artificial sweeteners are a no no!

most of us use artificial sweeteners as a healthy choice in our diet , but did u know how dangerous these sweeteners are ?

i have to admit that i used artificial sweeteners for a long time and i didn't know how bad they were.

the artificial sweeteners i'm talking about are

1: aspartame (Equal)
2:sucralose (splenda)
3:saccharin (sweet 'N low)

and u will find these artificial sweeteners in some or should i say MOST of the "sugar free" products

these sweeterners can overstimulate the neurons in the brain , causing many to self-destruct and effecting ur whole nervous system. and causing a lot of diseases such as alzheimer's disease.

u might wonder now , what should i use instead since regular sugar isn't a good choice either ?
The good news is that nature provides a wonderful natural sugars that are sweet, safe, does not spike insulin and actually good for your dental health.

1: stevia

u can look for products that are sweetened by stevia, truvia or xylitol to satisfy ur sweet tooth and not causing harm to ur body

i actually use stevia in my tea and it's yummy , and truvia is good for baking sweets and such om nom nom

i really wanted to share these infos with u guys cuz i noticed that almost all of you r using artificial sweeteners , we r all on a journey to be healthy , to feel healthy and to love our bodies , so don't do the opposite!

sources : the belly fat cure by jorge cruise
u can view his books on google books
and u can also download the free report of his book by googling "jorge cruise pdf"
and for further infos , visit his website :

u can watch his videos on youtube , here's some
u can visit his youtube channel for more videos :
and u can join his facebook group and ask him questions if u have any doubts still :!/jorgecruisefan


  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Just out of curiosity, where did you get this information? Sounds like it was endorsed by the good people who make Stevia. I would definitely like to see evidence of this, though.
  • Hibpshman1
    Please post some sources. Thanks!
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    Just out of curiosity, where did you get this information? Sounds like it was endorsed by the good people who make Stevia. I would definitely like to see evidence of this, though.

    i dunno if u heard about jorge cruise , the author of many books about weight loss and health ... i took this infos from his book "the belly fat cure" and some of the articels he wrote , u can view his book on google books
    i dunno why ppl think that i'm advertising jorge cruise's works , all i wanted to do is to share my success following his program.
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    these sweeterners can overstimulate the neurons in the brain , causing many to self-destruct and effecting ur whole nervous system. and causing a lot of diseases such as alzheimer's disease.


    Sorry to be controversial, but it's VERY dangerous to say that a product 'causes' a disease... I'm a qualified Mental Health Nurse and work specifically in Dementia Care... there are things you can do to reduce the risks of dementia... but to say something 'causes' it (specifically Alzheimer's) is wrong, and unfair...

    "Oh, if only you hadn't eaten that, you'd be okay).

    This type of 'info' is just as dangerous as giving out info. on so-called 'cures' too - it gives people false hope which is cruel.

    Sorry if I'm being a pain, but this is something I feel VERY strongly about.

    Please get your FACTS before sharing such wild claims.
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    these sweeterners can overstimulate the neurons in the brain , causing many to self-destruct and effecting ur whole nervous system. and causing a lot of diseases such as alzheimer's disease.


    Sorry to be controversial, but it's VERY dangerous to say that a product 'causes' a disease... I'm a qualified Mental Health Nurse and work specifically in Dementia Care... there are things you can do to reduce the risks of dementia... but to say something 'causes' it (specifically Alzheimer's) is wrong, and unfair...

    "Oh, if only you hadn't eaten that, you'd be okay).

    This type of 'info' is just as dangerous as giving out info. on so-called 'cures' too - it gives people false hope which is cruel.

    Sorry if I'm being a pain, but this is something I feel VERY strongly about.

    Please get your FACTS before sharing such wild claims.

    well i didn't bring these infos from my head ... u can see the sources of these infos by reading jorge cruise's books ... and of course it's different from a person to another , and i'm talking about it in the long term , it's not like u'll get these diseases in a year or 2.
    watch this video and u'll see where i got my facts
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    i edited my topic and i added all the sources so u can go and check it out urself.
  • noble1987
    Sorry but Im very skeptical - sometimes its about a matter of opinion that gets out of hand.

    I dont use artificial sweetners often, but Im not going to stop because I might die of some disease you tell me!

    I'm with Wiitabix on this one I'm afraid.
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    Sorry but Im very skeptical - sometimes its about a matter of opinion that gets out of hand.

