Need suggestions for cheese alternatives

kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
I have given up dairy - well, mainly milk and cheese - and I'm feeling MUCH better.

However, I have so many recipies that call for cheese/dairy products.

What would you suggest to substitute for the following ingredients? I am so new to this, I have no idea where to begin.

Shredded cheeses
Sliced cheeses
Sour cream
Cream cheese

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'd still love to make some of my old casseroles/soups/main dishes and recipes, but I just want to keep the cheese out!!!


  • newyorkgiants123
    This may sound stupid, but do things for people who are lactose intolerant count as dairy?
    If they do then I don't know, try cooking asian dishes because they do not eat dairy.
  • MrsJBro
    MrsJBro Posts: 59 Member
    Greek Yogurt can sometimes be a great alternative to sour cream. For block cheeses you can always pick up soy cheese instead. It's certainly not an identical taste, but you can get used to it.
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member
    I would just seek at recipes that don't require cheese to begin with, or still taste good without cheese. If you're making a recipe that you'd usually top with cheese, try upping the seasoning or spice level instead--that way, you still get a lot of flavor without adding cheese.

    I haven't liked any cheese substitutes I've tried (I mean, they were fine, but nothing like cheese) and they probably wouldn't melt or cook the same in recipes.

    I second the advice to find some good Asian recipes, as they won't require any dairy but still have the "comfort food" factor that cheesy foods do.
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    I would put myself in the same boat as a lactose intolerant person. I have found that when I eat milk/cheese that I get horrible GI symptoms, and my face breaks out. My doc suggested giving up dairy to help with the GI symptoms and it has, knock on wood, been working.

    I don't want to cook just asian. I want to be able to modify my normal recipes so that I can make them for our family and we can all enjoy the same dinner.

    So I'm looking for substitution suggestions - I know they have to be out there, I am just new to this and I don't know where to begin.
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 64 Member
    I can't do dairy but goats milk based dairy products don't seem to bother me. Not sure if that's an option for you. If it is, Whole Foods and Trader Joes have great goats milk options in the form of cheeses, spreads and yogurt. Daiya cheese shreds aren't a bad either. I've tried some almond milk cheese and wasn't happy with the consistency. I've also had varied success making my own nut cheeses/spreads and I'd be happy to share the recipes if that's something you are open to? I will warn you though, some of the better "make your own" options are time consuming.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    As a genuine turophile, I have to say there is no substitute for cheese.
  • moveyourself
    I also had to give up diary a while ago- I break out TERRIBLY If I consume any of it.
    I found that diaya cheese is the closest thing I'm going to get as the real thing. It's not amazing, but it's alright if you have no other choice! lol it does taste good on pizza, though.

    I also like Udi products. Udi doesn't use soy, milk, or gluten.

    here's their website if you want to check it out.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    The only dairy substitutes I know of are soy-based, and they're an acquired taste to say the least.

    What specifically are the recipes you're looking to modify? Maybe that would be easier to give advice on. I just don't think there's anything out there that tastes like cheese other than cheese, but maybe if you're looking for a particular creaminess or saltiness there might be alternatives.
  • getinmykitchen
    getinmykitchen Posts: 11 Member
    Is it the lactose or the milk itself that you are having problems with? If it's just the lactose then there is some dairy that may not bother you. I only have a hard time with lactose if I am sick, but greek yogurt and hard cheeses don't bother me even if I am more sensitive to it.
  • veganlisa
    veganlisa Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! If you are looking for a alternative that has a similar taste, texture, melts like cheese, etc., you may want to try Daiya. It's a cheese alternative. The shredded is readily available at stores in the US and Canada (not sure where your are though). They also make a sliced Daiya (a bit harder to find) and a cream cheese alternative (very hard to find). Tofutti also makes pretty good cream cheese alternative that seems easier to find. If you have a natural foods store near you- they likely will carry them.
    Here's there website which includes a store locator:
  • jessigoct17
    jessigoct17 Posts: 57 Member
    for sour cream i use PLAIN greek yogurt with onion powder(a little goes a long way) tastes the same

    i know you didnt list it but for mayo, which many people love, you could purchase veganaise its a vegan version of mayo and its really could and could be a sour cream substitute if you want
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    In my experience, there is no real solid substitute...nothing that tastes right or has the right texture. I'm a foodie so I take that pretty seriously.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    All your going to find is processed crap. I wouldn't trust fake cheese.
  • zombiesalad
    zombiesalad Posts: 123 Member
    For cheese, Follow Your Heart is really good. Daiya is kind of bland and tasteless. You can use nutritional yeast in a recipe to make mac and cheese. :)

    No idea for sour cream, sorry. I haven't had any in ages. :(

    Cream cheese, try Go Veggie. Depending on what you're looking for, Go Veggie has a lactose free line and a vegan line. Vegan is purple and lactose free is green packaging.

    I know you didn't request these, but if you bake try using coconut milk. We bake homemade bread with Earth Balance and coconut milk and it still tastes great. Enjoy Life chocolate chips are vegan also.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Vegans have cheese alternatives. Hope this helps
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    Shredded cheeses - Shredded soy cheeses

    Sliced cheeses - Sliced soy cheeses

    Sour cream - Greek yoghurt (Most brands contain significantly less lactose than regular yoghurt, try Chobani) Plain greek yoghurt has a sour taste that is very similar to sour cream and is very high in protein.I love the stuff.

    Cream cheese - Vegan Cream Cheese brand, like Tofutti
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Can you try some of your casseroles without adding cheese and see if you like it?

    There are vegan cheeses, I have never tried them so I can't tell you how similar they are.

    But to get rid of a food group will require you to change what you eat - you cannot always modify a recipe.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Try reading here:

    That may help some.
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    All your going to find is processed crap. I wouldn't trust fake cheese.

    I kinda agree. Meat substitutes can be iffy too. You could make your own vegan cheese though! I'm not vegan so I still eat yummy real cheese, but I would miss it if I gave it up and I have tried Daiya cheese at vegan restaurants. It was ok. I would love to try making my own because it sounds like a neat idea.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    As a genuine turophile, I have to say there is no substitute for cheese.

    Agreed! Yes I had to look up the word so don't judge.......LOL!!! :ohwell: