PCOS success stories with 100lbs to lose?



  • jsnutri
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in Feb. 2013. I also suffer from endometriosis. At the time of diagnoses I was a strict Vegan, had been for over a year, and was a vegetarian for two years prior. I eat an all natural, no junk food, organic diet and I was gaining weight like crazy. My weight would fluctuate 10 lbs between morning and night, no that's not an exaggeration, I weighed myself twice daily. The first thing I did was stop eating wheat and then all grains after having read the book Wheat Belly. But I was STARVING all of the time, still being vegan. My weight eventually stopped fluctuating, after a few weeks. My diet evolved after reading The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. The next thing I did was add back in animal products. Grass fed meats, fish, and fats, lots of fats. And that is how I've been eating since and I've lost 50lbs since March 2013. I went from 175lbs to today's weight of 125. The thing I can't stress enough is that every body is different, you have to find what works for your body. Before I went vegan I weighed 130lbs, after Vegetarian/Vegan phase 175lbs and now eating Paleo/Primal 125lbs (holding steady) Also eat real food, nothing processed. No boxed cookies, no soda pop, nothing that says fat free or sugar free, etc... Real whole food the way nature intended grown organically (stay away from GMO's). Make everything from scratch and buy organic produce and grass fed local meats as often as possible. It might sound overwhelming but just do one thing at a time and you'll get there. Oh in this time I also got tested for food allergies and cut those out too. It's hard to lose weight if you are eating inflammatory foods. Again this is what is working for me, hope it helps and good luck with your health journey.
  • jsnutri
  • Pandora_King
    Hi I had PCOS. I got started on Spironolactone a few years ago and the cysts went away and never came back. Lucky me I guess.

    For losing weight the key for me was really just EXERCISE. Every day. If I walked my dogs just 90 minutes a day everyday and ate 1500 calories, I lost weight consistently. But I was lazy and greedy. Now I'm back and hopping on the wagon again.
  • Pandora_King
    Metformin can cause some people to feel sick or have diarrhea. It don't bother others. I'm also on Metformin for the cysts and it has been effective & I don't have any trouble with it.

    Yes. Metformin was terrible for me. I was in the hospital every time I took it. Allergies, they thought.
  • chunkyhoney78
    chunkyhoney78 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you so much to all of you wonderful ladies sharing your journeys and struggles with me. I now feel that I am not alone in this fight and many before me fought and won the battle of the PCOS bulge. I am truly grateful for al of the wisdom that you have shared thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    Hi There :) I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I started really working to lose weight in September. I am 5'7 and at my highest I was 242. Something clicked this year and I realized that this is something that I can really do! I have lost 30lbs so far with at least another 30 and probably 40 to go. I haven't started exercising yet but plan too with the new year. At this point in time I am just eating 1200 calories a day. I have cheat days here and there too :) I also cut out all soda's including diet and it helps so much with the bloating and stomach pain. Even one soda now and my stomach swells up and is painful. Lots of water has made a world of difference! I am hoping to get off of my blood pressure medication and have my blood sugar meds lowered soon! I am not a diabetic but take metformin for the PCOS insulin resistance and it is just a miserable medication to take! If you don't mind I will send you a friend request :) We all need support from time to time!

    Avery- I am also on Metformin. I am just curious as to why you say it is a miserable medication to take

    While I do not know why it is miserable for her, for me it gave me terrible stomach cramping and really icky digestive issues. It was not worth it in the end so stopped taking all together.
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    I like your suggestion of the liquid diet to start off with! I think I might try that. If any other suggestions on how you get through that (I am unfortunately already super tired lately) I will take it.
  • Averysfairytale
    Averysfairytale Posts: 10 Member
    Hi There :) I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I started really working to lose weight in September. I am 5'7 and at my highest I was 242. Something clicked this year and I realized that this is something that I can really do! I have lost 30lbs so far with at least another 30 and probably 40 to go. I haven't started exercising yet but plan too with the new year. At this point in time I am just eating 1200 calories a day. I have cheat days here and there too :) I also cut out all soda's including diet and it helps so much with the bloating and stomach pain. Even one soda now and my stomach swells up and is painful. Lots of water has made a world of difference! I am hoping to get off of my blood pressure medication and have my blood sugar meds lowered soon! I am not a diabetic but take metformin for the PCOS insulin resistance and it is just a miserable medication to take! If you don't mind I will send you a friend request :) We all need support from time to time!

