Trying to kick night time snacking

I’m trying to think of ways to keep myself occupied while I try to overcome my evening snacking habit. I can do well all day but at the end of the day when it’s time to relax I start wanting to eat everything. I’m not sure if I do it out of boredom or just to help myself relax but I need to kick the habit. I considered doing some crafts of taking a relaxing bath. Anyone have any ideas?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Save calories for night time snacking. I eat up till 11:30pm every night.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I`ve read somewhere that when we are hungry after supper it`s because the breakfast was too light.... I struggle with night cravings/eating too, it sucks!
  • kjm_723
    kjm_723 Posts: 66 Member
    Last year I took up crocheting for exactly that reason. So I'd have something to do instead of eating while I watched tv. I've made 3 baby blankets, a child's sweater, a shawl, 2 scarves and 2 headbands. Oh and I've lost 70 lbs and discovered I'm not really hungry at night!
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Night snacking is my achilles heel but once I finish logging for the day, that's it for me, I keep to my word and stop eating, instead I drink water to trick my body into being full.

    If you have to snack, like the 2nd poster said, leave some calories on the table, snack on healthy stuff though if you can.

    I love pretzels but the sodium is killer and I love crunchy foods so I keep carrots and celery around, just in case the water cannot cut it.
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member
    I have such a hard time with this too! Naturally decaf tea really helps. I love the idea of finding something to do with my hands. I'll try knitting.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I`ve read somewhere that when we are hungry after supper it`s because the breakfast was too light.... I struggle with night cravings/eating too, it sucks!
    I'd love to see that article. I skip "breakfast" daily (first meal is after 12:00pm).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    Save calories for night time snacking. I eat up till 11:30pm every night.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This. I make it a point to save enough calories to have something every night. It gives me something to look forward to. You just have to have the discipline to know when to stop. Eat it, log it, be done.
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    Try a nice herbal tea when you get a craving for something. I'm a big fan of the Traditional Medicinals Chamomile & Lavender, and Easy Now. As a bonus, they're legitimately relaxing so sleep comes a bit more easily.

    A couple of stalks of celery makes an almost calorie-free snack. Especially nice with a little freshly ground black pepper.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
  • Rhester85
    Rhester85 Posts: 9 Member
    I've thought about that. Thanks!
  • ilgirl733
    ilgirl733 Posts: 30 Member
    this is my biggest problem. I have read other recommendations and the one that makes sense the most for me is sugar free gum in yummy dessert flavors, you still get the chewing and the sweetness without the calories.
  • Rhester85
    Rhester85 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks. I've always wanted to learn how to do that but I never got past one row. :wink: :wink:
  • I may be able to help you out on this one :)

    Option #1 - Save up your calories throughout the day so you have enough room for your nighttime snacks! I do this all the time (I'm in maintenance btw) and it hasn't caused any problems for me.

    Disregard the posters that are saying you HAVE to eat breakfast. This is NOT true for EVERY person out there. There are some people that benefit from having it and feel less hungry/inclined to eat more later in the day... but there are also people (like myself) that feel sick when they eat alot in the morning. And there's also some people that get MORE hungry when they eat breakfast than if they were to skip it and have their cals later on.

    Find what works the best for you & if it's at all possible, try to save a decent amount for the evening. I usually try to save about 500 for the evenings, but that's just me :D

    Option #2 - If you can't save up a huge amount of calories in the day, find some lower calorie, filling snack foods to munch on.

    For instance, you could have a big bowl of veggies with hummus or ranch dip. Or you could air pop a big bowl of popcorn. Or you could have some grapes. Or you could opt for some greek yogurt with berries mixed in or with peanut butter mixed in or even some chocolate chips (the possibilities are endless!) And I also love frozen blueberries as a nighttime snack too, they taste like candy :smile:

    Option #3 - Stop the snacking by distracting yourself with other things.
    You could...
    -chew some gum
    -take up something that involves your hands (ex. knitting or drawing)
    -find some cool apps to download
    -eorganize your house or clean up if at all possible
    -paint your fingernails
    -get a Pintrest account/go on Pintrest (seriously, the time goes by soooo fast on there)
    -get a Tumblr account/go on Tumblr (also a notorious time waster)
    -play an aggressive Xbox game that requires full concentration/both hands to play
    -sip some herbal tea
    -if diet pop isn't an issue for you, you could try having that. It works with me & helps satisfy cravings for sweets.

