Has anyone lost 50 pounds in 3 months?



  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    you probably can but you have to be totally dedicated to whatever it takes to do that without depriving yourself of eating healthy
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I came really close to losing that much in that amount of time. I have slowed down considerably since then.
  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    A few years back I lost 48lbs on the Mayo clinic diet... that's what it was called then. It was the one where you drank grapefruit with every meal & it was 13 days on the diet & 1 day off. The diet itself isn't bad because your eliminating sugars from your diet but with the grapefruit juice and some of the other things its not a safe diet to do. I also played softball during that time otherwise I do not think I would have lost that much weight in that amount of time. I didn't gain the weight back right away, about 6 months later after my car accident and didn't get around a whole lot for a few months. You could Google that or I can tell you about it. I have thought about doing it again.
  • Hello, Welcome to MFP! You will love this sight and the support you get. I live on this sight and read, read, and learn. Is it possible for you to lose 50lbs in 3 months? Absolutely, if that is what you want. I started Nov. 13th and by Christmas was down around 23lbs. With the holidays and a plateau I am currently down 29lbs. To see a large loss so fast has really motivated me. For the first time in my life, I feel like THIS is going to work. I have also found a sight, skinnytaste.com that has awesome recipes that make cooking healthy and variety of food to eat. I also started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred which I love as I can do it in the privacy of my own home and it is a 25 min. workout which is a fast workout which is great with my hectic lifestyle. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like support in your goal!!
  • I know we all get anxious to lose the weight but the key is to take it off slowly so it will stay off. The faster you lose...the faster you'll gain it back. This has to become a "lifestyle change" and not a diet. Do things you can live with forever. Good luck.
  • I'm 39y/o, 130 lbs, 5'7", young-looking Asian male with a small frame. My weight teetered between 170 and 185 lbs for years (2005-2012), although I did not realise I was chubby or heavy. Last October, my partner told me to eat more as I was getting skinnier by the minute. When I pulled out my size 30/30 jeans which never fitted me in the first place and was as good as new, I was beyond shocked when my lower body easiliy slid through my skinny jeans without a hassle, I went from 180 lbs in September down to 130 lbs in December. Funny thing was - I lived, and still do, a sedentary life due to chronic pains. No gym, no brisk walking, no exercising, no bating, no dieting. The only change I noticed was I have not been eating much. I can live with a steva-sweetened coffee in the morning, no or very little food for lunch, and late night unhealthy snacks. I think my vegetarianism has somehow supercharged my metabolism as I cannot think of any reason why or how I drastically Iost over 50 lbs in 3 months despite my unhealthy living situation
  • vcreger
    vcreger Posts: 1
    Well i have lost 5o pounds in 4 months. 3 months could be too dangerous for your body. It should be gradual don't push it. good luck.
  • Thanks for your post... I am trying so hard to not be discouraged. I am 187, 5'5 1/2 and after having my second child.. the weight is just not coming off as fast. :)

    Thanks for the words of encouragement!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes but only if you have a lot to lose in the first place.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    Lost 42 in 4 months but I am a female and I am a shorty =-) lost 16 in the first month...go figure =-)
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I am really hoping to be down 50 pounds by Christmas. I started this journey about 21 days ago, and I've lost 19 pounds so far. I am eating about 1500 calories a day, and exercising some (not a whole bunch yet, building up to it because I've been just sitting around for 18 years doing nothing).

    I have a really bad ear infection right now though- so bad I have trouble walking, so exercise is on hold for me for a few days until the meds start working some.

    I think it is doable, I really do. I need to lose a total of 130 pounds, I think (going to look at it more closely 70-80 pounds into this).

    eta: and yes my start date says it was April, I signed up in April but did not start until about three weeks ago.
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    i should try running -i wish i had a dog
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    It's always good to have goals, sometimes they're a little unrealistic but striving towards them is never a bad thing. That does seem like a lot of weight to lose in so short a space of time, but the goal sounds like it's motivating you pretty well. Personally I chose the slower weight loss route because I wanted it to be sustainable and I wanted to give my skin a chance to catch up with the fat loss.

