Binging- I feel like a failure!

Hi Community,
Okay, so I did not "start" my healthy lifestyle on the first, but I kind of recommitted if you will, and I already "failed." And what I mean by failed is that I binged... The problem is, I don't restrict, I eat 1500 calories a day, plus my exercise calories back as I am trying to maintain my weight of 115 lbs. at 5'3". I am just feeling so upset because I don't know what to do. Anytime I go on vacation (like I am now), I just seem to lose control.

How do I learn how to eat regularly? Due to my binge, will my weight gain really go up? I will be on vacation for two more days... I know that it will go up due to water weight and sodium retention, etc.

How did or do you stop binging?


  • fitphoenix22
    Whoa, slow down. First of all, a slip is not a failure. If you're in that mindset, then you'll always be quitting and recommitting. The best thing you can do when you see that you've binged is to figure out what caused it... were you emotional? Were you bored? Why did you make the choices you've made? Evaluating your weaknesses will help you to be stronger going forward.

    If you slip and fall, get up and keep moving forward!
  • SerenaKitty
    May I ask what you ate during this binge?

    At your current weight, I don't think you need to worry about overeating here and there. Don't think of it as failing!

    Eat a sensible amount of calories. If you feel the need to binge, it is possible you're not eating enough calories. Don't deprive yourself, it causes binging.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Perhaps google the word "satiety", and start to learn about the biochemistry of hunger pains?
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    May I ask what you ate during this binge?

    At your current weight, I don't think you need to worry about overeating here and there. Don't think of it as failing!

    Eat a sensible amount of calories. If you feel the need to binge, it is possible you're not eating enough calories. Don't deprive yourself, it causes binging.

    OP, failing is letting something that is counterproductive become a habit. A mistake is not a failure.

    What is your workout routine like if you have one?
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    What is your goal here?
    115# @ 5'3" is Good.
    Right in the middle.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    One binge isn't going to hurt you in the long run. Just acknowledge your negative feelings about the binge, accept them, and remember them next time you are tempted to binge. You will be okay. I binged on 37 Christmas cookies this Christmas. THIRTY SEVEN. I put on 6 pounds, but you know what, I'm only half a pound away from being back to the weight I was before that. Even if you do put on a bit of weight from the binge, so what? You can get it back off, and pretty quickly because most of it will be water and food weight.

    You'll be okay dear. You are not a failure, you just overate, and that's fine. Everybody overeats sometimes.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I binged last week on holiday cookies. It was awesome. One day doesn't make it a failure. If you're eating at maintenance, is it possible that you might gain some weight this week? Sure. Is it a really big deal? No, because you acknowledged that you did it, and you can eat at a deficit to take the weight off. Enjoy your vacation and all the yummy food you wouldn't normally eat, MFP will be here when you get back. :flowerforyou:
  • Fabulous_2014
    May I ask what you ate during this binge?

    At your current weight, I don't think you need to worry about overeating here and there. Don't think of it as failing!

    Eat a sensible amount of calories. If you feel the need to binge, it is possible you're not eating enough calories. Don't deprive yourself, it causes binging.

    OP, failing is letting something that is counterproductive become a habit. A mistake is not a failure.

    What is your workout routine like if you have one?

    My workout routine is 5-6 days of cardio! i normally burn betwen 200-300 calories using my hrm when working out. I am trying to. weight train starting this new year :)
  • Fabulous_2014
    Also, I binged on chips, chocolate, and fried chicken... weird, I know. I easily cobsumed over 2000 calories in food. And I still have dinner tonight! My binge was not all random foods, just a few foods, but a lot of it.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Also, I binged on chips, chocolate, and fried chicken... weird, I know. I easily cobsumed over 2000 calories in food. And I still have dinner tonight! My binge was not all random foods, just a few foods, but a lot of it.

    You're going to be just fine babe. I ate over 6000 calories on Christmas and I didn't magically gain all my weight back. Just eat a normal dinner, enjoy the food, and don't stress yourself out too much. Get some exercise in if it would make you feel better!
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    May I ask what you ate during this binge?

    At your current weight, I don't think you need to worry about overeating here and there. Don't think of it as failing!

    Eat a sensible amount of calories. If you feel the need to binge, it is possible you're not eating enough calories. Don't deprive yourself, it causes binging.

    OP, failing is letting something that is counterproductive become a habit. A mistake is not a failure.

    What is your workout routine like if you have one?

    My workout routine is 5-6 days of cardio! i normally burn betwen 200-300 calories using my hrm when working out. I am trying to. weight train starting this new year :)

    In my experience, others say this as well, lots of cardio cues almost ravenous hunger. Finding a better balance between resistance training with a progressive loading program and minimal to moderate cardio (usually some low intensity sessions throughout the week during the winter and some short HIIT sessions when its warm) has helped avoid that ravenous feeling.

