Hit a wall :-(

cerimorgan Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Ive been healthy eating/dieting for the past 4 weeks now. In the first 2 weeks i lost 10lb, but the last 2 weeks i have lost nothing. I am doing exactly as i was before, counting my calories and exercising. I exercise 3 times a week for an hour at a time, i attend Zumba classes which are a mixture of high intensity dancing/aerobics.

Help i'm at my witts end, its so hisheartening :-(


  • Are you getting in at least 1200 cals a day? Drinking plenty of water? It's hard to tell without seeing your diary. You had a big weight loss at first so don't give up.
  • 10lbs is awesome, congrats. Don't give up! The healthy weigh loss weekly is 1lb so you are over that. Keep doing what you are doing and step away from the scale for a bit. You may also want to increase your protein if you are that active. Best of luck!
  • Don't give up! You've just hit a plateau... keep doing what you're doing and you will drop weight again. I hit my first plateau after I lost 14 lbs. I worked hard for a week and finally started dropping pounds again.
  • thankyou all for your support. Im eating 1200 calories most days but i dont increase that the days i exercise so i though that would give me a good weight loss.

    Really need to increase my water intake, im fine through the week while im in work but once the weekend comes i tend to forget about water!

    Im following a programme called Herbalife which focuses on protein intake. I have a daily allowance of protein to eat and i try my best to eact that allowance most days.....although i am sick of eating chicken!!
  • thankyou all for your support. Im eating 1200 calories most days but i dont increase that the days i exercise so i though that would give me a good weight loss.

    Really need to increase my water intake, im fine through the week while im in work but once the weekend comes i tend to forget about water!

    Im following a programme called Herbalife which focuses on protein intake. I have a daily allowance of protein to eat and i try my best to eact that allowance most days.....although i am sick of eating chicken!!
    I am following Atkins so I understand the protein. Try changing to some fish instead. Drinking water is hard for a lot of people. Try adding some Crystal Light to your water for variety. Also carry it with you, room to room...it will remind you to drink it.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    That happened to me too! I was losing so fast very quickly and then it stopped for a few weeks (and one of those was my period week) and then it started again.
    Hang in there!
  • It happens to us all - don't worry you will loose again next week or the week after - my losses are always in a slow slow quick quick slow rhythm - 10 in 4 weeks is good going. Are you weighing on teh same scale at the same time of day? That does matter - early morning is best.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Dont get discouraged you might want to measure your body parts once a month if you lose inches and not weight , hooray you are still lossing and I try not to worrie about the scale and look at the inches, because as we get stronger with muscle we get smaller all around. I rather be smalller than worrie to much about the scale, only you see the number on the scale the people in your life see the shrinkage of your body.
  • Dont get discouraged you might want to measure your body parts once a month if you lose inches and not weight , hooray you are still lossing and I try not to worrie about the scale and look at the inches, because as we get stronger with muscle we get smaller all around. I rather be smalller than worrie to much about the scale, only you see the number on the scale the people in your life see the shrinkage of your body.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Don't get too frustrated. I hit a plateau not too long ago. I took a couple days off, still ate healthy, but if there was something I was craving I ate a little bit of it. I also switched up my exercises. Your body will get too used to things, you have to confuse it. Just be patient, and the wall will disappear.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I have found that I don't lose weight consistently. I will have a loss one week, then a couple of weeks of being about even, then a really large loss and the pattern repeats. I'm averaging about 8 pounds per month, which is as fast as I want to lose and about how fast it is safe lose. Maybe your body is doing a similar thing.
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    you might want to change things up and eat your exercise calories or most of them for a little while. That may actually be part of the problem. You could be putting your body into starvation mode. Basically, since you already have a deficit of calories, when you exercise, you will go below what your body needs to just survive. If you do that for enough days in a week it will have an undesired effect.
    Also - be sure to eat snacks during the day and don't skip any meals!! This is really important to keep your metabolism moving along.
    good luck
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    It happens. Just don't give up and maybe put the scale away and check yourself again in a few weeks.
  • It happens. Just don't give up and maybe put the scale away and check yourself again in a few weeks.
    Erin, please tell your husband that I said thank you for his service to our country!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    It happens. Just don't give up and maybe put the scale away and check yourself again in a few weeks.
    Erin, please tell your husband that I said thank you for his service to our country!

    Thank you very much and I will!
  • I think i am becoming obsessed with what the scales are saying! I measure every week so i am due to measure and weigh tonight at my zumba class. I think half my problem is im weighing before work and after work at home!

    i will stick to the scales at Zumba and hope for inch loss this week :-) have lost 4 inches off my waist over the past 4 weeks so i should be grateful!

    thankyou all for your comments, they are very much appreciated!
  • I think i am becoming obsessed with what the scales are saying! I measure every week so i am due to measure and weigh tonight at my zumba class. I think half my problem is im weighing before work and after work at home!

    i will stick to the scales at Zumba and hope for inch loss this week :-) have lost 4 inches off my waist over the past 4 weeks so i should be grateful!

    thankyou all for your comments, they are very much appreciated!
    plus you are weighing at night...the worst time of day to weigh-in. Yeah, hello..my name is Ceri and I am a scale addict! LOL put that dang scale away.....go with how you feel and how your clothes fit you....
  • Scale addict, that has made me laugh!!

    im going home tonight and taking the batteries out of the scales :-)
  • Scale addict, that has made me laugh!!

    im going home tonight and taking the batteries out of the scales :-)
    LOL it's a scale time out!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I will make you feel better.

    I have been stalled for over 3 months. Can't get the scale to move.

    Feel better? :bigsmile:
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