artificial sweeteners are a no no!



  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.

    did u even read the options i had for u , it's also low in calories , i didn't say that u should use regular sugar , omg READ!!

    and the whole "counting calories" thing is dead old now ... it's all about sugar and carbs only (if u evenn bothered going through the sources i posted u'd know what i'm talking about).. yeah u might lose weight counting calories , but u have to burn calories at the same time and all that old talk ... what i'm looking for is a LIFESTYLE not a diet !!!
    all i wanted to do is to share what i know and what i'm sure of with a good intention ... u can totally disagree , it's ok we r different .. but why being mean about it?

    If so you dont believe counting calories is the way forward... then why on earth are you on a site that is all about counting calories!?

    cuz i'm counting my sugar/carb and fiber intake only ( u won't know why i'm counting these things only till u read the sources i posted) .. this site counts lots of different things not calories alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.

    did u even read the options i had for u , it's also low in calories , i didn't say that u should use regular sugar , omg READ!!

    and the whole "counting calories" thing is dead old now ... it's all about sugar and carbs only (if u evenn bothered going through the sources i posted u'd know what i'm talking about).. yeah u might lose weight counting calories , but u have to burn calories at the same time and all that old talk ... what i'm looking for is a LIFESTYLE not a diet !!!
    all i wanted to do is to share what i know and what i'm sure of with a good intention ... u can totally disagree , it's ok we r different .. but why being mean about it?

    If so you dont believe counting calories is the way forward... then why on earth are you on a site that is all about counting calories!?

    cuz i'm counting my sugar/carb and fiber intake only ( u won't know why i'm counting these things only till u read the sources i posted) .. this site counts lots of different things not calories alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    for those of u who r too lazy to check his website , here's a part of the article
    here's the link for the whole thing :

    What is The Belly Fat Cure?

    The first thing you must awaken to is the truth about what causes belly fat and obesity, and it isn’t a failure to count calories or fat grams. It is critical you understand that the foods we eat are packed full of hidden sugars. The latest breakthrough research has proven that losing and gaining fat isn’t determined by how many calories you eat, but by the kind of calories you eat. That is why the focus of The Belly Fat Cure is about eating the right amount of sugar and carbohydrates to maximize fat loss while still satisfying your sweet tooth. The reason we single out the sugar and carbohydrates, not the calories and fat, all has to do with the science of a naturally occurring hormone we all have...insulin.

    Why Insulin?

    You may be thinking “I’m not diabetic, my insulin is fine!” or “I’ve always known it is bad to eat sugar, I hardly ever have candy!” That is where the breakthrough research about insulin and the huge amounts of hidden sugar in our everyday “healthy” foods comes into play. It is absolutely vital you know that insulin is the hormone that controls your bodies ability to push fat into fat cells, especially the dangerous fat tissue that accumulates around the midsection. Without lowering insulin levels, it is impossible to lose weight, regardless of calorie intake or exercise intensity.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.

    did u even read the options i had for u , it's also low in calories , i didn't say that u should use regular sugar , omg READ!!

    and the whole "counting calories" thing is dead old now ... it's all about sugar and carbs only (if u evenn bothered going through the sources i posted u'd know what i'm talking about).. yeah u might lose weight counting calories , but u have to burn calories at the same time and all that old talk ... what i'm looking for is a LIFESTYLE not a diet !!!
    all i wanted to do is to share what i know and what i'm sure of with a good intention ... u can totally disagree , it's ok we r different .. but why being mean about it?

    I am on a lifestyle change right now, lost 38lbs, taken 5 months granted, but it's gone, been doing the calorie counting thing actually, I can guarantee it works - FOR ME. Oh I also exercise very hard thanks very much, training for a half marathon now actually - not bad at 50 years old eh - counting calories is not dead meat where I am sitting!

    I am not on a diet either and you may disagree with me but there you go, tough, you posted a topic and I replied, I disagreed with it, no problem, it is only my opinion. I am not being mean - you just do not like a different point of view, not my problem to be honest.

