Insanity May Kill Me !!



  • LukeKatiesMommy
    LukeKatiesMommy Posts: 11 Member
    I logged Insanity under circuit training
  • I just started another round yesterday, i remember the first round i almost died the first few weeks. good luck
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    If you haven't been active at all or doing any kind of exercise, I would say that it could feel like it's killing you. It's moderate to high intensity. I would say do what you can at first until you get the hang of it. If needed, modify the moves. Like instead of jumping, lift your legs up one at a time or something. Any exercise is better than no exercise.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Yeah, I'm going to be very unpopular in this thread, but you may want to rethink the whole Insanity thing. I've done both P90X and Les Mills Combat from BeachBody, but I won't go near Insanity after reading what the American Council on Exercise had to say about it. They did a comparison of P90X, Insanity, and RushFit. I've completed both P90X and RushFit and I have to say that they pretty much nailed the strength and weaknesses of both programs, so I'm pretty sure they aren't far off on Insanity. Essentially, they described Insanity as having been put together without any foundation in exercise science at all, with the only conceivable goal being just to tire people out. They do a great job of making the comparison really easy to read by breaking everything out into tables. I'm not sure if this thing accepts links but you can find the article here .
  • Furtis17- AWESOME! I am in your same boat. I am just starting it up and hoping to shed some weight! I am terrible at sticking to things, and i was hoping that if I blogged about my progress, it might hold me more accountable. Maybe you should do that too? If you would like to check out mine, you can. Hopefully we can all shed this unnecessary weight and learn to be more healthy. In the meantime, might as well get a couple laughs out of the 60 days right?

    I'm actually more scared about the eating part than I am the workout. Eating five tiny meals a day is a lot to commit to, is it not? Pour some kids, a dog and a man into the mix, and you are really facing a struggle. Not certain if my family will enjoy salmon and lettuce often. We Will see! I am happy others are joining me on my adventure!
  • I Love this! LOL! I totally have a feeling I bought death in a box too. I am still waiting for mine to be delivered outside my door today. Cant wait to join you all! Good luck to you!
  • I agree about the food part eating 5 small meals a day but the calories are still quite high I just hope I have worked it out correctly lol
  • crystalrose_tina
    crystalrose_tina Posts: 39 Member
    I completed the insanity program about 8 months ago and had very nice results. I lost 8lbs and 6-7 inches off my waist! My advice would be to always always always use good form when performing the exercises. Insanity was very hard on my knees and at some point my knees were hurting on a daily basis when I wasn't even exercising.

    Also its perfectly okay to take more breaks than the video allows you to. As long as you keep trying your hardest, you will eventually build up more endurance and be able to keep up a lot more. Good luck to all of you doing this!!
  • joclubbercise
    joclubbercise Posts: 8 Member
    Hi is anyone starting Insanity this new year? I just got my set delivered along with a fitbit so I can track my calorie burn, I'm nervous but excited. Add me as a friend if you are doing/starting it too!
  • freckles2002
    freckles2002 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi All, I am on my first week of insanity after just completing t25. I lost 7pounds doing that and am hoping to lose another 7 doing insanity. loving it so far, but finding it much harder than T25
  • alhumphreys
    alhumphreys Posts: 53 Member
    This is great ! I love how many people are doing Insanity !! I just finished the first week !! Today is my day off and my body is ready for it !! I found the hardest day of Insanity is the last one in the week .... When I was done I laid on the floor for like 20 minutes ... haha but it feels great !! Like someone had said above I love/hate it !! I am already noticing slight changes in my body if this is possible. Not to mention my confidence !!! If you are looking for support during this add me !!! I'm sticking it out til the end !!
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Keep at it! I absolutely love Insanity. It is by far the best workout I've ever done, and because of that, I still keep at least parts of it in my varied exercise routine! It's increased my endurance and cardiovascular fitness & energy level tremendously. It improved my running. I'm 56 yrs old, and can keep up with my 27 yr old son, who is a martial artist & physical trainer, and is very fit. So, keep doing what you're doing, and I know you'll feel stronger & more fit every day!
  • Furtis17- AWESOME! I am in your same boat. I am just starting it up and hoping to shed some weight! I am terrible at sticking to things, and i was hoping that if I blogged about my progress, it might hold me more accountable. Maybe you should do that too? If you would like to check out mine, you can. Hopefully we can all shed this unnecessary weight and learn to be more healthy. In the meantime, might as well get a couple laughs out of the 60 days right?

    I'm actually more scared about the eating part than I am the workout. Eating five tiny meals a day is a lot to commit to, is it not? Pour some kids, a dog and a man into the mix, and you are really facing a struggle. Not certain if my family will enjoy salmon and lettuce often. We Will see! I am happy others are joining me on my adventure!
    I don't have a blog, but I joined an Insanity group on this site and I'm hoping that being accountable there will be enough :). The eating part is hard for me too. I'm very much an all or nothing kind of person, I'm hoping I can find some balance and eat the right number of calories.

    We can do this! :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone, I've just seen an advert for Slimmer in 6 which to me looks very interesting as its purely about losing weight and toning up without bulking up, which I know Insanity can do. I'm starting to question whether I've chosen the right workout.

    What do you guys think?
  • angiedeborja
    angiedeborja Posts: 10 Member
    Based on the calculator I use from Team Beachbody's website, and setting it at occasionally active prior to Insanity, it says your calorie target should be 1613, and to maintain your weight it would be 2613. This the link that I use. I hope that helps!
  • angiedeborja
    angiedeborja Posts: 10 Member
    Mascol as long as you do your best, and do not hesitate to do a lower impact or slower version of what they do until your fitness increases, you should be fine. Slim in 6 is a great program too, but I don't think you will bulk up with Insanity. It is very difficult for women to bulk up in general unless your nutrition is high in fat/calories. Generally we have less of the hormones that are needed for muscle bulking like men have. I went all out with Insanity the 60 days and did not bulk up.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Bl1ndF1sh -- I read that article a while back. I agree that Insanity is not the best put-together program ever, but I enjoy the workouts, I am physically challenged each time I do it, my strength and endurance improve more than I would have ever imagined, and I really like Shaun T. (Even though he frequently names the wrong muscle groups or fails to correct poor form in the video participants.) If you have a little know-how about body positioning going into the program, it's easy to ensure you have proper form for all the moves. I agree 100% with the fit-test evaluation in the article, however, so I just don't do them. I feel the excess strain on my body is not worth it when I already see the fitness improvements in my workout performance (and in the mirror!).

    Mascoll27 -- as Angie mentioned, "bulking up" is not something that women have to worry about, despite what pop culture may have you believe. More and more women are starting to do compound exercises and/or lifting heavy and realizing that the "you will look like a man" mantra is complete BS. You'd have to be at an insanely low BF% and be trying really hard in order for that to even be a fraction of a concern. As when you start any new exercise routine, your muscles may initially retain excess water, so you may gain a few pounds or feel a bit more bloated than usual -- as long as you are exercising and eating right, it'll be followed by a "Whoosh!" where everything rights itself overnight with a possible jump of several pounds on the scale.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    AND .... what do you record Insanity under for exercise ??

    Custom exercise entries for Insanity.

    That said, it won't kill you, I think, but it might make you feel that way. I'm doing it too, so I know the feeling.