Turning 40 in only a few days worries



  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    3 more days to go, not dreading it too much, just this year 2013, I lost my job, moved far away, lost contact with most of my friends, feeling i'm forgotten, and with all the weight i've lost, the old me no longer exists, but yeah your replies have made me feel better, there is life after 40, ive onlyy heard negatives from people i know that are already 40, like "life's downhill after 40", yet i'm fitter than I can ever remember myself being, and trying to stay postive, wish me luck!
  • mjcongleton
    mjcongleton Posts: 9 Member
    I will turn 40 on Feb. 15th this year (2014). I haven't thought of it much until your post. Looking back it was my 30s where I finally grew up, particularly the last 3 years.

    I guess that means in my 40s I will have to branch out and use what I've learned in my 30s to continue on my journey. Little by little I'm changing for the better.

    One thing is certain, though, I certainly respect the aging process! I can literally sit down every year and think about how dumb I was just 5 years earlier. I could do it at 25, 30, 35, and can do it today at 39. 40 will be just another milestone in my journey of becoming who I am.

    To the OP. If you are so apprehensive about turning 40, maybe it is because you aren't were you wanted to be by 40? If that's the case I would not sweat it. I'm nowhere near what I would like to be yet, and due to some poor choices, and a certain lack of knowledge, some of my choices in my teens, twenties and thirties will continue to haunt me. However, what I accomplished in my 30s was better than what I accomplished in my 20s. and I really do believe what I accomplish in my 40s will be better than what I did in my 30s.

    But for me 40 is just a marker. A placeholder separating the completion on my 30s and the beginning of a new segment of my life. And if what the other posters on this thread are saying is true, then my 40s should really be Kick A** compared to the rest of my life, which sort of means it's a new beginning worth celebrating.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    To the OP. If you are so apprehensive about turning 40, maybe it is because you aren't were you wanted to be by 40?

    Thats exactly how I think, right I think what did I achieve and where am I now, answer: nothing and nowhere.

    To diet and get into shape before I hit it, was just correcting an error I let myself become in my 30s, had I eaten healthly and stayed fit in my 30s, this diet would not of been necessary.

    Goal in my 40s is to maintain from weight and hopefully I might one lose a bit more and reach my goal, I get to enjoy the weight I was in my 20s in my 40s, (The 30s was just fat me).

    So I suggest to anyone if going to turn 40 within 6 months and dreading to turn 40 out of shape, start getting into shape now, it won't be too late...
  • HBMairi
    HBMairi Posts: 84 Member
    Ah its not so bad! If you feel life is passing you by, look at the reasons you think that and do something about it.
    Im turning 43 next week!!!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I'm loving my 40s... I feel like I'm finally getting my act together. :bigsmile:
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm loving my 40s... I feel like I'm finally getting my act together. :bigsmile:

    Maybe ill also get my act together after the next 20years :glasses:
  • classc1
    classc1 Posts: 42 Member
    I turned 40 yesterday so I completely understand. The lead up to it is definitely worse. Today, the day after, feels like any other day. I am actually in better shape than I was 20 years ago so I feel great!!! Eating right and exercising as we all know is key.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    The anticipation of 40 was worse than the reality. It was quite liberating actually. I turn 42 in February. Turning 40 motivated me and I am in better shape and much smaller then I was in high school.

    i agree with this ! liberating

    :drinker: If you take good care of yourself you'll be loving life.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I hear you. I started already when I turned 30, I didn't like it a single bit. Now in my 40s I still got it. I dread getting older.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member

    Suddenly the future is scary, so asking for anyone who's already over 40, which is worse, the lead up to 40, or after you turn 40?

    There are people in their twenties who live on the couch and watch TV for hours and never pursue their dreams.

    I'm age 59. I'm in the best shape I've been in years. I can hike 10 miles without breaking a sweat. I went back to college a couple of years ago to work on another degree (I love learning). I thought I would be too old to do well, but I've made the dean's list with a 4.0 average both years (better than when I went to college the first time).

    You can do anything you want to do in life. You can't stop the clock so live well, enjoy life, pursue your dreams, get up every day not with fear and anxiety, but to relish the day. Do something you really want to do today. Push your boundaries. Age is just a number.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    3 more days to go, not dreading it too much, just this year 2013, I lost my job, moved far away, lost contact with most of my friends, feeling i'm forgotten, and with all the weight i've lost, the old me no longer exists, but yeah your replies have made me feel better, there is life after 40, ive onlyy heard negatives from people i know that are already 40, like "life's downhill after 40", yet i'm fitter than I can ever remember myself being, and trying to stay postive, wish me luck!