    I am sharing what I know, through experience, what worked for me may just work for somebody else. I am merely saying that sweeteners are not the devil in disguise and although people seem to trake great delight in putting others off sweeteners, I ntice they never actually come up with an alternative.

    Well the alternative is to eat or not to eat the things - I choose to eat, because I think it is all propaganda :)
  • So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.

    did u even read the options i had for u , it's also low in calories , i didn't say that u should use regular sugar , omg READ!!

    and the whole "counting calories" thing is dead old now ... it's all about sugar and carbs only (if u evenn bothered going through the sources i posted u'd know what i'm talking about).. yeah u might lose weight counting calories , but u have to burn calories at the same time and all that old talk ... what i'm looking for is a LIFESTYLE not a diet !!!
    all i wanted to do is to share what i know and what i'm sure of with a good intention ... u can totally disagree , it's ok we r different .. but why being mean about it?

    I am on a lifestyle change right now, lost 38lbs, taken 5 months granted, but it's gone, been doing the calorie counting thing actually, I can guarantee it works - FOR ME. Oh I also exercise very hard thanks very much, training for a half marathon now actually - not bad at 50 years old eh - counting calories is not dead meat where I am sitting!

    I am not on a diet either and you may disagree with me but there you go, tough, you posted a topic and I replied, I disagreed with it, no problem, it is only my opinion. I am not being mean - you just do not like a different point of view, not my problem to be honest.

    I am sharing what I know, through experience, what worked for me may just work for somebody else. I am merely saying that sweeteners are not the devil in disguise and although people seem to trake great delight in putting others off sweeteners, I ntice they never actually come up with an alternative.

    Well the alternative is to eat or not to eat the things - I choose to eat, because I think it is all propaganda :)

    Well said... x
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    So when I have my four sweeteners in each cup of tea, (0.8 calories in total) - perhaps I should replace it with four teaspoons full of sugar in each cup (80 calories) - don't think so. Don't tell me to use honey either, that is also 20 calories per spoonful.

    I have been using sweeteners since 1989 and have had no side-affects whatsoever.

    Propaganda and crap.

    BTW before anybody comments, I LIKE sweet tea and coffee, I have cut almost everything else I used to enjoy out because it was crap, I do not intend to start drinking unsweetened tea and coffee as it tastes like poison to me.

    Calories in -v- calories out - that has what has made me lose weight and that is what I will continue to do - even during maintenance.

    did u even read the options i had for u , it's also low in calories , i didn't say that u should use regular sugar , omg READ!!

    and the whole "counting calories" thing is dead old now ... it's all about sugar and carbs only (if u evenn bothered going through the sources i posted u'd know what i'm talking about).. yeah u might lose weight counting calories , but u have to burn calories at the same time and all that old talk ... what i'm looking for is a LIFESTYLE not a diet !!!
    all i wanted to do is to share what i know and what i'm sure of with a good intention ... u can totally disagree , it's ok we r different .. but why being mean about it?

    I am on a lifestyle change right now, lost 38lbs, taken 5 months granted, but it's gone, been doing the calorie counting thing actually, I can guarantee it works - FOR ME. Oh I also exercise very hard thanks very much, training for a half marathon now actually - not bad at 50 years old eh - counting calories is not dead meat where I am sitting!

    I am not on a diet either and you may disagree with me but there you go, tough, you posted a topic and I replied, I disagreed with it, no problem, it is only my opinion. I am not being mean - you just do not like a different point of view, not my problem to be honest.

    I am sharing what I know, through experience, what worked for me may just work for somebody else. I am merely saying that sweeteners are not the devil in disguise and although people seem to trake great delight in putting others off sweeteners, I ntice they never actually come up with an alternative.

