Shakeology - Does it work?

Having been told about shakeology by another user on here I've since done some research. It seems to me that simply eating healthily sized portions for whatever meal you decide to replace with a shake would be just as beneficial to your weightloss attempt?

I understand that Shakeology has a significant amount of vitamins in but frankly if I'm going to be spending about £4 per day on one meal when I could probably cover my whole daily intake for around that at the moment then I really need to get some more info' from people that have actually used it (I'm a student so I don't exactly have money to waste and this would be a pretty significant decision for me).

basically I'm looking for the stories of people that have used Shakeology and how it worked (or didn't work) for them! Thanks :happy:

Note - Please no more Shakeology coaches trying to recruit me. I've learned that lesson the hard way over the past 24 hours!


  • Yes it works. I mean it work the same way any supplements you would take do. It is a Complex carbs/ protein shake filled with minerals and vitamins BUT it will not make you lose weight alone.

    Like any other supplements out there, it is there to help you get the nutrients and vitamins you need daily but alone it wont do much to help you.

    To lose weight, you need to run a calorie deficit, have a good workout program that you will follow and eat healthy. Any supplements are there to help you get your daily requirements of protein/ healthy carbs and vitamins.

    Simply put, Shakeology is a healthy shake that should be use to supplement your nutrition so you get enough vitamins/proteins/etc... to maximize your results.

    There is not magic formula that will make you lose weight if you don't put effort into it by working out and have a good nutrition plan.
  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
    Or you could do it the normal way. Adjust the number calories you take in, exercise, and take much cheaper over the counter vitamins. Your choice.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    Or you could do it the normal way. Adjust the number calories you take in, exercise, and take much cheaper over the counter vitamins. Your choice.

    Yeah that's the part I really couldn't work out about it. It just seemed to be a pretty expensive protein shake with a lil more vitamins than normal. I'll be sticking with the normal methods. :laugh:
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    It works because it is 130 calories (and rest of macros), to not include if you use milk instead of water, of a meal replacement. You could replace your regular meal with a protein yogurt instead of Shakeology or a protein shake used from protein bought at GNC and still get same results, IMHO. I would rather have the food that I buy for less the cost. I know it works for some people and I have tried it. I did not care for the taste or the fact that I had to add so much extras to it to even get it to be drinkable. For me, REAL food is better.
  • I dont agree shakeology is very good tasting you jjust need to find the kind you like everyone is different. I have drank it a few times and I loved it and was less hungry. I will be investing in alot soon I have lost alomost thirty pound and still have 90 to go and I know it will help me through it. I also do insanity and will be doing t25 and p90x soon.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'd prefer to spend my money on other things.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Having been told about shakeology by another user on here I've since done some research. It seems to me that simply eating healthily sized portions for whatever meal you decide to replace with a shake would be just as beneficial to your weightloss attempt?

    Very smart observation. I think you already have your answer to what is best for you.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    According to the Beachbody coaches.... Yes.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Will drain your bank account. What more could you possibly ask for.

    Being a student .. I would look elsewhere.
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    Look, I get what people are saying, it's expensive BUT to make a meal with the same macros I would struggle for the cost of one serving. Maybe it's just where I live but fresh foods are not cheap. Meat and other protein sources are not cheap. Plus I like the conveinience of being able to chuck it in the blender and skull it on my way out of the house... something I can't do when I need to prepare a healthy meal.

    I am a fan. I am not a coach. I have nothing to gain from sharing my opinion! I am sure if a beachbody coach is stalking you you could at least get a free sample or two out of him/her? :wink:

    My advice would be try it, if you like it - great! If not, you haven't done yourself any harm!
  • NorCal311
    NorCal311 Posts: 44 Member
    I have done meal replacement shakes and it works. It is quick and simple. Yes it is expensive, but if you are wanting quick and easy program to drop weight fast I recommend it. I did Medifast and was very happy with what it did for me.