    Also, depending on how long/intense those cardio sessions are, you could very well not be eating enough food so your binging is a way to compensate for that.

    +1 for all the links that Joy_Joy_ posted
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Ugh, I really wish people would dial back the drama. So you ate a few too many calories today. You didn't immediately become obese, did you? Well, that should tell you something. Trends are more important than day-to-day variances in calorie intake or output. Getting upset over eating is just absurd.
  • Fabulous_2014
    Ugh, I really wish people would dial back the drama. So you ate a few too many calories today. You didn't immediately become obese, did you? Well, that should tell you something. Trends are more important than day-to-day variances in calorie intake or output. Getting upset over eating is just absurd.

    I would appreciate it if you would be a little bit more kind. To you, this may not be an area of concern, but it was a question and issue I was struggling with and I was seeking support. There is no need for you to be so demeaning.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Ugh, I really wish people would dial back the drama. So you ate a few too many calories today. You didn't immediately become obese, did you? Well, that should tell you something. Trends are more important than day-to-day variances in calorie intake or output. Getting upset over eating is just absurd.

    It is not absurd. The tendency to binge is usually a red flag for an underlying issue. In this case it could be that the OP isn't eating enough.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Ugh, I really wish people would dial back the drama. So you ate a few too many calories today. You didn't immediately become obese, did you? Well, that should tell you something. Trends are more important than day-to-day variances in calorie intake or output. Getting upset over eating is just absurd.

    I would appreciate it if you would be a little bit more kind. To you, this may not be an area of concern, but it was a question and issue I was struggling with and I was seeking support. There is no need for you to be so demeaning.

    Well, I don't like histrionics, so I guess we're even? :huh: People get so caught up in their emotions, and sometimes you just need to SNAP OUT OF IT. Sorry if that isn't "kind" enough for you, but the world isn't a wish-granting factory. :smokin: All too often people come here looking for "sympathy" when what they really NEED is a kick in the pants.
  • lizj0nes21
    Ugh, I really wish people would dial back the drama. So you ate a few too many calories today. You didn't immediately become obese, did you? Well, that should tell you something. Trends are more important than day-to-day variances in calorie intake or output. Getting upset over eating is just absurd.

    I would appreciate it if you would be a little bit more kind. To you, this may not be an area of concern, but it was a question and issue I was struggling with and I was seeking support. There is no need for you to be so demeaning.

    Well, I don't like histrionics, so I guess we're even? :huh: People get so caught up in their emotions, and sometimes you just need to SNAP OUT OF IT. Sorry if that isn't "kind" enough for you, but the world isn't a wish-granting factory. :smokin: All too often people come here looking for "sympathy" when what they really NEED is a kick in the pants.

    You're just being plain rude. People come here for advice and plenty of people have said the same thing you did but in a much nicer manor than acting like their above everyone else and anyone's problems are just a nuisance. Everyone has their own way of dealing with things and if she is upset with herself because she went off track that doesn't give you the right to be snarky and demeaning. Just saying, if you don't have anything nice to say then just keep it to yourself. It saves other people from being offended when they needn't be and it saves you the time of other people retaliating to your rude remarks.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Ugh, I really wish people would dial back the drama. So you ate a few too many calories today. You didn't immediately become obese, did you? Well, that should tell you something. Trends are more important than day-to-day variances in calorie intake or output. Getting upset over eating is just absurd.

    To be fair, a lot of people deal with serious anxiety issues related to food and exercise and come to the boards to be talked from the ledge. Maybe that isn't something you can relate to, but a lot of others can.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Ugh, I really wish people would dial back the drama. So you ate a few too many calories today. You didn't immediately become obese, did you? Well, that should tell you something. Trends are more important than day-to-day variances in calorie intake or output. Getting upset over eating is just absurd.

    I would appreciate it if you would be a little bit more kind. To you, this may not be an area of concern, but it was a question and issue I was struggling with and I was seeking support. There is no need for you to be so demeaning.

    Well, I don't like histrionics, so I guess we're even? :huh: People get so caught up in their emotions, and sometimes you just need to SNAP OUT OF IT. Sorry if that isn't "kind" enough for you, but the world isn't a wish-granting factory. :smokin: All too often people come here looking for "sympathy" when what they really NEED is a kick in the pants.

    You're just being plain rude. People come here for advice and plenty of people have said the same thing you did but in a much nicer manor than acting like their above everyone else and anyone's problems are just a nuisance. Everyone has their own way of dealing with things and if she is upset with herself because she went off track that doesn't give you the right to be snarky and demeaning. Just saying, if you don't have anything nice to say then just keep it to yourself. It saves other people from being offended when they needn't be and it saves you the time of other people retaliating to your rude remarks.

    Oh, am I being rude? Ha, classic me. Build a bridge and get over it, kid. :drinker:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You didn't fail. You had an off day. Guess what? They happen. You don't take your toys and go home, you get back up and try again.