New Friends



  • You can totally add me as well. I've been back in it for a couple months now and starting to see results, but it's nice to have a support system. Someone who's doing the same thing I am, not just a few friends who say they're going to make the changes with me and then do nothing. It's not motivating to talk to them ;)
  • ShelleyTurgeon
    ShelleyTurgeon Posts: 95 Member
    You guys are all so amazing!!! You make me want to motivate others with all your motivation! Bring on some more friends!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me to encourage and just talk in general!!
  • BetterMe83
    BetterMe83 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me. Im looking for more supportive/motivational people also :smile:
  • Hi everyone I'm Nicole.. Anyone live in the New England area?? Looking to meet new friends and chat about our goals. Private message me sometime :smile: Happy Holidays
  • mrbat
    mrbat Posts: 12 Member
    Please add me:-) New to mfp. I will support you!
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. :) I have logged in for almost a full year now, and I reached my 2013 goal of losing 91 lbs. :)
  • ShelleyTurgeon
    ShelleyTurgeon Posts: 95 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  • jblacksher1967
    jblacksher1967 Posts: 4 Member
    I am just starting out feel free to add me I could use the help too going to stat p90x3 pretty soon
  • miahrana1986
    miahrana1986 Posts: 3 Member
    Please feel free to add me, I've started all over again ????
  • 125PATSY
    125PATSY Posts: 1 Member
    Add me too! I could use the support I have really good days and really bad days!!! I will try to encourage as much as I can!! I lost 75 lbs over a few years but I have gained back 35 . I am having a hard time right now with Christmas and all that goes with the holidays.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
  • ShelleyTurgeon
    ShelleyTurgeon Posts: 95 Member
    Happy New Year! Keep on adding friends... we all love the support!
  • I would love a friend I don't want to be getting healthy by myself! It's more fun to do it with friends, but all none of my friebds are even in the slight need of a diet
  • I am also looking for some active friends for motivation! :)
    Anyone feel free to add me, I'm looking to lose 26lbs ready for the summer :D
  • Feel free to add me too.
  • MrsSwink
    MrsSwink Posts: 57 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am looking for other cheer leaders and people to keep me on track!
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Welcome! I have absolutely no support system outside of MFP, so I'm all about the support here (and I'm pretty cheesy myself). I check in every day and have an open diary. I have friends losing all sorts of weight, but I can always use more friends in the 100+ club like me. Similar struggles and all that. Feel free to shoot me friend request!

    me too!!
  • Edhaedha
    Edhaedha Posts: 9 Member
    This is going to sound absolutely cheesy... but I am desperate!!!! I'm looking for new people to get to know, to support, who want to support me in my journey and to just generally chit chat with. These friends can be online only or in person... I'm cool either way! I need a bigger support network than I have currently and I really want to succeed this time. So if you are looking for the same in a new friend then please feel free to add me and we can go from there! Being surrounded by happy supportive people helps a lot when it comes to life changing!

    I would love to join you.

    My father passed away in May and my weight plummeted around 30lbs by August. I just wasn't hungry but thought as long as I was eating something, I was doing ok. Friends, family and the loss of my new dream job shook me out of what routine I had established. Since I wasn't trying to drop weight, just "eat healthy", I didn't know about maintaining or even the basics. After many hours on this site, I have a better handle on eating more but not before I gained back around 15 lbs.

    As others have shared, I have years of experience eating for 145-160 lbs but I am new to learning how to eat for 120-135 lbs and then how to maintain. Landing a job will also throw things off.

    I have a healthy fear of dying (52- grandfather, 63- father) from poor lifestyle choices and just want to be around for my daughter and eventually grand kids. I started with a PT a few weeks ago and hope to establish some short term goals to keep me motivated daily.

    Glad to have any positive support!
  • _melski
    _melski Posts: 3 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! The more support the better! And sometimes it's not always as easy to get that support from people you know when it comes to loosing weight as they will often tell you there's no need and there is a lot more pressure to do well as well.

    Hopefully we can all encourage each other to hit our goals! :) Happy New Year!