Gastric sleeve support

Hi everyone,

I had gastric sleeve done 2 days ago, i feel horrible and in so much pain. Can anyone out there who had it done tell me more about the 1st couple of weeks atleast i feel so bad and need all tye support i can get :(


  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    It depends on your fitness/health before. I was in pain and slept for 2-3 days. Had. A little pain with certain things then was good. I was pretty fit before do I think that made it easier.

    Don't cheat on the eating! I have no restriction now.
  • tuqanium
    I had a BMI of 41 before the surgary and was kind of active am not cheating on my meals but the pain is killing me and its not getting any better pluse i feel bloated.
    Any recomendation on what to drink or do to releif the pain other than pain killers which are not helping alot?
  • mschristmas
    mschristmas Posts: 4 Member
    Move as much as you can. Drink what you can. Do both all day. Take your pain killers and just know that it gets better. So much better. It has been the best decision of my life. I'm 14 months post op and down over 110 pounds.
  • tuqanium
    Thank you for the tips, i feel mich better now the pain is mostly gone. So far all my stomich can accept are water, green tea, diet jello and fat free milk. I am also taking my protine supplement. Its a week today since surgary and i already lost 20 pounds in thjs week is that normal?
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    The first few weeks (and quite possibly the first few months!) you'll find you lose at a rapid pace, just stick with your dietary restrictions and pace yourself when eating to avoid vomiting. My husband had a sleeve done in 2011 and lost 125 pounds, most of it within the first 6 months.
  • tuqanium
    Thats great to know thanx for your help. The only good thing i guess so far other than losing 20 pounds is that i havent vomited not even once since my surgary :)
  • stmp1120
    stmp1120 Posts: 2 Member
    Hope you are doing better now. As everyone else has mentioned I think the more you move the better off you will be. I make sure to get up during each commercial and walk around. This keeps the internal parts moving which you will appreciate in the long run. Eat slowly, this is a very hard habit for me to break but I think it makes a difference. We're all in this together. By the way, my surgery 12/17 and I've 18 lbs. in some of the groups I've run across that's miniscule. Good luck and take care. KEEP MOVING
  • Ellie928
    Ellie928 Posts: 3 Member
    I had the Gastric sleeve December 30....i figure u are about 2-3 days ahead of me and wondering how you are doing with the pain... I still feel very bloated.

    Anyone's input or advice welcome :-)
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    Well, we are sleeve buddies. I had mine done on the 30th as well, I'm also still feeling painful and bloated. I just keep taking my gas pills/drops and seems to help. I keep a drink in my hand all day (either protein shake or water) and that helps to keep me feeling full. I try to swallow as little air as possible and keep taking my pain meds (my Dr. gave me an anti-anxiety pill as well, really helps). (I get up in the middle of the night to take pain meds, too...helps to wake up a little less painful).
    Keep me posted on how you are doing, we can compare notes!! :smile:
  • kaffmeister
    kaffmeister Posts: 2 Member
    I had my gastric sleeve surgery done on the same day as you. I feel better and better each day, but I am definitely still in a lot of pain. The past few days I have been walking around the apartment a lot, which even though it's painful, it helps. I am looking at each little step as a success. Today I am able to get up and down from the couch without assistance. Tomorrow my goal is to increase my walking so that I am walking every two hours and not just when I remember. Best of luck!
  • tuqanium
    Hello Ellie,

    yes I am a few days a head of you and allow me to call them "the magical days" its all going to be good from now on. as of tomorrow the pains start to go away, you become more mobile and you start seeing weight loss which will give you a great moral boost. YES, moving around helps a lot as well as keeping hydrated (you will know the importance of them later and thank god you did them). Follow all you Dr.'s instructions they give you them for a reason. other than that enjoy the ride its only gonna get better from now on, weight loss, better sleep, less pain, better eating and drinking .... ect
  • Beauti68

    I just had my surgery on the 30th and I am still having pain when is comes to the fluids entering in my body.
    I love ice water but for 1st four days water did not love me..

