Veteran's Day and what it means to me

RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
In 1972, I joined the Marine Corps. My father was a Marine and so was his father. Still, he tried to talk me into college or at least another branch of the service, but he was a Marine and I wanted to be just like him. After boot camp, I ended up being stationed in California several different times. Since I was close to my parent’s home, I ended up spending many weekends going home for liberty. I usually had 1 or more Marines accompanying me home.

Some of those Marines that came home with me became lifelong friends of my family. Some of them stayed in touch with my parents even after I had left the service. Both my parents have died in recent years. I was talking to my mother about 15 years ago and those trips home with my buddies came up. She told me that many times after I had left to go back to base with my buddies on Sunday, she had to be very innovative to feed the family, because me and my buddies had eaten the weekly budget of groceries. I was oblivious at the time. I asked her why she never said anything. She told me it was because most of those boys were far from home and she hoped that when I was stationed somewhere far away someone would take care of her boy.

I can never forget that conversation and I owe it to my mother to watch out for our servicemen and their families whenever the opportunity presents itself; I hope you will too.


  • And its people like you that put a smile on my hubbys face.... I know everytime someone says "Thank you for your service" It makes my hubby feel appicated...
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Awww RoadDog thanks for posting. :cry: Had to fight back the tears. Thank you and others so much for your service. God bless you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    During the second world war my grandparents (Mums parents) lived near a hospital that took injured American and Canadian servicemen to recuperate, my grandmother used to have some of the guys to her home for some tea and cake or something to eat and my Mum and her sisters were there are teenage girls they got quite the following among the young American servicemen, I have a great collection of my Mum's now she has passed away, of photographs, letters, a fabulous autograph book, and badges, SO many badges. Many of these young men kept in touch with my Grandmother (and my Mum lol) even when they went home after the war. Some Canadians too, my Mum also dated a few towards the end of the war when she was old enough.

    My grandmother said that her son (my Uncle Bill) was overseas and missing, and she hoped that someone somewhere might treat him in the same way as she treated those 'boys' that they welcomed into their home. My Uncle survived the war and came home.

    I know from reading the letters that I have, that what my Grandparents did helped many of those men feel less lonely and scared and a bit nearer home.
  • sltx1002
    sltx1002 Posts: 15 Member
    RoadDog, thank you for your service!

    And Happy Birthday to the Marines today!!
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