    Well the alternative is to eat or not to eat the things - I choose to eat, because I think it is all propaganda :)

    not gonna lie , i actually lost 40 pounds doing the whole calorie counting thing and working out , i did it for 2 years and it was the worst 2 years "health wise" of my life ... i got sick more often and had lots of health problems ... don't get me wrong , i love to exercise but i don't do it to burn calories anymore , but to help me with the dance lessons i'm taking.

    and i totally understand that u wanna stick with the thing that worked for u the best .. i was in that phase when i first heard about the book, i was kinda scared to follow the program and then fail at it ... change was always somthing scary for me.
    but yeah i decided to follow the program and i'm glad i did.
    but u know , counting calories might not work for everyone , one method can't work for everyone , counting calories worked for u , and it did for me but with lots of side effects( i got sick a lot of times cuz of it and i was actually a zombie , a person with no energy).. but the program i'm following now worked amazingly for me (ur body will lose weight at it's own pace which is healtheir)
    so yeah all i wanted to do is to give ppl this choice .. if they liked it then they can follow it , if not then they can continue doing what they r doing , all i wanted was a meaningful discussion not a war.

    but yeah thx for posting
  • freightdiva
    freightdiva Posts: 55 Member
    I am addicted to Splenda and I do worry about it too. I used to be addicted to Sweet N low heard it was bad told to try Equal became adicted to this and then heard it was bad so now I have a Splenda addiction. IDK if I can stop as I love sweet tea and coffee and have given up most of the other junk in my life??!! I will buy a box soon and try it. Then when I am feeling pretty good about a healthy avenue I have chosen there will be a report stating why this is bad and to try another healthy
  • I agree. I never eat anything what is artificial. I would rather have a controlled anount of sugat vs a boat load of artificial sweeteners.

    But it is just me! Stay healthy! :wink:

    And, people, why are you so angry at the topic? If you do not agree, it is your right, but please, do not be mean.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Funny how such drama can arise over a weight-loss forum post! Seriously, though. Counting calories has worked so well for so many people. Have you checked out the success stories on this site? I get a little irritated when people say "All you have to do is stop eating bread and potatoes." so I am not coming from a happy place when I reply to your outlandish comments about sweeteners and the fact that all you need to do is watch your carb/sugar intake. It's not so easy for everyone, and I think it's kind of deceptive of anyone to say that any diet is going to just get rid of your belly fat. Surely you'd lose in other places too, right? I mean, what kinds of foods out there go through your digestive system and target just your belly? I truly wish I could find some miracle food that would lessen my chubb, but that's just not happening. Here's the thing: No matter what you do, your weight loss will depend on what you're taking in vs. what you're burning. It does work. I've been doing it for a while, and I eat bread, rice, even chocolate bars on occasion. I know, gasp. Just do what you can to lose your weight and let us do what we can. Carb counting alone has never worked for me, but if it works for you, then go on. I suppose you would lose weight for a while if you deprived your body of one of its necessary nutrients, but you do need some carbs!
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    I agree. I never eat anything what is artificial. I would rather have a controlled anount of sugat vs a boat load of artificial sweeteners.

    But it is just me! Stay healthy! :wink:

    And, people, why are you so angry at the topic? If you do not agree, it is your right, but please, do not be mean.

    exactly , they can share their opinion in a civil way but no no no , they have to be mean!

    and yeah the whole point of losing weight is to be healthy , then why using artificials? god knows

    thx a lot for ur post ^_^
  • tldfatty
    tldfatty Posts: 7 Member
    I have heard some unfavorable things about the blue, yellow and pink packets and I have tried them. I didn't care for the taste of any of them. So I kept using sugar in a lesser amount. Then I decided to try Truvia after a recommendation from my chiropractor. All I can say is WOW, it actually taste sweeter than sugar. So far I only use it on my morning strawberry's. It is a bit expensive but the taste is great. Here are the nutritional facts as listed; Cal = 0, Fat = 0, Sodium = 0, Total Carbs = 3g (Erythritol 3g), Protein = 0.
    So IMO if you like sweet, try Truvia.