  • freekat
    freekat Posts: 71 Member
    I don't know or care what Shakeology is but I still know the answer. It will work if it involves a calorie deficit and is sustainable over the long term as a lifestyle change. Simple!
  • Yes shakeology works... It has helped me curb my cravings for chocolate and sweets and i have also noticed it has help curb my appetite as well... I am not a coach and can honestly say i don't think i ever will be... But I have lost weight since drinking shakeology and the of course new healthy meal plan and work outs...I also have more energy as well as I feel more alert. I have checked on ebay and even once found a bag for $60 which compared to the normal $130 is awesome... but again if you do the calculations I know in general I spend more on other meals then my shakeology... ex: tonight i will be making tilapia and veggies.... and the veggies alone are about $4 minimum… Plus as the cooker in my house I love not having to Prep or Cook ANYTHING … just my opinion
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Yes shakeology works... It has helped me curb my cravings for chocolate and sweets and i have also noticed it has help curb my appetite as well... I am not a coach and can honestly say i don't think i ever will be... But I have lost weight since drinking shakeology and the of course new healthy meal plan and work outs...I also have more energy as well as I feel more alert. I have checked on ebay and even once found a bag for $60 which compared to the normal $130 is awesome... but again if you do the calculations I know in general I spend more on other meals then my shakeology... ex: tonight i will be making tilapia and veggies.... and the veggies alone are about $4 minimum… Plus as the cooker in my house I love not having to Prep or Cook ANYTHING … just my opinion

    Strong bump and first post

    1 serving of veggies are $4 or for your whole family?
  • dluckylucas
    dluckylucas Posts: 23 Member
    I have used both Herbalife and Shakeology, honestly I think Herbalife tastes better and is less expensive. I am not a coach or invested in either of the companies. I love smoothies and shakes, so for me I look forward to having one a day, even if I just create my own. I am a mom on the go, and it is just easier for me to feed the kids and whip up a quick smoothie for myself while they eat and then clean up while drinking my smoothie. I also feel it is just a "no-brainer" in terms of being a tool that you do not have to figure out all the calories and risk over eating with..... It is just easy! I like it, but looking back to my college days, I could' t have afforded it. Currently, I mix it up, I drink a Shakeology shake in the morning and an Herbalife shake in the afternoon. I add frozen blueberries or banana in the morning to the shake and in the afternoon I try to stick with just ice. Herbalife has a lot more flavors to choose from. Shakeology..... I'd stick with the chocolate! Shakeology has trial packets (try 4 shakes for $20).
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have used both Herbalife and Shakeology, honestly I think Herbalife tastes better and is less expensive. I am not a coach or invested in either of the companies. I love smoothies and shakes, so for me I look forward to having one a day, even if I just create my own. I am a mom on the go, and it is just easier for me to feed the kids and whip up a quick smoothie for myself while they eat and then clean up while drinking my smoothie. I also feel it is just a "no-brainer" in terms of being a tool that you do not have to figure out all the calories and risk over eating with..... It is just easy! I like it, but looking back to my college days, I could' t have afforded it. Currently, I mix it up, I drink a Shakeology shake in the morning and an Herbalife shake in the afternoon. I add frozen blueberries or banana in the morning to the shake and in the afternoon I try to stick with just ice. Herbalife has a lot more flavors to choose from. Shakeology..... I'd stick with the chocolate! Shakeology has trial packets (try 4 shakes for $20).

    It's a "no brainer"?
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    I have tried shakeology and it did not work for me. It made me very hungry. I'd did not curb my appetite. I guess it's just different for everyone. I will just stick to my kale blueberry n pineapple smoothie. I honestly would prefer it thus way. I have a dairy allergy so I need to be aware of what I am eating or drinking.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    I used shakeology as a meal replacement for months and lost 90 pounds. I purchased off of ebay to save money and never went through website. Its a meal replacement btw, its not a magic bullet. I did find that it helped control sweet cravings upfront and early in my weight loss process. But its not something I felt I needed to continue with.
  • dluckylucas
    dluckylucas Posts: 23 Member
    @RGv2- I just mean I don't have to think about what to eat and fix a meal for myself, it is easy add water, add ice... blend = 250 calories Im a mom and usually I am picking up all the toddlers food off the floor and trying to get out the door to pick up my oldest from school. I mean no brainer = EASY for me! :) Hope that clarifies.