its time to climb and conquer my weight loss mountain...

Hi my name is Mia. I started logging my food a couple of days ago all of it everything that I eat and its so easy. I am finally being truthful with myself. I can do this I am 5'6" I have a lot of weight to lose 80 pounds total. Never been this heavy in my life. My ideal or goal weight is 143-147. I've been there before and I love the way I look and feel. I am 40 no kids no significant no distractions the only distraction is me. And well I am journaling everything that goes in my mouth..that's huge for me. Before I would get distracted because I binge and would give up. I feel that there is something different. I want Mia back... im fun active and always laughing. I want to be healthy for me, live a long active life without obsessing on food and weight. I know I can do this with help from you and journaling on a daily basis everyday no matter what. I wish us all success with our weight loss goals and journeys. Although I know it may not be easy... it will be totally worth it and we all deserve to be happy in life with ourselves and with our bodies.