    Happy Veterans Day!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    Funny how such drama can arise over a weight-loss forum post! Seriously, though. Counting calories has worked so well for so many people. Have you checked out the success stories on this site? I get a little irritated when people say "All you have to do is stop eating bread and potatoes." so I am not coming from a happy place when I reply to your outlandish comments about sweeteners and the fact that all you need to do is watch your carb/sugar intake. It's not so easy for everyone, and I think it's kind of deceptive of anyone to say that any diet is going to just get rid of your belly fat. Surely you'd lose in other places too, right? I mean, what kinds of foods out there go through your digestive system and target just your belly? I truly wish I could find some miracle food that would lessen my chubb, but that's just not happening. Here's the thing: No matter what you do, your weight loss will depend on what you're taking in vs. what you're burning. It does work. I've been doing it for a while, and I eat bread, rice, even chocolate bars on occasion. I know, gasp. Just do what you can to lose your weight and let us do what we can. Carb counting alone has never worked for me, but if it works for you, then go on. I suppose you would lose weight for a while if you deprived your body of one of its necessary nutrients, but you do need some carbs!

    i eat bread/ rice/ chocolate and all that , i'm not deprived of anything really , i actually eat more than i used to now when i was counting calories
    and the program isn't about carbs alone , do u know that there are a lot of foods that has hidden sugars in them .. i was shocked when i discovered that .. and in his book he has over 100 recipes of all kinds of foods from pizza to pasta to deserts .. it's all about choosing the right ingredients , i can eat toast in all the 3 meals i eat and still be under my carb goal for the day ... which is why i love this lifestyle program , i'm actually eating and losing weight at the same time. and if u checked his facebook page u can see how many ppl rfollowing his lifestyle program and how happy they are.

    but yeah thx a lot for sharing , i really appreciate how civil ur discussion is
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    I have heard some unfavorable things about the blue, yellow and pink packets and I have tried them. I didn't care for the taste of any of them. So I kept using sugar in a lesser amount. Then I decided to try Truvia after a recommendation from my chiropractor. All I can say is WOW, it actually taste sweeter than sugar. So far I only use it on my morning strawberry's. It is a bit expensive but the taste is great. Here are the nutritional facts as listed; Cal = 0, Fat = 0, Sodium = 0, Total Carbs = 3g (Erythritol 3g), Protein = 0.
    So IMO if you like sweet, try Truvia.

    Happy Veterans Day!!!

    u can try it in baking too , omg it's like THE BEST!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I don't know if we can get it in the UK. I've never seen it in the stores, but I haven't really looked. Does anyone know? I am at least willing to try it.
  • sp33
    sp33 Posts: 10
    Although I don't use Stevia or any of the other plant based sweeteners you mentioned, I am against artificial sweeteners. Anything that is chemically altered I stay away from as much as I can. I prefer to use pure raw cane sugar, white refined sugar is just plain bad news.
    When I was pregnant with my last child I had gestational diabetes and had to follow a very strict food regimen. I actually lost my waist and was just all belly, didn't lose weight just inches or so it seemed on my back legs and thighs. I was even able to lose the baby weight really fast, down to a size 4/6 after baby compared to a size 8/10 before getting pregnant. To make a long story short one of the sweeteners I used was Agave Nectar, still do. It has a lower glycemic index, which produces lower fluctuations in you sugar level. It is the same idea of using whole grain wheat flour over refined bleached. The carbs in these products react differently in your body.
    Didn't stick to my diabetic diet, no longer diabetic and now back to size 8, working my way back to a 4.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Funnily enough, Stevia is banned in the UK and Europe! :noway:

    Make of that, what you will hun...

    I think you we all need balance in our lives with our eating, our views and our approach.

    Nothing wrong with a bit of controversy either :bigsmile:
  • Funnily enough, Stevia is banned in the UK and Europe! :noway:

    Make of that, what you will hun...

    I think you we all need balance in our lives with our eating, our views and our approach.

    Nothing wrong with a bit of controversy either :bigsmile:

    Applause :drinker:
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 589 Member
    Artificial sweeteners i have found make my two older boys very hyper, so i try to make sure there is none in the house just incase.
    some people just cant tolarate it.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    For most overweight people, artificial sweetener is the last thing they should worry about.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    but i like splenda
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