i need to lose 15# in 14 days..HELP



  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    im willing to try whatever it takes for exercise, my biggest hurdle is what to eat and what caloric intake to maintain
    I think massive amounts of exercise - like up to 4-5 hours a day. It works for the biggest losers LOL
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Let's put this into perspective. In order to lose that much weight you would need a Daily calorie deficit of 3500 Calories. So let's say you eat 1200 calories a day, and that's a 500 calorie a day deficit you would need to burn 3000 more calories to lose 1 actual pound a day. Not likely to happen as well as not real healthy.

    So let's say you do this and get the weigh in you want and underwriting happens. I don't think they will pay the face amount of the policy if you should die during the underwriting. Now, that being said. The best way & safeest way is to follow these rules.

    1. Cut out all White sugars, Flour, breads and cereals.
    2. Cut out ALL processed foods, Soda's DIet and non Diet.
    3. Eat 4-6 smaller meals a day and stay within your Caloric limit.
    4. Drink at least 1/2 of your body weight in water. (this is an under used fat buring method. Water has zero calories yet your body still havs to process it and burns calories while it does.)
    5. Eat at least 5 grams of fiber at each meal.
    6. Workout in the AM right after you get up and on an empty stomach. (eat your 1st meal within 1 hr of your workout completion)
    7. Your Cardio workouts should be HIIT Style. (google it)
    8. Do not eat 3 hrs before bed.
    9 Eat 3 serving of fruit a day but never eat fruit 8 hrs before bed.
    10. Eat 1/4 cup of Almonds or Walnuts every other day but never 6 hrs before bed.

    That should cover it. Good luck and let us know how you did.
  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    ill try whatever it takes...thanks for the tips!!
    And this won't 'weird out your metabolism' either....... :)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Give me age, height and weight and I'll figure out your caloric intake.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Not a healthy way to lose but you could try a Cleanse or the Cabbage Soup Diet (no more than two weeks). Just google it.
  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    THATS PERFECT!!! ILL FOLLOW IT TO A TEE!!!! as for the underwriting i have the life ins in tact im doing an increase in coverage.

    you are recommending that i eat all 1200 cals or can i go under?? i can easily live on 800 but i know long term it will shut down my metabolism.
    Let's put this into perspective. In order to lose that much weight you would need a Daily calorie deficit of 3500 Calories. So let's say you eat 1200 calories a day, and that's a 500 calorie a day deficit you would need to burn 3000 more calories to lose 1 actual pound a day. Not likely to happen as well as not real healthy.

    So let's say you do this and get the weigh in you want and underwriting happens. I don't think they will pay the face amount of the policy if you should die during the underwriting. Now, that being said. The best way & safeest way is to follow these rules.

    1. Cut out all White sugars, Flour, breads and cereals.
    2. Cut out ALL processed foods, Soda's DIet and non Diet.
    3. Eat 4-6 smaller meals a day and stay within your Caloric limit.
    4. Drink at least 1/2 of your body weight in water. (this is an under used fat buring method. Water has zero calories yet your body still havs to process it and burns calories while it does.)
    5. Eat at least 5 grams of fiber at each meal.
    6. Workout in the AM right after you get up and on an empty stomach. (eat your 1st meal within 1 hr of your workout completion)
    7. Your Cardio workouts should be HIIT Style. (google it)
    8. Do not eat 3 hrs before bed.
    9 Eat 3 serving of fruit a day but never eat fruit 8 hrs before bed.
    10. Eat 1/4 cup of Almonds or Walnuts every other day but never 6 hrs before bed.

    That should cover it. Good luck and let us know how you did.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Under 1200 is not a good idea because you won't get the nutrients you need.

    give me age height and weight and I'll figure out your calories for you.
  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    im 27 5'5' and 277

    Give me age, height and weight and I'll figure out your caloric intake.
  • kmstars
    kmstars Posts: 17 Member
    I have read these posts and although I have not tried them all I do know one diet that works very fast. The NO-CARB diet.

    You can loose the weight that you are talking about in the amount of time you said. I wouldn't recommend doing this diet all the time, because it gets really hard to follow and you eventually feel very drained and have no energy.

    Here is a link:

    Here is the trick: You MUST keep your Carbs to 20 grams per day or less! If you do go over, it is NOT going to work. Believe me I have tried! Even to 25 grams, I stopped loosing the weight,. This diet consists of LOTS of meat, eggs and cheese and no bread or anything of that sort. Read the article in the link, it lays the whole diet all out.
    I have lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks before on this diet. It WILL work. The downside.. once you go back to eating carbs, the weight will come back. Good luck! And keep us all posted on how it turns out.
  • vcatmb44
    vcatmb44 Posts: 129 Member
    this isnt healthy at all but u said u need to do it for health insurance. Do a body detox to rid u of waste ponds and a few days befor just fast like the wrestlers do before a weigh in thats what my brother has to do and it works for him
  • babygtbck14
    babygtbck14 Posts: 16 Member
    The atkins diet is your answer. I have already lost 17 lbs in two weeks doing it. I tweak mine a little because Atkins really wants you to eat high fat. I just stuck to eating lean proteins and low carb veggies. EAT NO BREAD OR REFINED FOOD. If God din't make it..don't eat it. Atkins has a website with their menu .Drink lots of water and stay away from caffeine. Trust me it works. Good luck
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I have read these posts and although I have not tried them all I do know one diet that works very fast. The NO-CARB diet.

    You can loose the weight that you are talking about in the amount of time you said. I wouldn't recommend doing this diet all the time, because it gets really hard to follow and you eventually feel very drained and have no energy.

    Here is a link:

    Here is the trick: You MUST keep your Carbs to 20 grams per day or less! If you do go over, it is NOT going to work. Believe me I have tried! Even to 25 grams, I stopped loosing the weight,. This diet consists of LOTS of meat, eggs and cheese and no bread or anything of that sort. Read the article in the link, it lays the whole diet all out.
    I have lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks before on this diet. It WILL work. The downside.. once you go back to eating carbs, the weight will come back. Good luck! And keep us all posted on how it turns out.

    The problem with her doing this is going to be a lack of energy. She is going to have to do a lot of cardio for the 2 weeks. I've done the a Low Carb Diet before and it helped get me over a plateau but with what she is going to endure for the next 2 weeks this would be bad for her.
  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you for the tips!!
    The atkins diet is your answer. I have already lost 17 lbs in two weeks doing it. I tweak mine a little because Atkins really wants you to eat high fat. I just stuck to eating lean proteins and low carb veggies. EAT NO BREAD OR REFINED FOOD. If God din't make it..don't eat it. Atkins has a website with their menu .Drink lots of water and stay away from caffeine. Trust me it works. Good luck
  • kmstars
    kmstars Posts: 17 Member
    I am with you. Atkins is the NO-CARB Diet. It DOES work, expecially in a small period of time!!
  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    I have read these posts and although I have not tried them all I do know one diet that works very fast. The NO-CARB diet.

    You can loose the weight that you are talking about in the amount of time you said. I wouldn't recommend doing this diet all the time, because it gets really hard to follow and you eventually feel very drained and have no energy.

    Here is a link:

    Here is the trick: You MUST keep your Carbs to 20 grams per day or less! If you do go over, it is NOT going to work. Believe me I have tried! Even to 25 grams, I stopped loosing the weight,. This diet consists of LOTS of meat, eggs and cheese and no bread or anything of that sort. Read the article in the link, it lays the whole diet all out.
    I have lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks before on this diet. It WILL work. The downside.. once you go back to eating carbs, the weight will come back. Good luck! And keep us all posted on how it turns out.

    The problem with her doing this is going to be a lack of energy. She is going to have to do a lot of cardio for the 2 weeks. I've done the a Low Carb Diet before and it helped get me over a plateau but with what she is going to endure for the next 2 weeks this would be bad for her.

    im gonna need all the energy i can muster!!!
  • kmstars
    kmstars Posts: 17 Member
    With the NO-CARB diet you don't do cardio. I never did and it always worked for me.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Ok so i know its very unhealthy to have that much come off that fast but i need it to!! i have a medical weigh in that can effect whether i get life insurance or not, so its very very important!!

    ANY ONE HAVE ANY IDEAS?!!?!?!?! I know i can cut calories down to 1200 but not less, lots of water, cut back on salt intake...and EXERCISE and EXERCISE some more....any other tips or trick would be appreciated!!!

    You could cut your head off.

    You could do something like the cabbage soup diet which mostly dumps your water weight. I don't recommend this for real results, you will gain the weight back in the next couple of weeks and you will weird out your metabolism.

