Why Do You Want to be Thinner/Healthier?



  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Health is my main reason:
    1. I'm two years younger than my mother had been when she died from diabetes and heart disease.
    2. Weight loss has reduced my own blood glucose and cholesterol levels significantly.
    3. I've been a caregiver for over a decade and need the added stamina.
    4. I simply feel much better, both physically and psychologically.

    Other reasons:
    1. I fit into my old clothes again.
    2. I'm running again.
    3. I don't balk over being weighed at my physical.
    4. Finding better stress responses to replace stress-eating gives me more peace of mind.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    1. vanity
    2. to look better in smaller clothes
    3. be that hot sexy wife my boyfriend deserves
    4. to be able to have a complication free pregnancy
    5 to feel sexy naked
  • knowitall3321
    knowitall3321 Posts: 5 Member
    I want to be fitter so I can run faster, and farther.
    I want to be able to stand in a bikini next to all the tiny 5 foot 3 girls and feel confident with my 5 foot 7 frame.
    I want to be able to look in my closet and choose the really cute, girlie outfits instead of the baggy hoodies I hide in.
    I want to be confident!
  • AngelBearz330
    AngelBearz330 Posts: 12 Member
    Life is too short for me to be getting in my own way.

    I love that quote because it is absolutely TRUE! I decided it was time for me to be my best self. The only person who could make that happen was me and I needed to get out of my own way! Added benefits: a new wardrobe, feeling GREAT about how I look and feel, standing tall and walking with more purpose. I'll be 50 in two years and I'll be in the best shape of my life - and I sure won't LOOK 50. I haven't been this size since I was 28 years old and I'm not even done yet. Life is good...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    To look awesome in my cosplay.
    To feel strong, and good about myself.
    So I don't have high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes like the rest of my family.
    To outrun zombies JUST IN CASE it happens.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Besides obvious benefits of health, what motivates you? What is waiting at the end of your journey?

    There is no end...there is no finish line. Health, nutrition, and fitness are life long endeavors.

    Health is my primary and most powerful motivator...my dad died just a few weeks ago of a massive heart attack at age 61. He also was a type II diabetic with out of control hypertension and stage 3 kidney disease. The warning signs for him started showing up in his late 30s...right where I'm at right now. He never made any changes...the guy refused to eat a vegetable, never exercised, ate excessively and a lot of junk food, etc...

    I'm about 18 months into completely changing my life around. 18 months ago I was a 2-3 PAD smoker who was borderline obese with high blood glucose, uncontrolled hypertension, cholesterol and triglycerides through the roof, and mostly sedentary save for walking the dog around the block a couple times per week (all of 10-15 minutes).

    Now I am no longer a smoker...haven't had a single drag since Sept 25, 2012, my hypertension is well controlled with medication, my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers keep falling and are now in the normal range and my blood glucose is normal. Now, instead of being sedentary I kill it in the weight room 3x weekly and average about 60 miles per week on my bike (more if I'm actually training for a ride).

    Because of this, I am confident that I will not go the way of my father and I will be around to watch my almost 4 y.o. and my 18 m.o. boys grow to be men and have families of their own.

    Really...that is all that motivates me.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    My husband and I have been trying for 5 years to start a family. I also want to get my blood pressure to a healthy range.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    To be cast in better roles in my local theater group, which is run by a former beauty queen who hates fat girls.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    To kickstart my life.

    I have huge social phobia issues (always have) and it's easier to deal with being awkward when I don't feel like a lumbering awkward beast.

    Hitting a proper weight and then actually maintaining it is part of my overall nutrition plan to defeat my seasonal allergies so this year they won't defeat me.
  • Kev_22
    Kev_22 Posts: 17 Member
    Sure I want to be healthy and all that good stuff. But what it comes down to is confidence, which I lack, and it's essentially turned me into a hermit who does anything to avoid social settings. I don't want to be that guy anymore.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I want to look better in clothes. I want to keep myself from becoming diabetic and off blood pressure meds. I want to have an easier time doing yoga poses and become more flexible. I want to look better in photographs. Many reasons...just a better version of me.
  • hilarymcm
    hilarymcm Posts: 55 Member
    I've always been naturally thin, but I exercise and eat well because I feel mentally sluggish if I don't eat enough vegetables. The runner-up reason is that I have a huge closet filled with a ton of gorgeous clothes! I've been the same dress size since I was 14, so I never hesitated to spend money on top-quality, classic, timeless pieces, and I'm not about to give up my awesome clothes!
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    so I can finally be "normal" instead of "overweight." also so when I get married and have kids I'm in shape already so recovery will be easier lol. also I wanna look great in a bikini!
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I've gained confidence and self esteem by losing weight and gaining strength which was an added bonus that I wasn't sure I would ever get.
  • alc212
    alc212 Posts: 124 Member
    Vanity absolutely is a big one.
    I'd love to feel comfortable in swimmers, or naked.
    I'd love to not have to look for baggy clothes to cover up my belly or thighs.
    I'd love to look in the mirror and feel better about what I see.

    Other than that, I actually like being fitter. I love the burn of worked muscles, and knowing that I achieved something.
  • I would love to be able to prove this to myself that i Can do it and have that confidence in myself .And clothes fitting me better.
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    My motivation is several things.
    The main reason is to be able to visit the doctor and get a clean bill of health. Right now I have some dentures and can't get them in because my blood pressure is too high in order to have the procedure. It hurts that I can't have a nice smile because I let my health fall to the sideline.
    I also love to travel and being out of shape cuts down in what can be done. I went to Peru last April and while it was a good time, it could been better if I was healthier. I couldn't walk to several sites and tired so easy. I couldn't take the Inca trail to Machu Picchu.
    I also want to fly without that look. The one where people pray "I hope she's not sitting next to me". I want to fly without asking for a seatbelt extender.
    I want to enjoy zipling and horseback riding.
    Right now I very rarely shop because it hurts seeing an outfit that's cute and I can't try it on. Not fun shopping with others who can find alot of items and lucky if I can find one.
    I also want to live long and able to get around.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Large history of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and obesity in my family.

    I want to be healthy

    Oh and vanity
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Get a beautiful sexy girlfriend.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    To be a good example for my 2 girls
    To live long and healthy
    To push away potential problems like heart disease, diabetes, high blodd pressure, etc
    To feel sexy
    To wear any clothes I want
    To wear high heels comfortably
    To feel more comfortable with exercices such as running or doing a Spartan Race
    To feel happy in front of a camera
    To feel attractive all over and not just my face
    To feel proud of myself
    To fit comfortably in any chair (and not being afraid of it breaking under my weight!)
    To feel normal
    To feel different when someone is looking at me (not judging me on my weight)
    To not be asked if I am pregnant anymore
    To feel in control of my eating habits and my weight
    To be happy to meet someone from my past and not want to hide
    To be the best wife I can be physically, emotionally and sexually
    To feel more confident
    To not think about my weight/size all the time
    To stop being ashamed of my pictures even when I thought I looked great that night...
    To attract differents people in my life (?)
    To, maybe, pursuit a different career in fitness

    .... and many more.