Afraid of eating to little....

I have been logging EVERYTHING I have been eating for the last 3 1/2 weeks. After the first 2 days of intense hunger cravings I really feel MUCH less hungrier than I ever have in my life. I am noticing now that I am eating better I am less hungry. I am walking anywhere from 3-6 miles perday on the treadmill (everyday) and am earning extra calories from that. I am really falling under my daily calorie goal most days. MFP is telling me I am under my goal and the recommended daily minimum. That makes me nervous. I want to know how many of you have to make yourself eat even when you do not feel hungry and what is it that you eat during times like that?
I have lost 20lbs in these 31/2 weeks but I am pretty sure it was all the soda and sugar I have cut out. I am learning good awareness eating habits and feel guilty if I am eating even when I am not hungry but don't want to be doing myself a disservice.

Feel free to add me as a friend and peek at my diary if you want.

Thanks for any suggestions,


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    What was your starting weight? How many calories are you eating each day? How many calories are you NETTING each day?
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Hi, Have you tried adding things with calories that aren't really adding more foods? Meaning, having a glass of skim milk with each meal, adding more salad dressing, putting olives in salad? And are you remembering to count any oil or margarine that you use while cooking? That can bring up your calorie count, too. Those are the things I did, rather than eating when not hungry.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Your diary is private so it's hard to say, but if you're being accurate and weighing and measuring and logging everything and MFP is telling you you're eating too little then you might be.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Can you open your diary and also tell us a little bit about your stats (height, weight, age, exercise routine)? Then people can give more fitting advice for what your calorie goals should possibly be.
  • 2216 -Calories Remaining

    1860 Goal
    866 Food
    1222 - Exercise

    -356 (Net)
    My starting weight was 274lbs now it is 254
  • NEVER force yourself to eat when your not hungry, trust me from experience. Your body tell you what it needs when it needs it. The only time it should become an issue is when you are deliberately eating under a certain amount of calories. I would say if you stopped losing weight its either that the process is slowing down, (which happens) or what you first lost was water weight. If you want to speed up the process I would have a day set to eat 2000 calories so that your body and metabolism has something to work with. :)

    feel free to add me if you need anything.
  • yes I have just done that, sorry.
    I am 5'8" and 43 years old. I have been working from home and have been very sedentary for the last 5 years. I began this in an effort to get moving alot more. At this point I am only walking for my exercise and counting calories.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    2216 -Calories Remaining

    1860 Goal
    866 Food
    1222 - Exercise

    -356 (Net)
    My starting weight was 274lbs now it is 254


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    2216 -Calories Remaining

    1860 Goal
    866 Food
    1222 - Exercise

    -356 (Net)
    My starting weight was 274lbs now it is 254

    WAY too little. You're not hungry because it's a protective starvation response to shut off hunger signals. It will be impossible to keep the weight off you've already lost (and will lose) if you continue this. You HAVE to course correct NOW.

    What exactly are you doing for 1222 cals of exercise?
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    The big red flag is a negative net intake.

    It means you either overestimated what you burned exercising or you are eating way too little or are underestimating what you're eating.

    The link posted above is an excellent resource.

    Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions after reading through the link or just in general.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    NEVER force yourself to eat when your not hungry, trust me from experience. Your body tell you what it needs when it needs it. The only time it should become an issue is when you are deliberately eating under a certain amount of calories. I would say if you stopped losing weight its either that the process is slowing down, (which happens) or what you first lost was water weight. If you want to speed up the process I would have a day set to eat 2000 calories so that your body and metabolism has something to work with. :)

    feel free to add me if you need anything.

    This is horrible advice. Healthy weight people who eat the correct amount regularly get correct hunger signals, overweight people don't, or they wouldn't be overweight. When you start dieting, you force your body to adjust to LESS calories than you need to maintain- by your theory anyone on a diet would be hungry all the time- it's not the case. Hunger signals depend on much, much more than what your body needs- and overweight people and people who are trying to lose weight cannot exclusively trust hunger signals.
  • Today I gained all the exercise calories because I walked 6 miles. 17+K steps. I am using body media armband synched with MFP so I am letting that do the burn adjustment based on my body at the time of exercise.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Yeah, how long are you walking for, for it to be 1222 calories?

    I suspect that you might be both underestimating how much you are eating and overestimating how much you are burning from exercise.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    I have been logging/walking since July first. As of November 21I have lost 52 lbs. (I have chosen not to weigh myself until I am good and ready -- will weigh again sometime-- just not sure when)

    I have continuously fallen below the recommended daily calorie intake (usually around 800-900 cal/day) and refuse to eat if I am not hungry. If I AM hungry, I simply choose a healthy snack... but I certainly am not going to force myself to eat. That's what made me fat in the first place. My food choices are wholesome and I am careful to get all the nutrients/vitamins/minerals that are required. My meals consist of steamed vegetables, chicken or fish, fresh fruit. I allow myself an occasional glass of wine and sometimes enjoy one piece of chocolate or a serving of pretzels. (in the past, I would eat the whole box of chocolates and the entire bag of pretzels and never feel satisfied-- knowing it is "okay" to have these treats occasionally lets me enjoy a serving without punishing myself) I also take a multivitamin, calcium supplement, and vitamin E daily. My doctor has commended me on my efforts and feels as long as I am eating well, not hungry, and exercising, to continue doing what is working for me.

    Please do not bash me for doing what works for me. I do not want to hear how unhealthy eating less than 1200 calories is or how I am setting myself up for "starvation mode". This lifestyle change is working for me.

    As long as you are making good food choices and not filling up on junk, if it is working for you, I say continue doing what you are doing!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    2216 -Calories Remaining

    1860 Goal
    866 Food
    1222 - Exercise

    -356 (Net)
    My starting weight was 274lbs now it is 254

    Good god. If this is accurate how are you even functioning on NEGATIVE net calories?! :noway: Not a good way to lose the weight at all.
  • This morning I walked for 90 minutes for 4 miles and before dinner I walked another 2 miles in about 44 minutes. It was about 800 calories burned but body media gives me credit for moderate activity that I may be during the day OTHER than walking.....hence the 1222
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This morning I walked for 90 minutes for 4 miles and before dinner I walked another 2 miles in about 44 minutes. It was about 800 calories burned but body media gives me credit for moderate activity that I may be during the day OTHER than walking.....hence the 1222

    1222 sounds reasonable to me for a person your size walking 6 miles. It seems a little high, but not outrageous. I'll buy it.

    You do seriously need to eat more. Like, 1500-2000 cals more.
  • EmSainz
    EmSainz Posts: 22
    2216 -Calories Remaining

    1860 Goal
    866 Food
    1222 - Exercise

    -356 (Net)
    My starting weight was 274lbs now it is 254

    This is not good. Your NET has to be the same as you're goal. In the data you posted above you need to eat 2216 calorie more to hit your goal.

    You're new here, and you're making a very common mistake. Trying to do thing to quickly. This leads to failure. You're not eating enough and you're exercising to much.

    Stick to what your dietary goal are. Exercise should be no more than a hour long 3x a week.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Congratulations on your loss and your exercise goals. I am so impressed. Do you have a physician? I would recommend speaking to him/her about your concerns. Good luck!