

  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    @chamcg26 - those calories are the calculated calories needed for me to lose weight. For maintaining my current weight it's a lot more and to bulk up its even much more.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    you found what works for you, thats great!

    +1 :smile:
  • Charlottesometimes23
    I basically just wanted to give some information on how it has worked for me. Intermittent Fasting and HIIT is definitely not a new way of thinking or dieting. This is something that has actually been practiced since the dawn of mankind.....I'm pretty sure that the Croods didn't sit in their cave preparing their 6 meals for the following day. The body is designed in such a manner to not crumble when it does not get food for long periods of time. Just go and ask Duanne "The Rock" Johnson or Hugh Jackman or Henry Cavill...these guys all use IF to get their bodies into shape in the shortest amount of time. Some of these guys fast for up to 36 hours.....and yes, they train in a fasted state.

    All of this is just my opinion. It won't work for you if you don't want it to work.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I mostly eat between around midday and 8 and prefer to go to the gym in the morning and train fasted. I seem to have more energy in the mornings compared to after work and I don't miss not eating beforehand. I prefer to have an 8-9 hour eating window because it helps me control my calories. I'm usually not hungry in the morning anyway, so it's not hard for me to stick to.

    It's not for everyone though.

    Edited for grammar.
  • sirvivor007
    sirvivor007 Posts: 45 Member
    Wow, lot of hate here. What he is doing not only works for him but will work for anyone. He is just using the natural biomechanics of the body, let me explain...

    First and foremost caloric deficit is key as we all know for "weight loss".

    Basically by working out in a fasted state you force you body to use a different fuel, stored fat. If you have eaten with in 4 gours of working out your body has stored glycogen that it uses for fuel. Also working out fasted means your Human Growth Hormones are elevated (good) youe Leptin levels are balanced (good) and you insulin resistance is heightened (good).

    If all you want is weight loss you can use either method. If you want to keep all lean muscle andonly lose fat you may want to give lean gains a try.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Erm, I think you meant "insulin resistance lowered (good)". Insulin resistance (where the cells resist the normal actions of insulin causing the pancreas to spew out more and more) is bad.

    Fasting (allegedly. I'm in no mood to post links for the thousandth time) lowers/improves insulin resistance.
  • Hikr56
    Hikr56 Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you for this post! It's what my body has told me to do NATURALLY and I've been resisting it all these years just because we're trained to eat BREAK-FAST 1st thing in the morning. I have NEVER wanted to eat anything before noon and have gotten nothing but grief about it my whole life. It's the same for wanting to eating the bulk of my calories in the late afternoon/evening.

    It's good to know this cycle of sleeping, exercising and THEN eating isn't going to kill me! :wink:
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Thank you for this! I work 12 hour night shifts and do something very similar. I eat from about 2 pm to 10-11pm. I eat my first meal when I get up in the afternoon, eat dinner with my family, and then eat again at work. I work out at 7:30 am before I go to bed. I've tried the whole 6 small meals thing and it's just not for me...I get frustrated trying to plan them out. Not saying there aren't other ways but if you get aggravated and give up on them then they certainly won't work. Stick to what works for YOU! Congrats on the weightloss!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Guys, I'm getting crucified here just for writing about my experience, so thanks for that.

    If your title wasn't "HOW TO TURN YOUR BODY INTO A FAT BURNING FURNACE!" then people wouldn't be reacting to the hyperbole. :smile:
    Your post actually states very clearly how you have found your personal key to being successful but you know people skim any blocks of text!

    (BTW - I do a different form of IF and sometimes train fasted so I'm not against your methods in any way.)

    ^I have to agree with this. The title is very sales pitchy and doesn't really set the tone for just sharing a success story with your methods. It puts out "DO THIS IF YOU WANT TO SUCCEED" rather than, "Things I've done that have worked for me and might work for you too"
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I workout first thing in the morning, sometimes as early as 5a.m, before I get ready for work etc so I can't eat that early. I workout fasted :smile:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I think maybe we're being a bit hard on the OP. What he describes can work absolutely great - it's pretty solid advice. It's not the ONLY way to do it - and I don't think he claimed it was - but it certainly is one of the effective ways.

    Personally, I do my runs/rides first thing in the morning, either in a fasted state (if I ate a proper dinner the day before) or with a very light pre-run/ride load (if last big intake was lunch). This works very well for me, and I know from my other active buddies it works well for many of them, too.
  • MrFantastic6F
    MrFantastic6F Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with you. I believe in the health benefits and fat loss that IF presents. I lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks with IF, There are many ways to reach your goals. I always train fasted. I find that I get the best results and feel much better during my workout doing it that way. But that's just ME. Do what works for YOU, people. Thanks for sharing your experience bro!
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Hi JJ, Happy New Year to you, too!

    I have to admit, at first I was feeling a little skeptical with what you were describing... but then I realized, holy s%*t, that's kinda what I've been (inadvertently) doing! For the past seven weeks, I've been getting up on weekdays around 5:15am to exercise (on an empty stomach) before going in to work. I admit that I'm doing mostly cardio, with just a little lifting... but still, working out, burning calories on an empty stomach. I have coffee with a little almond milk before going in to work... and I don't have a meal until lunch. I do have a little baggie of raw almonds with me in case I start feeling really hungry before I can break before lunch, and a few of those generally get me through just fine.

    In any case, I work out early on an empty stomach and have nothing except coffee and maybe a couple almonds before noon... and I don't usually eat after around 8pm. And, of course, I'm watching what I eat, eating lots of veggies and lean proteins... and I have had WAY more success than I imagined I would!

    For me, losing more than a pound a week is quite impressive, and in these 7 weeks I'm down almost 14lb :-) Perhaps it has to do with what you are explaining here... in any case, as soon as I'm able to (I was in a minor car accident a few days ago that left me with a soft neck brace and doctor's orders to do NO physical activity for a week... ugh!) I will be back to that routine.

    Thanks for giving me a possible frame of reference as to why I'm having this unexpected success :-)

    Here's to a wonderful and healthy 2014!
  • alicebot
    alicebot Posts: 50 Member
    Bump for later!
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Well.... Technically, everyone is naturally a fat burning furnace.

    We all function by burning energy.


    And OP, tl;dr.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Haters gonna hate. Glad you found what worked.

    I do IF for the past few months and love it. It just simplifies life for me. I don't always train fasted but I have done so in the past and never felt my workouts suffered or were less productive.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    tl;dr. whatev.
  • TeriLynnSpano
    TeriLynnSpano Posts: 103 Member
    This IF has worked for me too!:flowerforyou: peace
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Doesn't matter if you train fasted or not, makes absolutely no difference. I've hear the argument "if you train fasted then burn fat and not the food you ate" but that's complete bull. If you're eating at a deficit, you will net the same amount of fat loss at the end of the day whether you trained fasted or not. Just count calories, eat at a deficit, eat plenty of protein and fat, lift heavy weights, and you will cut fat

    Can I ask something based on this logic??

    If a person has fasted for 15 hrs, goes to the gym, does his/her workout.....
    Consisting of heavy lifting....or whatever form of lifting you like...

    Where does the energy your body is using come from?