    I dont use artificial sweetners often, but Im not going to stop because I might die of some disease you tell me!

    I'm with Wiitabix on this one I'm afraid.

    i understand ur opinion ... but let us leave the jorge cruise and his book aside , have u even tried to google it?

    the thing that i don't understand is .. why choosing something that might harm u instead of choosing the best thing?
    even if the harm was a long term one .. it's like smoking.

    but try and go through the sources i posted first b4 jumping to conclusions.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    It also causes cancer in lab rats, but was never proven to cause cancer in humans. Obesity causes cancer though!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member

    Hmm...I can't seem to find any report of someone dying by means of Splenda overdose.
    BUT...I can find a lot of reports of obese people who died as a result of a high sugar diet.
  • Wants2bethin
    Either way the stuff in pink,blue, and yellow packets are fake sugar. People will do whatever they want to make there food/drinks taste better for them,
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Give it a few years and i'm sure these newer sweeteners will also see someone writing a book slamming them. The bad sweeteners are better for you if you need to lose weight or watch sugar intake than sugar is.

    There are lots of foods 'linked' to various diseases and disorders. Not so long ago eggs were bad bad bad now its been found that eggs are pretty good all round. I think a large pinch of salt (low sodium of course) should be taken with a lot of these reports, especially when the writer of them has a vested interest.
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.

    did u even read the options i had for u , it's also low in calories , i didn't say that u should use regular sugar , omg READ!!

    and the whole "counting calories" thing is dead old now ... it's all about sugar and carbs only (if u evenn bothered going through the sources i posted u'd know what i'm talking about).. yeah u might lose weight counting calories , but u have to burn calories at the same time and all that old talk ... what i'm looking for is a LIFESTYLE not a diet !!!
    all i wanted to do is to share what i know and what i'm sure of with a good intention ... u can totally disagree , it's ok we r different .. but why being mean about it?
  • loveusa
    Stevia has been used in Asia for 500 years and has stood the test of time. Our new lab sweeteners are a few bare decades old. Who knows! It's a person's own decision what risk they are willing to take with their body. However, I appreciate the information.
  • Wants2bethin
    Lol seriously :laugh:
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    Give it a few years and i'm sure these newer sweeteners will also see someone writing a book slamming them. The bad sweeteners are better for you if you need to lose weight or watch sugar intake than sugar is.

    There are lots of foods 'linked' to various diseases and disorders. Not so long ago eggs were bad bad bad now its been found that eggs are pretty good all round. I think a large pinch of salt (low sodium of course) should be taken with a lot of these reports, especially when the writer of them has a vested interest.

    yeah and stevia/ truvia and xylitol will not spike ur insuline so it has the same effect without the artificials , and it doen't count as sugar

    and u r correct , we used to hear that eggs/mayo/butter were bad for u , and jorge cruise allow all these in his book. i actually believe in him , i've read a lot of reports /articles about him and gathered a lot of infos that i know know that i made a good decision following his lifestyle program .
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    Either way the stuff in pink,blue, and yellow packets are fake sugar. People will do whatever they want to make there food/drinks taste better for them,

    mmhmm that' s true even of the existence of natural sugars they still go chasing after artificial ones , oh well *sigh*
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    Stevia has been used in Asia for 500 years and has stood the test of time. Our new lab sweeteners are a few bare decades old. Who knows! It's a person's own decision what risk they are willing to take with their body. However, I appreciate the information.

    exactly , i didn't post this to force ppl to believe what i believe in .. i just wanted to share the info cuz i thought it might be useful for them , i feel that ppl that use these sweeteners r on a denial or something that they don't even wanna hear anything bad about something they love.
  • noble1987
    So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.

    did u even read the options i had for u , it's also low in calories , i didn't say that u should use regular sugar , omg READ!!

    and the whole "counting calories" thing is dead old now ... it's all about sugar and carbs only (if u evenn bothered going through the sources i posted u'd know what i'm talking about).. yeah u might lose weight counting calories , but u have to burn calories at the same time and all that old talk ... what i'm looking for is a LIFESTYLE not a diet !!!
    all i wanted to do is to share what i know and what i'm sure of with a good intention ... u can totally disagree , it's ok we r different .. but why being mean about it?

    If so you dont believe counting calories is the way forward... then why on earth are you on a site that is all about counting calories!?