    Hope this helps! :drinker:
  • ktdiddy
    ktdiddy Posts: 43 Member
    I try and save at least 68cals which equals one slice of my peanut butter banana fudge. That usually keeps me on track. Or I make up a batch of Weightwatchers jelly and have some of that.
    The fudge is so easy to make:
    3 tbsp unsalted peanut butter
    1 banana
    3 tbsp coconut oil (extra virgin)
    2 tbsp maple syrup (or honey)

    Mix together, chuck in a container or ice cube tray and sprinkle whatever you like over the top - I used ground LSA to make them super healthy but you could use choc chips or 100s and 1000s.
    Freeze for at least two hours and then eat!

    I keep mine in the freezer and a batch makes 12 serves. They are really tasty and quite satisfying.
  • Rhester85
    Rhester85 Posts: 9 Member
    I may be able to help you out on this one :)

    Option #1 - Save up your calories throughout the day so you have enough room for your nighttime snacks! I do this all the time (I'm in maintenance btw) and it hasn't caused any problems for me.

    Disregard the posters that are saying you HAVE to eat breakfast. This is NOT true for EVERY person out there. There are some people that benefit from having it and feel less hungry/inclined to eat more later in the day... but there are also people (like myself) that feel sick when they eat alot in the morning. And there's also some people that get MORE hungry when they eat breakfast than if they were to skip it and have their cals later on.

    Find what works the best for you & if it's at all possible, try to save a decent amount for the evening. I usually try to save about 500 for the evenings, but that's just me :D

    Option #2 - If you can't save up a huge amount of calories in the day, find some lower calorie, filling snack foods to munch on.

    For instance, you could have a big bowl of veggies with hummus or ranch dip. Or you could air pop a big bowl of popcorn. Or you could have some grapes. Or you could opt for some greek yogurt with berries mixed in or with peanut butter mixed in or even some chocolate chips (the possibilities are endless!) And I also love frozen blueberries as a nighttime snack too, they taste like candy :smile:

    Option #3 - Stop the snacking by distracting yourself with other things.
    You could...
    -chew some gum
    -take up something that involves your hands (ex. knitting or drawing)
    -find some cool apps to download
    -eorganize your house or clean up if at all possible
    -paint your fingernails
    -get a Pintrest account/go on Pintrest (seriously, the time goes by soooo fast on there)
    -get a Tumblr account/go on Tumblr (also a notorious time waster)
    -play an aggressive Xbox game that requires full concentration/both hands to play
    -sip some herbal tea
    -if diet pop isn't an issue for you, you could try having that. It works with me & helps satisfy cravings for sweets.

    Hope this helps! :drinker:

    Thanks! I do tend to eat the same throughout the day no matter what I had for breakfast. I am just not a breakfast person so it seems like a waste of calories to me.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member

    Disregard the posters that are saying you HAVE to eat breakfast. This is NOT true for EVERY person out there. There are some people that benefit from having it and feel less hungry/inclined to eat more later in the day... but there are also people (like myself) that feel sick when they eat alot in the morning. And there's also some people that get MORE hungry when they eat breakfast than if they were to skip it and have their cals later on.

    Oh geez, get off your high horse!! I said that it`s a possibility, that`s it. She can try it, she can leave it, she can do whatever she wants. YOU don`t have to DECIDE that she HAS to DISREGARD the suggestion. Ever heard of ```` trying something````?? And, oh, also... ``live and let live``?!
  • klukasik
    klukasik Posts: 4 Member
    I have the same thing. What has been moderately helpful for me is to go upstairs and make my meals for the next day when I am thinking about eating. It keeps me busy and allows me to think about food, but not indulge. While I'm packing my lunch I may take a small bite of a cracker or something if the craving is strong. I then have also been making my breakfast the night before. Only 2 eggs with some sort of meat and sometimes a small amount of cheese. I also add jalapenos and hot sauce. The next day the protein from the eggs and meat and lack of carbs keeps me full longer, so I eat a later lunch and because I'm not starved at dinner time, I eat a moderate dinner rather than a big one. This has also helped my late night cravings a bit.
  • hannahwrnr
    hannahwrnr Posts: 45 Member
    Last year I took up crocheting for exactly that reason. So I'd have something to do instead of eating while I watched tv. I've made 3 baby blankets, a child's sweater, a shawl, 2 scarves and 2 headbands. Oh and I've lost 70 lbs and discovered I'm not really hungry at night!

    I might just start doing this. I barely snacked at all when I was in high school and would paint my nails/make bracelets for my friends/do random crafty things all night. Now it is AWFUL. I'm gonna learn how to crochet. Or something...haha. Congrats on losing 70 lbs! And the blankets!
  • rjmatthews
    rjmatthews Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same problem. I'm trying to restrict my snacking to Sugar-Free Strawberry Jello. Only 10 calories a container and hits the sweet tooth as well. I combine it with water. Good luck.
  • barneygirl
    barneygirl Posts: 36 Member
    My night time eating is so out of control its making me mad at myself, I did good for so long. I need to nip it in the bud.