It's a new year!

What are your goals for the new year?
Feel free to add, so we can continue to help support these goals!


  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    What are your goals for the new year?
    Feel free to add, so we can continue to help support these goals!

    Hi! Welcome to MFP. My goals are to have fun and enjoy myself while continuing to maintain, and maybe lose a few more pounds.

    I do want to do a few other things, like run in a Spartan, and a few 5ks. My problem is I am too cheap to fork over $40 for a t-shirt and a chance to run a few miles.
  • 69Courtnay69
    To start to eat right and do some sort of exercise everyday! To drink more water and just feel better about myself. It's my year to shine! :)
  • ashelymichealab
    My Goals-
    -spend more time with mom
    -listen to new music
    -do yoga daily
    -do all homework
    -go full vegan
    -brush teeth 2x daily
    -stop wearing makeup
    -lose 65 lbs
    -keep dreads no matter who doesn't like em
    -audition for solo in choir
    -cup of tea a day
    -hangout with friends more
    -read every book I own
    -change up outfits
    -live another year