    Avery- I am also on Metformin. I am just curious as to why you say it is a miserable medication to take

    I have horrible stomach issues with this medication and my body never adjusts to it so its like constant Irritable Bowl Syndrome. I am on 2000mg a day
  • wheatybread
    wheatybread Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies! I too have PCOS...I am not on any meds...I started at 311 pounds when diagnosed with PCOS . I only had my monthly maybe 3-4 times a year. I decided to take control of my life, I went on a LCHF diet..I went from a size 24 down to a size 14! LCHF really works with PCOS...I think I was the last time I wore a 14 was when I was 11..I do slip off the wagon ...especially around the holidays...I have gained about 10 lbs ...I am now back on looking to keep losing...My goal weight is 180...I am currently 214. Is anyone on meds for PCOS? How you found you lost weight easier on the meds? I chose not to go on meds..since weight loss I have a period almost every month...I am still dealing with other issues from my PCOS ,but not nearly as bad as it used to be when I was heavier.
  • jennipooh0324
    jennipooh0324 Posts: 85 Member
    I also have PCOS.
    Just curious as to what a LCHF diet is? And what types of foods do you (or don't you) eat.
    I am down 30 lbs but kind of at a stand still. I eat around 1450-1550 cals a day.
  • wheatybread
    wheatybread Posts: 3 Member
    It is a low carb high fat diet....I eat any kind of meat...I do watch out for processed meat because there are carbs in them....I eat any kind of veggies...I have cheese, mayo, cream cheese,heavy cream, ranch,butter. I don't pay much attention to calories..just the sugar,carbs and sodium.
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009. I was stuck at 220 FOREVER it seems. I started Metformin in 2010 and it helped me to lose a little weight before I quit taking it regularly. 2012 came around and I got pregnant and quit taking it all together. I started back on the med again just last year and it helped me lose some more alongside diet and exercise. But again, I didn't give the regimen enough time to really change anything. My dr came to the conclusion that I was taking too high a dose (Then lowered me and that didn't help at all.) So she put me up to 2 250 doses a day just recently in December. So I'm still not sure how this time around is going to go with it. I started doing MFP January 10, 2013 and lost 31lbs in 3-4 months. So I'm hoping maybe the higher dose will help things move along a little easier now. We shall see! I have 50lbs to go until I reach my first goal!
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    I, too, was diagnosed in my 20's with PCOS and have really noticed since I turned 40 two years ago that my blood sugar is a hot mess. When I spoke to my Dr. About problems with extreme tiredness especially after meals she kinda dismissed me. Having seen everyone's posts about insulin resistance has given me an idea now as to what is going on with me. Although I do exercise and am conscious of my eating habits the weight has begun to stack on to no avail. It appears low carb is definitely worth a try although I am a carb NUT.

    Thank you ladies for all the helpful info.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I have PCOS and I have lost 66 lbs on FP and 15 before FP for a total of 81 lbs lost.

    I just watched my calories (eating normal food just less of it and the better/healthier choice) and worked out (ALOT of walking and zumba) until I lost it. It was all free and I utilized FP.

    Most recently I've joined Grace and Strength Weight loss program (after losing around 50 lbs on FP) and have lost a lot doing it. But it is not free, but it deals with the spiritual and mental issues behind all of this and that is what I need right now.

    A lot of my PCOS symptoms have decreased greatly. Just don't let it be an excuse. You can do this!
  • chunkyhoney78
    chunkyhoney78 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you so much everyone you have all given myself and others different things to try to see what will work best for us. :smile:
  • dkfan81
    dkfan81 Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in my teens. I've yo yo'd for 15+ years. I started (again) on the South Beach Diet at the end of September and I am down 23.2 pounds and 13.25 inches off my waist, hips and neck overall. The SBD principal and low carb in general is really the only thing that has worked for me. I get most of my carbs from fruits and veggies and limit my bread/pasta/rice carbs to once or twice a week, max.

    I am not on any PCOS related medications and I have not really noticed any difference in my symptomology, yet.

    Good luck and do what works for you :)
  • jennimarie527
    jennimarie527 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I have also been diagnosed with PCOS. I started losing in May 2012 and am down 63lbs. I am looking to lose around another 35lbs and get to my goal weight. It seems I have been stuck where I am for quite awhile so I am going to try a 1200 calorie a day attempt to see if this jumpstarts anything. I am currently not on any medication but my doc did offer Met. last year but I am going to try my hardest with diet and exercise first to see how it goes. I do Zumba and have done several Beach Body workouts.

    Great job to everyone who is losing or trying to lose. It is not an easy battle but sure does have its benefits.
  • MirrorMe33
    MirrorMe33 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I posted in here a few weeks about but thought I might mention this here for anyone that gets a chance to read it.

    I have had significant trouble in the last 12 months shedding any extra weight so I've tried a new program on the recommendation of my doctor. It's called Healthpointe 2.0. I was pretty skeptical to begin with but I've changed my tune!

    After struggling with PCOS related weight problems for years I've managed to shed just under 5kg in the past two weeks. The fantastic thing about it is there are no meal replacements and you can enjoy your carbs in the morning (something I was out of the habit of doing!). I'm consistently eating around 1,600 calories a day (worked out through the Healthpointe program) though MFP had recommended I had a BMR of around 1,500.

    I sound a lot like walking advertisement but really I wouldn't have gone near anything like this if I hadn't had a medical practitioner recommend it!

    Biggest thing I've learned from this get more lean protein in your diet! If you're hungry, make sure you eat to keep your metabolism moving just stick to proteins if you're snacking.

    I hope some of you guys find this helpful! :smile:
  • ranganayakee
    ranganayakee Posts: 67 Member
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS and had lost over 50 lbs in 2004-06 and about 41 lbs in 2013. I have all the info on my profile.
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
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