breakfast ideas?

healthymama1011 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Recipes
Anyone got any?


  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i'm not nor have ever been a breakfast person (bad, i know) so i just make myself a whey protein smoothie. non-fat yogurt, milk, fruit, and whey protein.
  • i usually eat toasted multigrain bread (or half of a large everything bagel) with cream cheese and jelly with home made iced coffee. :D

    That runs me about 400 calories.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I love multi grain cheerios. Somedays I have 1 cup Multi Grain cheerios w/ 1%milk and 1/2 of an english muffin toasted with peanut butter on it. That is pretty filling.

    This morning cause I already got my workout in and burned a lot of calories I toasted a whole english muffin and heated up a jones breakfast sausage and made a sandwhich with that 1 fried egg and a half a slice of cheese. Really filling.
  • This morning I had a toasted Bagel Thin with egg (Stop & Shop egg Substitute are awesome), cheese & tomato and a cup of earl grey tea (no calories). That had me at 173 calories for breakfast.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I keep instant oatmeal and vanilla whey powder at my desk at work. One packet of oatmeal and a scoop of powder along with an apple keeps me going until lunch time.
  • THis morning I had 4 egg whites diced onions and pepers, on a carb balcned small tortilla and shredded taco blend shredded cheese. It was really good.
  • Yougert and chocolate cherry crunch cereal from target...super yummy, easy to move and lots of protien and fiber. Plus I'm not hungry for a coupple hours! Sorry if theirs any spelling errors haven't had my coffee yet :)
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    healthy breakfast is hard for me too. My son is allergic to peanuts and sesame seeds which makes things really tough, since those ingredients are most common in healthy bars, breads and cereals. (I refuse to have them in the house.) So breakfast is such a struggle. So that said, some of my breakfast staples are:
    * Yogurt (35 calories)
    * Granola (found a nut/seed free variety, very exciting!)
    I mix those together and it keeps me pretty full along with my coffee with 1% milk of course.

    Other things I might have,
    * fresh fruit
    * mini muffins (homemade)
    * scrambled egg whites
    * turkey bacon
    * multgrain cheerios
    might try a box of Fibre One cereal the next time I go shopping.
  • diazgrisel
    diazgrisel Posts: 3 Member
    Post Shredded wheat vanilla almond is fantastic.. it has Fiber to keep full and it sooo good.
    That is what I eat most of my mornings. its like eating
  • Fiber One has some great cereals. And they leave you feeling full but not in the bad way. And all that fiber keeps me from snacking before lunch. The honey cluster is the best. Just a touch of sweet.
    Multigrain Cherrios in a cup of yogurt is good too. It's like a parfait.
    Bananas with hard boiled eggs are easy and barely need any cooking experience. I'm big on healthy, yummy and easy.
  • I'm on a pretty strict diet since I'm type-2 diabetic and trying to lose weight. I've recently started getting involved with Cross-fit training and the Paleo diet. GREAT combination of exercise and diet! So here's what I've been eating, as recommended by my doctor and nutritionist / trainer:

    - Eggs, no dairy added (whole eggs are fine on occasion or with regular exercise since your body needs some cholesterol). If you want to add a bit of 'pizazz' to it, toss in some salsa, onions, peppers, or some lean meat. I personally like my eggs scrambled with lots of pepper, salsa (or diced peppers), and cottage cheese with some ground beef added.

    - Fresh Fruit. I love to make assorted fruit mixes. Berries are especially good because of the anti-oxidants. Melons are fantastic too, and for me are the perfect breakfast food (taste-wise). It's a great side-dish to go with your eggs, too ;) Also, tomatoes and avocados are GREAT in eggs!

    - Yogurt. Now this is a tricky one because most yogurt is TERRIBLE. It's also kind of a 'cheat' food in a way because of the dairy. But if you have a Kroger or Fred-Meyer near you, pick up the CARBMaster yogurt. It only has 80 calories, it has a good amount of protein, and is low(ish) in sugar. But the sugar is natural and therefor easier for your body to process. For an extra treat, add some fresh fruit to it. The CARBMaster yogurt tastes awesome by itself even. I never add anything to mine.

    - Cottage Cheese. Another "cheat" food because of the dairy and high sodium, but if you get the nonfat it's great to add to your eggs and/or fruit (and even yogurt if you're feeling adventurous!)

    - Lean Meat. Ground beef or turkey (<7% fat) is great to mix in with your eggs. Not traditionally a breakfast item, but it sure is good with a bit of onion and garlic! I like to freeze pre-measured amounts of meat so they're ready to fry up with my eggs. With meat in the morning, I tend to feel more fuller (excuse my grammar, lol). Steak and eggs are an awesome way to start the day too. Just keep it lean. ;)

    - Protein drinks. These can be good for some people, but I tend to become hungry again soon after. The nutrients are quickly absorbed and processed by the body, which is perfect for a post-workout meal. For breakfast though, my personal opinion (which is not based on any medical facts) is that they're good in a pinch, certainly better than skipping, but you're better off with a 'balanced' meal of lean proteins and natural carbs (like those found in fruits and veggies).

    - Fresh Veggies. Try adding some spinach (or kale) to your eggs, or even some asparagus. You just might be surprised! If you chop up the spinach and add it to your eggs just before you pull 'em off the grill, it adds a nice flavor. Same with green onions (or any other onions for that matter). Mushrooms are also terrific in eggs and/or on your breakfast meats.

    When cooking, use olive oil and cook on a low heat!

    For more information about the Paleo diet, go to:
    I actually follow more on - which is based on the Paleo diet, called The Primal Blueprint. Lots of terrific resources and tons of recipes.

    Bon appetit!

    DESIREERIVERS Posts: 9 Member
    sometimes I have 1 egg and 6 tablespoons egg whites with 1 slice of ham chunked. It has enough protein to jump start your morning.
    Cheerios with a banana sliced into it and skim milk is great as well.
    a whole grapefruit with 15 grain pice of toast and peanut butter... mmmmmmm I really want that toast now! lol :)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Before I started actively trying to lose weight and was just eating healthier I would make a smoothie with some skim milk, low fat plain yogurt, whey protein, frozen fruit and some uncooked oatmeal. Pop it all in my little personal blender and take it right out the door. Once I started Power 90 I just went with the whole grain cereal and skim milk option from the meal plan. I've been cycling through the varieties at the store, enjoying the Kashi ones a lot. Most recently however I've started using chocolate Shakeology and mix it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a banana. Delish :)
  • I have egg whites and oatmeal. My favorite though is Multi grain cherrios with skim milk. Kashi is pretty good too and I feel fuller when I have a bowl of Kashi cereal.
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