What's your goal?

Hi. May name is Jenny and I'm new here. My goal is to lose 70 pounds by the year's end and get off my diabetes meds. What are your goals?


  • Angeleyes05
    Angeleyes05 Posts: 263 Member
    My goals this year: to log everything that crosses my lips and complete my diary daily(under or over my calorie intake) and exercise at least 3 times a week. Anytime I am slacking have my pals say something. I need to stay on track this year. I know I can not do it alone, I have tried and it doesn't work for me I need help with staying motivated.
  • I will try to help you stay on track. I wish losing the pounds was as easy and as fun as putting it on. My weaknesses are gravies and cheese sauces. Anything creamy. I have to lose because I have the type II diabetes thing staring at me in the face. Good luck. It's a whole new year and I have no doubt we can do this!! It does make a difference tracking everything we put in our mouths, doesn't it? We don't realize what we are really eating and how much until it's in black and white.

    It's nice to meet you. Cheers to all of our goals of being fit and trim again! :-)
  • My goals are to lose 38 lb and be able to start participating in 5k runs and more with good timing. I want to be healthier, eat better, look better, feel better and extend my quality of life.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    To keep on keepin' on. I lost about 40 Lbs last year and have been maintaining for awhile now. I'm at about 20% BF now so I think I might do another slow cut to drop a couple more points. I don't care about being super lean, just healthy...but I'm right on the bubble in RE to my BF% right now.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    My goal is to lose at least 24 lb this year and keep it off. That will put me at 180 lb which I haven't weighed since I was 13 or 14 (I am 37 now).

    I also have a mini-goal of 199 by March 25th, which is my 1 year "anniversary" on MFP. Right now I'm at 204.

    Previously I lost 45 lb with exercise alone, and then 58 lb last year thanks to MFP logging. So I feel this 24+ should be "easy" but I'm not counting on it ;-)
  • Awesome!! Good luck with your goals. I know you can do it.
  • Fantastic on all your weight loss to date! I can't tell you how much motivation that is for me.
  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    My goal is to put on 10 to 20 pounds of muscle.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    To be in my own best shape at 48. not sure what the scale will say then, but I need to be healthy for my little ones.


    Are you in MI? I am.
  • Hi Nancy. I'm in Florida. Like you, I'm not too worried about the scale. I know muscle weighs more than fat but it will be great to see the scale tip a little in the downward direction. :-)
  • tdh115
    tdh115 Posts: 52
    My goals including moving more. I had not idea how little I was actually moving until I started counting my steps. Also, my big motivation is to be healthy. I have lost 15lbs since the beginning of November, which is slow but great considering it was the holiday season. I would like to feel great in my size 10 jeans which I have not worn for many years. I am not surely exactly where that will be on the scale but I am thinking I need to lose some where between 75-100 lbs.

    Oh and this week, my goal is to make friends with the monster in my basement (elliptical machine). I have been putting it off and putting it off, but I promised some of my MFP friends that use their elliptical that I would make friends with mine. Wish me luck, it is a big black scary machine that takes my breath away.

    I am here daily, feel free to send me a friend request if you like.
  • Hi, I'm Jade, and I'm pretty new too. I want to lose thirty pounds in six months, and I'm trying my best xoxox
  • doyen88
    doyen88 Posts: 1 Member
    The goal that I set on September 1st is 100 pounds by July 1st. I'm already 46 pounds down in 4 months (I was 52.4 down before the Christmas break) and I plan on getting the next 54 off by July.

    MFP has been one of the keys to my success so far. The other has been having a success story to compare myself. I track the weight loss of a guy who lost 100 pounds in 150 days. Whenever I stumble, I look at his progress photos and check out his MFP diary and realize I want what he has achieved.
  • My goal is to feel healthy and good in my own skin. I recently regained 13 lbs and I've noticed negative difference about the way I feel. I want to lose 21 lbs.
  • sharonlouiset
    sharonlouiset Posts: 85 Member
    My goal is to lose 50lb by the end of the year.
  • My goal is to lose some weight so I feel good about myself. I had a baby 4 months ago and really want to get back into some of my old clothes. 59lbs to go........... I can do it!:smile:
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Totally doable Jen, but you're going to have to exercise your *kitten* off. Literally. When I made exercise my focus and dieting something I'll get around too everything changed for me. Wishing you all the best.
  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    My goal is to stay on track and lose at least 28lbs by the summer. More would be great but I know it will take time.
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Shed 12lbs over the next three months to increase pace for Liverpool Marathon in May, which I'm gunning for a 3hr 45min time.
  • minxyea92
    minxyea92 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi my name is emily and my goal is to lose 6 stone by the 1st January 2015 x