    You know, this post reminds me of High School. My brothers were on the wrestling team and a couple of days before a big meet, they would be sweating it out in garbage bags and spitting in a cup to get rid of water. I guess if you are desperate, you could ask a high school wrestler the latest techniques and tricks for making weight.

  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    im 27 5'5' and 277

    Give me age, height and weight and I'll figure out your caloric intake.

    Ok, your BMR is 2024 Calories. This is how many calories your body burns in a 24 hr period is you just laid still and did nothing.
    Add 20%a to that for walking, talking, blinking and so on your maintenance calories is rounded to 2400. If you do the 1200 calories we talked about you will be eating at a 1200 calories a day deficit or 2.4 lbs per week. This also put you on the brink of starvation mode so we have to be careful not to go below that. Now if you do cardio and burn the rest you would have to do 2300 calories a day burned from exercise. This will be hard. If you go this route, I would suggest bumping your calories to 1500 to keep lots of energy for the workout. You will need carbs to maintain this for 2 weeks. I would suggest a 40 carbs\30 Protein\30 fats ratio. You can set that up in myfitness pal.
    Look, low carb is good but not for this. The science is this...3500 calories is 1 pound. Low carbs diets are better for that stubborn fat. When you take carbs away from the body the body has no choice then to use stored fats (and some muscle), as energy. It can take you anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to switch over to fat burning mode. In that time your energy will be low as will be your desire to exercise. Not what you need at this point.
    Again, I will say that this is not the best way to do this. I understand what you are trying to do but I just want to add that in AGAIN. Your best solution is a steady diet / exercise program with a 1-2 pound per week weight loss so you can keep it off. I lost my 70-80 lbs over a six month period and have kept if off over a year now. I am bulking up and building muscle so my metabolism increases. That's the key to keeping it off. Muscle is your metabolism and muscle burns fat but we can get more into that after your 2 weeks.
    Friend me if you'd like more help.
  • BridgettePlemmons
    BridgettePlemmons Posts: 52 Member
    im 27 5'5' and 277

    Give me age, height and weight and I'll figure out your caloric intake.

    Ok, your BMR is 2024 Calories. This is how many calories your body burns in a 24 hr period is you just laid still and did nothing.
    Add 20%a to that for walking, talking, blinking and so on your maintenance calories is rounded to 2400. If you do the 1200 calories we talked about you will be eating at a 1200 calories a day deficit or 2.4 lbs per week. This also put you on the brink of starvation mode so we have to be careful not to go below that. Now if you do cardio and burn the rest you would have to do 2300 calories a day burned from exercise. This will be hard. If you go this route, I would suggest bumping your calories to 1500 to keep lots of energy for the workout. You will need carbs to maintain this for 2 weeks. I would suggest a 40 carbs\30 Protein\30 fats ratio. You can set that up in myfitness pal.
    Look, low carb is good but not for this. The science is this...3500 calories is 1 pound. Low carbs diets are better for that stubborn fat. When you take carbs away from the body the body has no choice then to use stored fats (and some muscle), as energy. It can take you anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to switch over to fat burning mode. In that time your energy will be low as will be your desire to exercise. Not what you need at this point.
    Again, I will say that this is not the best way to do this. I understand what you are trying to do but I just want to add that in AGAIN. Your best solution is a steady diet / exercise program with a 1-2 pound per week weight loss so you can keep it off. I lost my 70-80 lbs over a six month period and have kept if off over a year now. I am bulking up and building muscle so my metabolism increases. That's the key to keeping it off. Muscle is your metabolism and muscle burns fat but we can get more into that after your 2 weeks.
    Friend me if you'd like more help.

    Thats perfect, and i do understand the science behind it. I have a body bugg so that is a huge help for my deficit. Ill put that formula into MFP doing the 40/c 30protiens /30 fat. i know atkins can work but i agree it takes time to get your body switched over and i agree i need all the engergy i can. I also agree steady weight loss is the best, its the only way to make a lasting change...thank you so much for your help!!!!! Its greatly appreciated!!
  • HLP_Lay82
    HLP_Lay82 Posts: 1 Member
    Looks like lots of great advice! Good luck to you!
    I couldn't do it, but I've hit another plateau on my 1 pound/week loss goal.

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