Insanity Buddies

Day 1:
Today you should have done your Fit Test!
Plyometric Cardio Circuit

My Friends call me Nae and I am new to this site...
I am looking for Insanity buddies to get to know and to keep each other on track. Buddies that are committed to working out, eating healthy and would like to have a good friendship in the mix.


  • lisst87
    lisst87 Posts: 26 Member

    I did my fit test yesterday, so go Plyo Cardio today after work, dreading it already as I found the fit test hard!

    Good Luck!
  • laurenh729
    laurenh729 Posts: 16 Member
    hi there, i just finished insanity (we had a love/hate relationship!) i found the fit test hard as well (although it does get easier) and after the first week you body wont be as sore either! keep going with it! it DOES get easier :)
  • Definitely looking forward to starting Insanity tomorrow and hoping to find some people to go on this journey with me and to connect with/encourage!
  • goneforawhile
    goneforawhile Posts: 257 Member
    I downloaded the set of DVDs and ended up just going to the gym, how do you guys like it so far? It looks intense.
  • majlinehan
    majlinehan Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all,

    Can I join in?

    I will start this evening! How long is it for ? 8 or 12 wks?
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    hi. i have insanity. would love to join! tonight i'll do the fit test
  • I'm in! I'm on Day 4, did the whole 60 days a couple of years ago and I'm starting it over again. The first couple of weeks are rough but it does get easier!
  • kinzieplatt
    kinzieplatt Posts: 81 Member
    good luck everyone!! I LOVED insanity! it kick started my 62lb loss exactly a year ago today!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i would love to join i started last monday so today is day 4 for me
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I was two weeks away from finishing Insanity at the end of November. Then I hurt my back. Twice.

    Now I'm all better and am very much looking forward to getting at it again (even though I'll have to start all over). I'm dreading it a little because of the initial soreness, but it'll be worth it. I loved it when I was doing it!

    Good luck to you all!
  • renb03
    renb03 Posts: 9
    Its awesome to see where everyone is with their Insanity Course ^_^
    Today was my 2nd day Plyometric Cardio Circuit (it really is a love/hate relationship lol) but all in all i lived through it lol

    Hope you all are having a great day and remember to DIG DEEP and stay Hydrated ^_^
  • I did the full insanity workout (all 60 days I think it is) and had GREAT results! It is really tough if it is your first time doing it (especially if you are out of shape like I was at the time) but SO worth it! Keep it up! :)
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    I would love to join this group...Starting insanity over the weekn.
  • Hi all

    I plan to start Insanity on Monday. Looking forward to starting the challenge, I know it will be tough but im ready. :smile:
  • My fiance and I started last night. Not looking forward to Plyo's today, but gotta stick it through!
  • Hey! I just joined myfitnesspal after reading MANY message boards. Looking to start Insanity, I have the first step done I bought it! Just a matter of starting it. I'm worried since I'm so out of shape that I'm going to pass out of poor nutrition or working my body so hard so fast. Any tips? Anything I should be eating specifically before or after? I get a headache just walking up a flight of stairs so working out that hard worries me but I really want to have those results so I'm willing to try :D add me! looking for people to keep me accountable, heard it helps people stick with it
  • bria72
    bria72 Posts: 2
    I started on Monday as well so tomorrow will be Pure Cardio for me!
  • Day 2/63 plyo cardio circuit

    I am ready to start another round of insanity. It's the only workout I can stick with and love! Please everyone don't give up! If ever in doubt just jump on here Nd talk to us. This site is what kept me motivated. DO NOT focus on the scale but on inches. I didn't notice much change until the end of month 2 then I re-did month 2 again and saw major result. I hardly lost weight but many inches. Make it goal to not weigh yourself! Go off of how you feel! It's not a temporary solution but a whole lifestyle change!

    I hope to become great friends with you all, others with the same mindset are amazing to have!!

    Trista :)
  • KerenJoy86
    KerenJoy86 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Day 2 as well! Sore after just the fit test, but ready for a good challenge. I'm also doing the nutrition plan.
  • kelsielynn87
    kelsielynn87 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started today and just did the fit test, how is everyone else finding it? Hoping to see good results :)