    Like I said in an earlier post, you got this! Don't listen to the nay sayers about life's downhill after 40, they were probably saying things like that their whole lives. I will be wishing you a happy birthday on Sunday, so you won't be forgotten about:smile:

    Congrats on being a new you! It can only get better from here on out!
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I think it's the idea of it. To be honest I embraced by 40th much better than my 30th. What I realised is that (as the song goes) it is just a number, it really only matters how you feel inside. I feel 27, cop to 37 and in reality I will be 42 this Sunday.

    I found my 40s so far have been the most relaxed time for me so far and all my aims are to get back to being true to myself and stop caring as much about what other people think I should be, say, do, look like etc. I definitely feel much more content and focused. You will too.

    You have done so well to be turning 40 and fit, that is quite an accomplishment and says more about you than anything else. That took determination and hard work my son, there are lots of 20somethings who wouldn't be able to achieve that.

    Happy Birthday for Sunday :o)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    your replies have made me feel better, there is life after 40, i've only heard negatives from people i know that are already 40, like "life's downhill after 40", yet i'm fitter than I can ever remember myself being, and trying to stay postive, wish me luck!
    When I turned 10, my dad told me it's all downhill once you turn double digits. I believed him, b/c I was gullible, he's my dad, and I was a kid.

    You're in the best shape of your life. Your 40s will rock!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    40 really didn't bother me, neither did 30. I think it was 38 that was rough (due to a difficult break up). I feel more confident in who I am and where I am going. It's been an interesting journey, and I look forward to seeing where I will be in five years. Perspective is the only thing that stands in the way of a Happy 40th and a miserable one. You have accomplished great things this year. What do you want to do next year? Or the next several years?

    take that back i'm turning 38 this year. sorry op i dread each year my oldest nieces is turning 18 at the end of feb. oh how time flys
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    Guess from this point is to keep the weight off, and turning 40 didnt bother me much until tonight that is, just felt like the world by passing by me, just gonna make the day as quiet as possible, try to forget the number.

    30 just looks like 20, I don't even remember my 30th, 40 is a noticeable number on its own

    Thanks, for your replies, the dreaded moment will just pass by despite the invisible permanent stamp im about to get on me for the rest of my life.

    I thought nothing of turning 40 until the week before the day actually came. All of a sudden I was bothered by 'that number'. Well, the day came and went...I obviously got 'use' to being now in my 40's. Now that I'm 47 and heading towards 50 (sounds really weird to me), I might surprise myself and be bothered by turning 50, but I actually enjoyed my 40's...the older I get, I am much more settled and 'real' than ever before. I'm living for me now, in my twenties and thirties I lived for others. I am much happier now than when I younger.

    Hope you find the same thing transpiring into your life. Be grateful; I frequently ask myself what I am grateful for and I, as I'm sure you have, always find SO many things!

    Take care...and dare I say...Happy Birthday!
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    Some quick perspective. Go buy a newspaper and turn to the Obituaries. Im pretty sure anybody in that section would be thrilled to see another birthday no matter what age it is. Be grateful that you woke up this morning because many people didn't. Enjoy what you have you'll reach your goals one step at a time :)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    for me, after I turned 40 was worse- but only because of the way I was treated by other people. I seem to attract much younger guys and then when they find out im 40 its a turnoff. WTH

    or maybe its in my head because Ive also attracted some mid-20s guys. I think im a cougar now??
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Not to belittle your feelings, but I just turned 54 and life is way better now than it was when I turned 40. Try to embrace it instead of dreading it!
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    OMG!! Are you married? I had to go through this with my husband - please don't do this to your wife. It sucks.

    PS: 40 is awesome, and 45 is more awesome, and so on, and so on....
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member

    I think, at 40, you really have nothing to worry about. Keep living as healthily as you can and you're fine. You might not even be at your peak yet depending on how you took care of yourself earlier in life.

    True! I walk longer and have more energy than ever before, I hate thinking 30-35 is the retirement age from fitness!

    Okay so a little something to ponder. Our family runs a 5k Turkey Trot each Thanksgiving. It used to be fairly small but has grown to a 1,000 folks. One guy ran the course in 35 minutes and inquired what the age brackets were. They give prizes for each age group by decade. He won the 70's age group which at 35 minutes was pretty cool; even better --->he was 83 years old. And yes, a standing ovation followed his winnings. Age is relative, get it done Brother.