Heres my before..


I bought a treadmill. I used to belong to a gym & loved it. I used to use MFP also. I lost 40lbs. Then I got pregnant again. I'm 50+lbs heavier, with a 5mo old, 3 yrold, and soon to be full time baby sitter of a new born. So I thought rejoining the gym wouldn't help, seeing its 20 minutes on the other side of town.. Annnyyywayyyss. I posted that before pic-and I AM going to earn an after. Plus my husband is making me use the treadmill or he'll get rid of it because he said he didn't buy it for a huge room ornament. Here goes nothing! (I really am motivated, it probably doesn't sound like it from this post but I am. I don't own a pair of jeans I can button..)

I need friends too. Please add me, or I'll add you?


  • lorid2014
    Hi! Congrats on the baby! I'm sending a friend request...
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Great start !! Now stay motivated and keep your eye on the prize :)