No More Short Cuts - 90 day Challenge


As I eat this frozen snicker bar…

January 1st, 2014 and it's 12:11AM. Oh yea, Happy New Year!!!!

I remember this time last year, the nearly 35 pounds I lost in the previous months started to make their way back to my hips, thighs, butt, face, arms, belly and back. God how I hate my "looks like I have 4 rear titties" back fat.

Talk about getting comfortable and feeling myself. I can see it oh so clearly: I thought to myself, “I just lost 30+ lbs. What harm will one big mac do?” One big mac turned into a can of coke and a medium (sometimes large) iced caramel latte with whip and extra caramel from Dunkin Donuts DAILY. If I felt extra skinny, I’d opt for twice a day. Not only did I gain every ounce back but I gained about 10 extra pounds on top of that.

Because I currently refuse to buy the next size up in clothing, I am literally busting at the seams. My bra straps nearly cut into my flesh…OUCH! I was putting on makeup the other morning and noticed my bi-chin was slowly crossing over to a trichina.

Needless to say, one can lose all the weight in the world. However it means nothing if they (I) don’t attack the underlying issues that caused them (me) to be so heavy. Yes, I lost some weight on the outside. But the reason why it was so easy for me to gain it all back was because I was still heavy on the inside. It's time to let it all go. I’m not one for New Year resolutions, but Melinda has got to make some adjustments. I will learn to love me and celebrate all that I’ve become, although becoming fit didn’t make the cut in 2013 lol but not lol!

I WILL lose 60 lbs.

Starting Monday, January 6th I will be initiating a "No Short Cuts" 90-day challenge. It will be nothing fancy or difficult. It won't be a fad diet. I'd like to consider it a kick start so to speak.

It will consist of working out 3-5 times a week. For me I will be using @ home DVDs and YouTube videos. I will of course incorporate healthy eating with a cheat day once a week if necessary and lots of WATER WATER WATER!

The 1st weigh in will be on Sunday January 5th and as stated previously, the challenge will officially kick off January 6th. This gives us a few days to stock up on any needed groceries. I will weigh in every Sunday thereafter. The final weigh in and end date will be April 6th.

Please join me on this journey to the rest of our healthy lives. Follow me on Instagram: BoulevardMto180. I created the page today and won't officially start posting until a day or two before the actual challenge begins.

My reason for using Instagram is because the MFP app is so limited: can't check blogs and forums. I only sit down at my PC maybe 2-3 times a week. Since I keep my phone in-hand at all times, I can post, respond and update more frequently via IG. I'm considering creating a MFP group in the future.

I will post food/snack and workout pics. Eventually I'll post some progress pics when I see some progress lol. Please, you do the same using the hashtag #noshortcutschallenge. I will also post "shout outs", water intake reminders and anything else to keep us all motivated. Please tell a friend to tell a friend to tell 3 friends and their cousins.

Some days we will feel on top of the world. Other days we will feel the world is against us. Nevertheless we will encourage one another. All Negative Nancy's will get X'd, promise!!!!

There won't be a $5,000 cash prize and/or a lavish vacation at the end of the challenge. Whether you want to lose 10 lbs or 110 lbs, the prize will be us being a little bit closer to our goals and hopefully friendships. I'm not asking for a millions followers. I'm only asking for a few dedicated people to fit the fat with.

The best part about this challenge for me is that we won't take any special pills or potions. We will sweat our way to the finish line #noshortcuts!!!!!


  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    Count me in! The holidays were rough this year, posted a 7 lb. gain eating 'crap' and am struggling to get back on track!
  • That was so inspiring!! I really needed that! I will definitely be doing this!! THANK YOU!!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Count me in =) I need to lose half of my body weight to be in the middle of my healthy weight range, so I'll take whatever help I can get!! I'm following a high protein, low carb and calorie diet (necessary for all my stupid food intolerances), and am really dedicated to changing my life.

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  • I'm in! I do not use Instagram because I just don't understand it lol, but I will check in on this thread regularly and post updates. Hope that is okay! Cheers to 2014!
  • I am totally in! I definitely need motivation and support, anyone else want to check in a few times a week for motivation? Looking forward to this.
  • Count me in please. Will sign up to instagram later. ????
    I have around 10 kg left to lose, but will follow this challenge until the end. :)
  • sarahcav123
    sarahcav123 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm in :) I deleted instagram a while back but I'll be sure to get it back again.