This will be my year! What about you?

About 20 years ago my sports instructors told me I had the perfect body for body building. Not only am I blessed with fast growing muscles, I also got the body of a Neanderthal, shorter, but quite massive. What has become of it all? In the end I gained and was well over 100 kilos and my therapists told me I should start with just walking 5 minutes a day, slowly building up. What have I done to myself?

I am so fed up with all the excuses I hear everywhere, especially my own. No longer I will hang around like a couch potato! I have done some pre work last year and now it's time to seriously go for it!

20 years ago this lady, Sharon Bruneau was my great example. How far I can come I don't know, but there is nothing which will stop me from seriously trying! Did I say trying? I mean doing!



So who are/were your great examples and what are your goals for this year?


  • lambchoplewis
    I have the same body type as u. I gain muscle fast and get good tone. I have list and looked great as without the fat layer, the muscles show through. I have put back on 10 lbs and the muscles don't show and I feel fat. For me, 10 lbs is almost 10% of my body weight so that is a lot! I am on day 3 of my goal to get toned and get off the last 10 (again)!!!

    We can do this in 2014
  • marhia7
    marhia7 Posts: 11 Member
    I am with you! No more excuses! I am going to be my best this year. I am going to be healthy, and I am going to be strong. I am going to be in the best shape of my life before I am 40! I want to feel good and have tons of energy to keep up with my little ones. I am going to be the best me I can be. I can do anything I put my mind to, and it know I can be a sexy beast! Ha! ;-)
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Luckily the weight has been dropping again, I'm half way. Never again I want to see those 3 digits I tell you! Unfortunately living in the Arctics there is no gym here, so I can't go there. I make my gym at home and can't wait to get my new workout gear :smile: