to add me :)
  • Please feel free to add me as well!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Divisive topics are against the forum rules. You'd do better joining a group.✓&phrase=Christian
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    I'm a 38 y/o Christian, wife, working mom/step mom of 4 and dedicated enthusiast of delicious nutritious home cooked meals. I would be happy for anyone who is interested to friend me :)
  • trs11219
    trs11219 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a Christian lady looking for accountability and encouragement on here as well. Anyone can feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Divisive topics are against the forum rules. You'd do better joining a group.✓&phrase=Christian

  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Hey there *waves*
  • ruthcyn
    ruthcyn Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to pray you through your weight loss efforts, I am also a Christian woman who is an empty nester with 50 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • candlehaze
    candlehaze Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it!!! I would be happy to encourage you, if you are still out there?