    Hope it goes well for you whatever weight you manage to reach.
  • Funpacpl
    Funpacpl Posts: 1
    I've lost 53 lbs in 75 days and that's with a lot of cheating during that time. I've had beer (5 or 6 times) pizza (twice) wings (5 times) ribs (3 times), chinese (2 times) wine & champagne (6 or 7 times) cheese and more. I drink tons of water and have not had any soda. I do the treadmill at least 14 hours per week at a 7 gradient, speed is 3.7. It's a HUGE commitment and not always a riot, but look at the results. I eat a bunch of yogurt and fruit and eat a sensible dinner. I never use butter, only Pam fat free cooking spray. I've not had any candy, ice cream, potato chips, pepperoni, butter, regular sour cream, milk and we very rarely use salt. I'm still eating good and eat lots of the individually wrapped Kelloggs rice crispy treats as my snack (90 calories each and only 2 grams of fat). The entire process of losing weight is mental, keep your head in the game and you'll amaze yourself. The bottom line is you CANT give up! Good luck.....:) I'm taking off 20 more pounds, then I'm chilling out.....:)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I've lost 53 lbs in 75 days and that's with a lot of cheating during that time. I've had beer (5 or 6 times) pizza (twice) wings (5 times) ribs (3 times), chinese (2 times) wine & champagne (6 or 7 times) cheese and more. I drink tons of water and have not had any soda. I do the treadmill at least 14 hours per week at a 7 gradient, speed is 3.7. It's a HUGE commitment and not always a riot, but look at the results. I eat a bunch of yogurt and fruit and eat a sensible dinner. I never use butter, only Pam fat free cooking spray. I've not had any candy, ice cream, potato chips, pepperoni, butter, regular sour cream, milk and we very rarely use salt. I'm still eating good and eat lots of the individually wrapped Kelloggs rice crispy treats as my snack (90 calories each and only 2 grams of fat). The entire process of losing weight is mental, keep your head in the game and you'll amaze yourself. The bottom line is you CANT give up! Good luck.....:) I'm taking off 20 more pounds, then I'm chilling out.....:)

    Yet your ticker says you've lost zero of twenty three to go. Either your ticker or this post is inaccurate.
  • NightLightRaine01
    NightLightRaine01 Posts: 34 Member
    I have lost 64 Since 1/1/14 So 3 months yes.
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I lost 26lbs in 7 weeks with a healthy, low-sodium, fresh food 1300 calorie diet and walking. Can be done, consistency is KEY!

    Congrats! I love walking.

    OP I haven't. But it would be awesome if I had the desire to do so. Good luck!!
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I've lost 53 lbs in 75 days and that's with a lot of cheating during that time. I've had beer (5 or 6 times) pizza (twice) wings (5 times) ribs (3 times), chinese (2 times) wine & champagne (6 or 7 times) cheese and more. I drink tons of water and have not had any soda. I do the treadmill at least 14 hours per week at a 7 gradient, speed is 3.7. It's a HUGE commitment and not always a riot, but look at the results. I eat a bunch of yogurt and fruit and eat a sensible dinner. I never use butter, only Pam fat free cooking spray. I've not had any candy, ice cream, potato chips, pepperoni, butter, regular sour cream, milk and we very rarely use salt. I'm still eating good and eat lots of the individually wrapped Kelloggs rice crispy treats as my snack (90 calories each and only 2 grams of fat). The entire process of losing weight is mental, keep your head in the game and you'll amaze yourself. The bottom line is you CANT give up! Good luck.....:) I'm taking off 20 more pounds, then I'm chilling out.....:)

    Yet your ticker says you've lost zero of twenty three to go. Either your ticker or this post is inaccurate.

    Or they don't feel the need to track their weightloss and just use mfp as a food diary.. I mean I've lost almost 100 pounds in the last four years but yet I've decided to have my ticker say 5 pounds lost...
  • bigmike069
    bigmike069 Posts: 40 Member
    Ive lost 50 plus pounds in 3 months. very do able.
    calories in vs calories out plain and simple. and walk/jog/run everyday!!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    dbl post