women-six pack abs after kids



  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    False. The world would have every woman believe that pregnancy destroys the body. There are women who maybe this did happen to, but it is usually the ones who gained 100 pounds during the pregnancy. I gained only 30 pounds during both pregnancies. I do not currently have a six pack, but believe me, I will post a pic when I do get to that point. I think a positive mind set will win always. Don't think you can't because then you wont. And always ask yourself when you want to throw in the towel, "Is it too hard? Or not easy enough?"
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Hello everyone!! I also need help in trying to get a six pack or at least get a FLAT stomach! I have had 4 kids all c-sections..the youngest will actually be 1 years old on May 24th. Does anyone have any tips out there to help me reach this goal?? Thank you!

    First you must burn some fat, also do the right work. Planks are good if you are not able to do crunches yet. I found my strength was less in my abdomen after my pregnancies, and the plank really helped me regain some of that. I do a 30 minute ab routine three days a week, but I am considering making it 30 minutes 5 days a week. I can't find any solid info on whether or not it is okay to do it 5 days a week, so I am holding off on that one until I feel satisfied with a solid answer.
  • CrystalChelle
    I've had 3 little ones (they are 13 months, 3 and 5) and I'm in better shape than I was before children! Two of mine were c-sections... so it wasn't easy, but I finally found something that truly works! I would love to share my experiences and let some of my fellow mom's out there in on what has worked wonders for me! Feel free to message or email me if you're interested in learning more. crystal.laiti@yahoo.com :) So to answer your question... YES, it is possible! You just have to be committed and accountable for your workouts each day. So if you're just that type of person who always starts workouts and never follows through and sticks with it until you see the results that you're looking for... well, that's where I come in! ;)
  • applenooker
    applenooker Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for sharing this. I was actually contemplating having a tummy tuck as I've had this pooch for 15 years. But if it can be done, well, I'm going for it. I'll let you know how it is next December. LOL