in search for people with determination and motivation

Hi guys!

I am not new to MyFitnessPal. In fact, I have been using this app for than a 2 years now. I was quite successful with it.

Last year, I got to my dream weight and loved how i looked and felt! Unfortunately, I injured tore two of my lumbar discs while doing a weighted deadlift a month before my first amateur fitness competition. Last year my weight was 117lbs and now i am a whopping 160lbs! i have been deeply depressed ever since my injury. I was so disheartened and discouraged to the point where i just gave up on this dream. It felt like something was always against me...I used to deal with stress by running but ever since my injury the only way i knew how to deal with it was through food. The first few months of my injury I did PT but it was so difficult for me to do any normal activities...:( I was SO VERY MAD at myself!!! to the point where i could not look myself in the mirror.

I am looking for people who will help me motivate myself, to encourage me and support me in this very tiring yet WORTHWHILE journey.



  • Malachai76
    I've sent you a FR, i log daily and i'll help you get back on track
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    It's almost New Years...I'm sure you will find many people
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I am sorry that you had to go through a rough patch in life. It is the nature of the beast: we all have to endure hardships at some point. Are they fun? Never! But they come to test our mettle. They come to show us just what we are made of and where we need to grow! Instead of looking at the injury as a bad thing, draw your life's lesson from it. See just what area you need to develop strength in. Trouble has a way of giving us a very real snapshot of our character. Now you have been armed with information about yourself. Now you can get to WORK! 2014 is huffing and puffing at your neck! It's time to step up and become the person you were made to be! I'm challenging you to snatch 2014 by the neck and make it your best year EVER!

    As you can see, I get worked up fairly easily! I'm here to help you get through this next phase of your life. This road we are on NEEDS to be one that is traveled together. So count me among the number of your biggest cheerleaders!

    Happy New Year!
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    I feel you. I let a herniated disc derail me last year but im back on it too, I wish you the best!
  • KrazieKoochi
    KrazieKoochi Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the encouraging words and support! You have no idea how much I missed the cuts i had last year...and i have been ACHING...ACHING to do free weights again...however...i do know to take it easy first and work my way up again...I DEFINITELY DON'T WANT to re-injure my back again.
  • KrazieKoochi
    KrazieKoochi Posts: 7 Member
    thanks! I added you as well! Thanks again!