Plexus Slim

Anyone out there using this for weight loss? How is it working for you? Are you having any side effects? I ask because I am going to start on Sunday. Just wanting to know.


  • Hi there! I'm sure you will get different opinions, but here's mine! I bought 2 months of Plexus after trying the "7-Day trial". On the 7-Day trial I lost 4 pounds, so naturally I wanted to get the month supply. I used the Plexus along with slight diet changes and I took it religiously every day at the same time, and I GAINED 2 pounds. After my 2nd month arrived (I did the automatic thinking it was actually going to work) I started really researching it, and cannot find any valid proof that it actually works. I actually found a few blogs were people gained weight like I had using it. I wish I knew you I would give you my unopened Plexus thats sitting in my kitchen cabinet. I didn't use it because it made me crave sweets like I was pregnant!! Not even lying I would start crying because I was craving sweets and I really wanted the Plexus to work so I wouldn't eat any of them, so I got sad.

    But all of that being said, I do personally know of 2 people who have lost a few pounds using Plexus. And I honestly hope it works out in your benefit. I would highly recommend using the 20oz of water per packet; as the taste to me was too strong for anything less than that, I would actually use more than 20 oz. Make sure you're drinking LOTS of water to flush out your system my Plexus rep/personal friend said that is how it actually works.

    Best of Luck! =)
  • Oh also, about the side effects, I would get super jittery and sick to my stomach some days while taking the Plexus. But I tend to be sensitive to most things.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Ask yourself this....................................will I be taking this forever? Because if the answer is NO, then you'll regain weight. ALL diets have a 90% failure rate because they usually can't be sustained.
    And if the quick answer is "I'll convert to a better lifestyle once I reach goal weight", then what's really stopping you from doing it now?
    That's like a person saying "I'll start saving money once I pay off all my bills". If you ain't doing it now, you ain't gonna do it later.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    In response to the two people who posted their response.
    To the person it didn't work for, they have a 60 day satisfaction guarantee, return it and get your money back. That being said there is no one product that works for every person so to the OP don't get discouraged.
    To the second response most people use plexus as an aid in their weight loss and diet changes. Not just take a supplement and continue the McDonald s drive thru every day so NO you do not have to take it forever and you don't need to be dependent on it. Plexus in combination with lifestyle changes can really work for some people so try not to be so discouraging to people.
  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    Well that is not exactly true. If you purchased a 3 month supply under the Plexus ambassador program, you are not entitled to SQUAT after 5 days. The 60 money back guarantee does not apply. I DID not AND DO not want to distribute, I bought a 3 month supply to simply save money. My host neglected to advise. Go figure. I am stuck with this junk.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    In response to the two people who posted their response.
    To the person it didn't work for, they have a 60 day satisfaction guarantee, return it and get your money back. That being said there is no one product that works for every person so to the OP don't get discouraged.
    To the second response most people use plexus as an aid in their weight loss and diet changes. Not just take a supplement and continue the McDonald s drive thru every day so NO you do not have to take it forever and you don't need to be dependent on it. Plexus in combination with lifestyle changes can really work for some people so try not to be so discouraging to people.
    If the premise is changing lifestyle, then what does the pill have to do with it? Does it cause better eating habits? Absolutely not. That is a conscious effort of the person. So why pay extra money to just change an eating lifestyle?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    IMO, pills, powders, juices, detoxes etc etc etc, are all a waste of money. They teach you nothing about learning a sustainable lifetime change of the way you eat and how you view food. In the past, I tried so many of these types of things and not one ever worked. You need to learn to eat in a healthy way, that you can do for the rest of your life.
  • Hi there! I actually asked for a refund and was denied one. But, I was not trying to discourage anyone, simply letting them know how it worked for me, as I know people who HAVE lost weight using it and I personally was expecting the same thing to happen, and it didn't. Sometimes its better to know that it won't work than just assume it will. I actually changed my entire lifestyle while using plexus and was going to the gym daily for an hour and a half and I still gained weight. I had to go to the doctors about it, and he told me to quit using the Plexus, after I quit it, I slowly started to lose weight.

    But it DOES depend on the person. Clearly in my experience it didn't work. I didn't realize that my story of using Plexus was so discouraging and offensive to others, so I apologize if it did.
  • I should add when I said "slight" diet changes, I meant I cut out all fast food and soda, and most carbs. I have realized that is more of an entire lifestyle change and not a 'slight' change. But since I quit Plexus I also changed a few things, like using different things in substitute to fattening products. I used Plexus before I started actually using MFP, so I didn't really understand how much 'extra' I was getting by not measuring everything down to the teaspoon.
    Hi there! I actually asked for a refund and was denied one. But, I was not trying to discourage anyone, simply letting them know how it worked for me, as I know people who HAVE lost weight using it and I personally was expecting the same thing to happen, and it didn't. Sometimes its better to know that it won't work than just assume it will. I actually changed my entire lifestyle while using plexus and was going to the gym daily for an hour and a half and I still gained weight. I had to go to the doctors about it, and he told me to quit using the Plexus, after I quit it, I slowly started to lose weight.

