DVD workout ideas for recomping

Hi everyone! I just starting using MFP a few weeks ago and this is my first post. I'm 5'2" and 113 lbs and about 25% body fat (I know, skinny fat!) I wouldn't mind losing a few more lbs, but my main goal is to build lean mass and drop % body fat to 20-22%. I run 3x week and do Pilates once a week. For the past month I have been doing Jillian Michaels dvd's ( 6 week 6 pack or no more trouble zones) 2x week.

I would love comments on my exercise regimen. Are there better dvd's than the Jillian Michaels for strength training? Would insanity be better? I need something I can do at home. I do have free weights and a bench. Thanks!


  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    I'm really liking the JNL Fusion workouts. She combines cardio w/ strength and the workouts are very effective. Restarting the program on Monday. Good luck! Also, Les Mils's Body Pump is awesome too!
  • I love Jillian workouts and find they are great for a quick workout with good results. I have Insanity which I also like but it's more intense and gruelling (45mins). I find it a little harder to get motivated as I know I will be exhausted at the end. BUT, that's no reason to not give it a go. Jillian will get you toned, Insanity will get you shredded. Great to mix the two up:)

    Welcome to MFP, feel free to add me.
  • I would highly recommend Tae Bo.... great for cardio :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Jillian Michaels are more cardio based workouts.

    Recomping is going to require actual strength/resistance training workouts.

    What kind of dumbbells do you have? If not the one with plates then I'd highly recommend investing them when you are able. There is a Cap Barbell Dumbbell set (w/ plates) on Amazon for about $50. It is about 30-35lbs to start. You can purchase heavier plates as funds become available.

    My suggestion would be to look into Starting Strength, Stronglifts, NROL and AllPros. You can do a variation of the exercises with dumbbells and they are great in regards to providing info about strength training, techniques, and the rate of progression.

    Other exercises you could incorporate into your routine are body weight exercises. Bodybuilding.com has a really great exercise database that you can search based on equipment (or lack thereof).

    Other options for heavier or different workouts: TRX Suspension (home edition). I believe it is about $200.; Using sandbags

    Here are a couple other links that might help you :)

  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Does it have to be a DVD? Really for recomp you need to be lifting heavier weights, lower reps than any of the DVDs I know of offer. It will be very difficult to put on any actual muscle with endurance-style lifting. A program like New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength, or StrongLifts is better suited to your goals.
  • pps7
    pps7 Posts: 46
    Thank you for the suggestions. I will look into them. I'm a little afraid of lifting heavy weight bc I am so weak and the last time I tried it 2 years ago with a trainer, I got injured (neck herniated disc). I'm finally getting back into the grove and I don't want to risk injury. I may try a new trainer for a few sessions to get me jump started.