Recruiting Paleo/ Clean-Eating Friends



  • Hello,

    I am a Crossfit coach who is 50 years old and I allow myself 5 weeks of "FREE" eating between Thanksgiving and New Years which has led to gaining almost 20lbs. Every year I go back on Paleo in January and I eventually get back to my starting weight of 190lbs but notice that it is taking longer and longer to get back to my start weight of 190lbs.

    Paleo is the nutrition plan followed by most Crossfitters which represents over 7500 Crossfit Gyms with over 500,000 people. What we can report on is what we see not only in our facility but from what other Crossfitters are experiencing as well. A Paleo lifestyle is the way to go to lean out and have a healthier life. I have seen some amazing results of our clients switching to Paleo nutrition.

    I think each person is different and finding a nutrition plan that will work for you to get the results you are looking for is the key. To bash one nutrition over another is not ideal since if the desired results are achieved, all is good., I can just report on what we see in person and in the large Crossfit community.

    I like Paleo because it always works for me and it is based on how we are genetically programmed to eat and to become more sensitive to the hormonal response of food.

    Anyway, add me and I can give you some tips on how to follow Paleo.

    Good Luck!
  • I did "mostly" Paleo for 3 months and lost 20lbs. I probably could have lost more, but I allowed myself one "anything meal" every 10 days (3 times a month). When I have an anything meal, I usually eat Mexican food, so rice, beans, meat, corn chips or tortilla. I worked very well for me.

    Before beginning Paleo my blood pressure was high. I was on the verge of having to take diabetic medication. My cholesterol and triglycerides were high. Doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol and triglyceride medication.

    I took three months and followed Paleo. NOT BECAUSE I BELIEVE I SHOULD HUNT, GATHER AND BE A CAVEWOMAN :). Instead I was doing an elimination of foods. ....and seeing how I react when I add foods back in...I was doing it for my teen daughter as well who does NOT have a weight problem but has had itchy hives for years, and doctors weren't sure why. She also had painful digestive issues. So we went on to do an ELIMINATION of diary, processed sugars, wheat, gluten, grains, legumes, food dyes, preservatives and processed foods. We did this for a few weeks and then we were going to slowly add back in one food a week and see how she reacted. I did it with her, to encourage her. And realized that it would help my blood sugars as well.

    Her hives left, her digestion improved. We ended up eating PALEO because that was CLOSEST to what we were eating after eliminating those foods and we found PALEO recipes were worked for us.

    As for me, I was concerned that it may cause my cholesterol and triglycerides go up, since we were eating bacon, high fat coconut milk, coconut oil, lots of avocados, avocado oil, meats and eggs freely. BUT, after the first three months, I went back to my doctor for a full check up. Blood sugars went down a lot. Cholesterol and triglycerides went to not only normal, but LOW NORMAL! Wow! My doctor was wide eyed and so GLAD for me. She said "Im so happy! I want to hug you!" Keep up the good work!

    I felt great, but went on vacation in October, then all the holiday food and parties, I relapsed! BUT, THE GOOD NEWS IS I only gained back 2 lbs. I am shocked that I only gained 2 lbs! That's crazy! BUT, I think it is because I actually made a lifestyle change. I normally choose lower carb meals still...and I notice that when I eat the wrong foods (lots of pasta, breads, sugars) my stomach, joints, emotional, sleep, everything feels off.. My daughter has noticed the same.

    So, here I am again, back on Paleo and looking forward to it! It's easy in many ways because we don't have to measure, weigh or count calories.

    There is ONE CON for me and that takes a lot of effort in grocery shopping, planning, preparing and cooking. But that's because I use to eat easy foods.....

    I have learned that spending a day a week and cooking up quite a bit of recipes, making lots of each and freezing meals, helps a lot for days I don't feel up to cooking, am hungry and don't want to grab something unhealthy...also having soups frozen helps a lot when I happen to come down with a cold or flu....I just defrost and it's done.

    On a side note and off topic: I had my account here on myfitnesspal and haven't been on since October. I forgot my password and the email address I opened the account I lost my ticker, info...favorite meals...paleo friends...everything :( Im not sure how I can get my account Im starting everything over :*(. I miss my original account!
  • I have tried to eat clean for the last few months - with limited success. So here I am again.

    Please add me as I could certainly use some motivation. I have about 40lbs to lose so I am embarking on a long journey!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    I am a Crossfit coach who is 50 years old and I allow myself 5 weeks of "FREE" eating between Thanksgiving and New Years which has led to gaining almost 20lbs. Every year I go back on Paleo in January and I eventually get back to my starting weight of 190lbs but notice that it is taking longer and longer to get back to my start weight of 190lbs.

