scared of trying, but end up failing. :( pic included

So since its my second day using this app, I got great tips and am very thankful for those who took the time to help me out. Now, here is the thing. I am very happy with my body and what i have lost so far, but i sill have a big belly. I am scared that i will do my best but not succeed and all my hardwork will be for nothing. Am i normal for thinking this way? do you think its possible to get a flatter belly with the one i have now?


  • believer1988
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    Of course it's possible. You just need to continue eating less than you burn. I would also suggest exercising.
  • jweindruch
    jweindruch Posts: 65 Member
    Stay positive! I think you could really benefit from creating a collage of images that reflect the body you want. Look at it every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed. As you're looking at this repeat the mantra: "I am in the best shape of my life!"
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    I'm pretty sure almost everyone has worried about failure at least once or twice --- whether it's in regard to weight loss or another aspect of their life. But you just need to remind yourself that it's better to try than to not try at all. You'll never get the results you want without putting in the work.

    I would suggest that you make a plan and ask for feedback on that plan. People are more able to help you achieve your goals when they know what you're doing. Are you doing cardio or strength training? Counting calories? Eating clean, dirty, etc? Details like this can help people help you.
  • missnewme88
    i honestly lost 25 pounds just from deficit, no exercise. I am 5'0 and am now 122. I am confused because on so many videos i see on youtube, ppl suggest cardio to shed the belly fat. everyone here suggest lifting.i dont understand
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have a feeling you have a few accounts here (but my apologies if not). The answers you have gotten will remain the same, really. Some folks say cardio and others say lifting and some say both. Losing more weight will help, too, which lots of folks say doesn't even require exercise.

    Just keep doing some combination and try not to obsess over it. Or obsess while exercising at least ;)
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    i honestly lost 25 pounds just from deficit, no exercise. I am 5'0 and am now 122. I am confused because on so many videos i see on youtube, ppl suggest cardio to shed the belly fat. everyone here suggest lifting.i dont understand

    Cardio increases the deficit to lose weight (fat and muscle)

    Lifting helps your body composition improve (lower body fat and helps you preserve your muscle)

    You don't have to do cardio to lose weight.
    You should do some sort of progressive strength training so you keep as much muscle and lose as much fat while you're dieting down.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I have a feeling you have a few accounts here (but my apologies if not).

    I actually thought this same thing.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    Lifting will help you build muscle and lower your body fat percentage. If you're 5' and 122 lbs, you already at a healthy weight for your height (according to BMI) but it looks like your body fat percentage is very high. That can also be reduced by cardio, but if you lift weights, you can help retain your lean muscle while shedding fat.

    I would suggest both cardio and strength training, but I'm no expert.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    i honestly lost 25 pounds just from deficit, no exercise. I am 5'0 and am now 122. I am confused because on so many videos i see on youtube, ppl suggest cardio to shed the belly fat. everyone here suggest lifting.i dont understand

    There is no way to shed fat from a specific area. It comes off where it comes off. Lifting will help you keep your muscles if you continue to eat in a deficit. Otherwise you might lose muscle mass...
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Went to reply.......OP deactivated ???? Weird!!!!!
  • lilredgal33
    you need to talk to a fitness expert or weight loss doctor. Is there a YMCA near you? Maybe you could talk to the health nurse and get some tips. where i live if you get a medical referral they will give you a major discount for an 8 week personal training session and free reign of the gym for that 8 weeks which means you can do the programs like zumba and cardio strength ect they can tell you how to burn belly fat