    But it DOES depend on the person. Clearly in my experience it didn't work. I didn't realize that my story of using Plexus was so discouraging and offensive to others, so I apologize if it did.
  • aluethi1
    aluethi1 Posts: 97 Member
    If you are also using the accelerator, be careful! It's pretty much pure caffeine and made me super sick when I tried it. Also, the taste was absolutely disgusting. I didn't bother checking if I lost any weight when I tried it because I could not handle using it longer than a couple weeks.
  • jennyjaree
    jennyjaree Posts: 19 Member
    Well that is not exactly true. If you purchased a 3 month supply under the Plexus ambassador program, you are not entitled to SQUAT after 5 days. The 60 money back guarantee does not apply. I DID not AND DO not want to distribute, I bought a 3 month supply to simply save money. My host neglected to advise. Go figure. I am stuck with this junk.

    Yeah, Ambassadors don't really get a Money back guarantee because most try it before they become one. I however, did the same as you. I jumped right in as an ambassador. But only to get a discount. Why did you buy a 3 month supply? I have been buying mine month to month. I had success with Plexus though. I quit drinking soda and never worked out and I ate like I normally had, which included fast food runs occasionally. I lost 30lbs in 3 months. I have since hit a plateau and havent lost anything in the past month. I have ate like a pig though. Damn holidays and all the junk around the house :( That's why i decided to start using Myfitnesspal. Hopefully my diet will get on track and I cant start losing again.
  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    The 3 month supply was the way it was marketed from the ambassador I purchased through. Then he hooked me up with a facebook page for ambassadors. Any time any question was asked regarding diet or exercise, it was immediately deleted. When I wrote a post about physical issues from taking plexus, it was deleted; I was harassed by the host and removed from the site. Pyramid scheme, you betcha. Anyone still believing wanting to buy unopened accelerator cheap let me know.
  • Sell it on Amazon! I sold the water packets on there and made almost all of my money back! =)
    The 3 month supply was the way it was marketed from the ambassador I purchased through. Then he hooked me up with a facebook page for ambassadors. Any time any question was asked regarding diet or exercise, it was immediately deleted. When I wrote a post about physical issues from taking plexus, it was deleted; I was harassed by the host and removed from the site. Pyramid scheme, you betcha. Anyone still believing wanting to buy unopened accelerator cheap let me know.
  • amandastephens9003
    amandastephens9003 Posts: 33 Member
    IMO, pills, powders, juices, detoxes etc etc etc, are all a waste of money. They teach you nothing about learning a sustainable lifetime change of the way you eat and how you view food. In the past, I tried so many of these types of things and not one ever worked. You need to learn to eat in a healthy way, that you can do for the rest of your life.

    Agree with this ^^^
  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks. Sold that junk on Amazon. It is such a real pull for those that want to lose weight "the easy way". There is no easy way. Diet and Exercise. That is all. Sucks but true.
  • It worked for a friend of mine, but she was already freaking tiny. Didn't need to lose any weight, and she went through a big break up of 7 years, so I'm assuming the depression and stress caused her to lose weight not the Plexus. But I'm glad you were able to sell it!! =)
    Thanks. Sold that junk on Amazon. It is such a real pull for those that want to lose weight "the easy way". There is no easy way. Diet and Exercise. That is all. Sucks but true.
  • toad_allyinlove
    toad_allyinlove Posts: 39 Member
    Yes, yes,yes
  • seh139
    seh139 Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry to tell you but it didn't work for me either...
    I've been a serial dieter with random things, because all i wanted was a quick fix. There is no quick fix and it really does come down to healthy eating and exercise i'm afraid... and willpower!
  • I am currently on my 2nd month of Plexus Slim and I have not lost 1 pound since starting. I have been working out on my lunch breaks and being more cautious of the food I eat. I drink my pink drink every day and take the accelerator. I recently added the ProBio in and haven't noticed any change. I don't know how some people claim this is changing their life, but the only thing it's changed for me is my pocketbook. I will NOT be ordering this again and I am very disappointed in my lack of results. Not sure how it's working so well for some or if it's just the "placebo effect." Regardless, I'm done with this.
  • cortney_weiss
    cortney_weiss Posts: 57 Member