    Paleo is the nutrition plan followed by most Crossfitters which represents over 7500 Crossfit Gyms with over 500,000 people. What we can report on is what we see not only in our facility but from what other Crossfitters are experiencing as well. A Paleo lifestyle is the way to go to lean out and have a healthier life. I have seen some amazing results of our clients switching to Paleo nutrition.

    I think each person is different and finding a nutrition plan that will work for you to get the results you are looking for is the key. To bash one nutrition over another is not ideal since if the desired results are achieved, all is good., I can just report on what we see in person and in the large Crossfit community.

    I like Paleo because it always works for me and it is based on how we are genetically programmed to eat and to become more sensitive to the hormonal response of food.

    Anyway, add me and I can give you some tips on how to follow Paleo.

    Good Luck!

    Tell me more about how you gained 20lbs of fat in a little over a month.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    wow, the bullies and tolls here are thick today.

    anyway, the op is not around anymore, I see that she deactivated her account. Oh well.

    I am looking for paleo and fitness buffs. Feel free to FR me with a message (you must have a message) introducing yourself.

    I'm an advanced certified personal trainer and fitness enthusiast who has been gluten free since 2004 (celiac sprue), strict paleo since forever (before paleo clean eating was called primal, before that it was called clean, before that it was called normal). I am looking for motivated individuals to chat with and encourage me. I can use encouragement too!

    I eat organic and strict paleo, but I do allow the occasional sprouted nut here and there. I truely believe in health vs. fitness, although fitness is a part of health. Nutrition is key. I don't believe in elimination macros or calories for more than a microcycle, if so then only with professional medical approval and professional supervision. I've witness too many idiots who call themselves trainers become bulimic/anorexic/insane over trying to perfect their physique at the expense of their hormones and nervous system.

    Very low carb has nothing to do with Paleo.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Just because you lose weight on the Paleo diet does not make it safe for healthy individuals. The claims make by the author of the Paleo Diet are not supported by solid research.

    The Paleo Diet promotes a high protein, low carbohydrate intake ratio, which puts stress on the body. High protein, low carbohydrate diets have been linked to high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer and kidney damage.

    Also, this diet emphasizes meat and fish and it is impossible to follow a Paleo Diet without eating meat, seafood, or eggs. Excellent vegetarian sources of protein, such as beans and other legumes, are not allowed. Any diet that makes it impossible to be a vegetarian or vegan is complete garbage.

    If you are sensitive to carbs then it is probably the refined carbs that are causing trouble. The best thing to do is cut out the white stuff in your diet. That's just common sense.

    I'm surprised that someone with all of the answers such as yourself...

    ...would even have a need to use MFP to reach a healthy weight.
  • tiger_lily5
    tiger_lily5 Posts: 38 Member
    On a side note and off topic: I had my account here on myfitnesspal and haven't been on since October. I forgot my password and the email address I opened the account I lost my ticker, info...favorite meals...paleo friends...everything :( Im not sure how I can get my account Im starting everything over :*(. I miss my original account!

    Hi. i had the same issue, I couldn't remember my username, email etc. If you just keep putting in emails, it will tell you whether that one is registered or not and then you can have a reminder for your user and password sent. I had to put in quite a few, but eventually one worked. I haven't been on since last April! :-) good luck
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Not true at all, My blood work has never been better..
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Oh, hay!

    I personally follow a gluten-free, dairy-free, meat-free way of life. I'm also limiting my carbs because when I have too many I start to feel uncomfortable and bloaty. I don't like to think of it as a "diet" so much as an "all-encompassing life-path for sustainable health and wellness." :smile:
    I've found that when I find myself at a crossroads--whether it's food related, work related, or whatever!--I can turn back and look at the all-encompassing life-path for sustainable health and wellness and find my answer.
  • becrobbie
    becrobbie Posts: 13 Member
    Just because you lose weight on the Paleo diet does not make it safe for healthy individuals. The claims make by the author of the Paleo Diet are not supported by solid research.

    The Paleo Diet promotes a high protein, low carbohydrate intake ratio, which puts stress on the body. High protein, low carbohydrate diets have been linked to high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer and kidney damage.

    Also, this diet emphasizes meat and fish and it is impossible to follow a Paleo Diet without eating meat, seafood, or eggs. Excellent vegetarian sources of protein, such as beans and other legumes, are not allowed. Any diet that makes it impossible to be a vegetarian or vegan is complete garbage.

    If you are sensitive to carbs then it is probably the refined carbs that are causing trouble. The best thing to do is cut out the white stuff in your diet. That's just common sense.

    If you don't like Paleo, why are you on a Paleo forum? You are wasting your words with those of us who are here for the right reason. Stop trolling.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    don't feed the trolls. People who bash Paleo are here to just be trouble makers.

    Who the heck doesn't / can't eat real, organic, fresh, unprocessed foods? oh yeah, the idiots.