Starting over for 2014 looking for friends



  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I'm not starting over till 2015. Let me know how this works and maybe I'll join in too.
  • Hi I rejoined MFP also after the holidays, it was brutal, but I've been very consistent, drinking lots & lots of water & I'm also taking my Vitamins again,. I'm feeling better, haven't had any clothes on except track pants all this week, too cold to go outside, so my test will be when I get dressed in "real" clothes, Good luck on your plan. :smile:
  • I am restarting as well...anyone can please feel free to add me. And provide me with a swift kick in the butt when needed, thanks!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hi... always happy to support new friends...feel free to add me as well anyone
  • chrisclark1978
    chrisclark1978 Posts: 2 Member
    starting over also put on some pounds this christmas, anyone please feel free to add me.
  • bpositivekaren
    bpositivekaren Posts: 2 Member
    Looks like I have the same idea as many others.
    Please feel free to add me. The more friends, the better motivational/ inspiration to keep me on track.

    2014 - the year of no excuses and so many of us getting healthy!!
  • mdk2127
    mdk2127 Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone can add me. The more friends, the more motivation!
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    I too am starting over. Please, anyone, feel free to add me as well. :-)
  • Shellerini
    Shellerini Posts: 57 Member
    I still have a few more pounds to go :)
    Anyone can add me ;)
  • lcdoglover
    lcdoglover Posts: 67 Member
    Starting over as well and have forty pounds to lose. Please add me as well as I would love help and support to get back on track.
  • LisaC101
    LisaC101 Posts: 35 Member
    I started again yesterday!!! it's gonna be a great 2014!! Lets all do this together!
    Anyone can add me!
  • I'm starting over too. Would love friends with similar goals!
  • sam_km
    sam_km Posts: 6 Member
    Starting afresh as not only want to lose weight but need to lose it for good! I would love support to help me . Please feel free to add me x
  • Jenny1437
    Jenny1437 Posts: 11 Member
  • lou0210
    lou0210 Posts: 16
    I'm in the starting again boat too!! So feel free to add me!!

  • jamicroslow
    jamicroslow Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone can add me! :)
  • I would like to be added to a group of friends for support. Can someone add me or tell me how to do it?
  • I am just starting today and looking for some friends who can help motivate me and for me to motivate them. Add me <3
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    i have been here for a while but stopped logging and i am starting over for 2014 feel free to add, anyone.
  • 2014 is for a fresh start...let's all do this together guys. Feel free to add me as well:)