    Well no fluids did and I am still having some discomfort does anyone know how long this is suppose to last and are you guys still having discomfort?

    I have not lost weight yet but I am not discouraged because I was not expecting for the pounds to just drop off over night.

    I am back at work and was back at work 4 days later. I didn't want to stay in bed and get stiff but then too I know not to over do it as well. I sit at a desk in front of a computer so I figured that going to back to work would not hurt me.

    I am still feeling weak but I am sure that this is due the lack of protein that I need to be taking.
    I just want to know at what point will the pain go away as far as me being able to drink.

    Also do you guys have any suggestions as far as increasing my protein intake outside of protein drink mixes because I am not a shake person.

    Well Congratulations to all of you on your decision to change your life habits as far as your eating..

    Have a Blessed Day..

  • tuqanium

    Today your on your 7th day the pains should be gone my now but yet again it depends on each peraon and their abillity to heal. But by now atleast it should be decreasing. Stick to your medication and pain killers. Walking around for 2 or 3 half an hour sessions helps in making burp and pass gas which will severly decrease the pain alot!

    As for the protine intake am sorry to say that other than the shaks there is nothing you can do however what i can recommend is going for brands that have high protine mass per serving some brands have 27-30 grams per serving you need around 60 grams a day so that means only 2 shaks a day plus these brands are very soluble meaning you can dissolve on serving (1 scoop) in about 150 mL of water which is nothing and you can drink that in a couple of gulps in 1 min.

    Hope this info helps
  • winefine2012
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Walk Walk Walk and make sure you are sipping water all day long. The first couple of days I was really sore, but I walked up and down the driveway 5-6X a day and by the end of the week I was shopping and walking around the block (a little slower than normal, but still active) Good luck on your journey
  • tuqanium
    Best thing i have ever done my whole life :D am in my 4th week now and i lost 40 pounds (20 kilograms) i feel like a million bucks. Yesterday i went to the gym for the first time since my operation and had a full regular workout and it felt GOOOOOOOOOOOD :D i can pretty much eat anything now as long as small portions chew properly and eat slowly (poor wife is suffering she has to sit on the table with me for half an hour to eat half a sandwich) rice is the only thing i find annouying to eat and also the softer the food the smoother it feels. Hot green tea reliefs me alot if my stomich got upset.

    Over all i feel great and my life is almost back to normal. Last night i met some friends that i last saw a week before my surgery it took them a few seconds to recognise me with all the weight i lost :D
  • mdjd95
    My sleeve is tomorrow! I'm so excited but also nervous. Reading all of your experiences is very helpful. Thank you for the honest testimonials! Hopefully I will have good news to report soon.
  • syd921
    Hello Fellow Sleevers,
    I am hopefully joining you on 2/12/14. I actually had a lap band placed in 2009 and had great success until the first time it slipped in 2011. I had surgery to fix it and it's been a battle since then. I have not found a good restriction level since 2011. I have gained back half of the weight I lost, some because I got discouraged with my work outs and not seeing any results or even being able to maintain. My bad has been empty most of the past two years because of on going complications. In November I finally felt like I had it worked out and thought I had finally found a good restriction level again. However I started with complications again in January with vomiting and intolerable acid re-flux. My doctor agreed it is time for the bad to come out, it's not a good tool for me. He agreed to perform the sleeve surgery, I am just pending final insurance approval. I am anxious about another procedure. I am comfortable with the gastric diet because I'm back on it every time I have to get emptied or filled, for a few days at least. My anxiety is about having another abdominal surgery. I trust my surgeon, but I am nervous my body won't recover this time, this is the third abdominal surgery, and its two procedures in one. I am excited to get my WL journey restarted and to feel successful again.
    Thanks for letting me share.
  • DerryJohn
    the first few days hurt but it is worth it. i didn't move much during the first week because the pain was to great but after the first week the pain went away and i started walking 30-60 minutes each day. baby steps. i have lost 50 lbs so far (had it done mid last year)
  • Sheniquwa2