Desperately seeking support and motivation!

I've been on MFP for quite a while. Unfortunately, my history has been to be serious for a few weeks, and then get lazy. I have never tried to get support from others on MFP.'s time I get some help. Anyone willing to be my friend and help push me to stick with the program would be much appreciated. I'm going to do it right this time. If I can drop 30 lbs. by end of May, I'll post a photo. Thanks!


  • sugoober
    sugoober Posts: 11 Member
    I'm right there with ya! My problem is definitely with food/sugar rather than the working out. I'm brand new to MFP but I'd be glad to be a friend that you can feel like you can "check in with"! Good luck!
  • bollweevil93
    bollweevil93 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, sugoober! I welcome any others that would like to add me. I'll do my best to provide encouragement and support.
  • DJHudgins
    DJHudgins Posts: 172
    Shoot me a request! Weight loss is hard without support from friends :)
  • AKidNamedScooter
    totally here if you need to build a support team! there is power in numbers