Treadmill calorie count--Wrong or right?

Hi. I am a 17 year old male, and I am 190lbs aiming for 150 by next year. This is my treadmill after jogging around 4 km/h for 64 mins:
I am 5" 6' and had a few doubts. Is this right? For now, I have substituted to using for proper calorie count, could you tell me which is right or what is a better solution?


  • Aerosam
    Aerosam Posts: 121 Member
    Unless your treadmill allows you to enter basic data about yourself (Gender/weight/age etc) then its calculating your calories based on an average user so it wont be accurate unless you fit that profile.

    Personally I use the Runtastic fitness app on my smartphone as that already has my data synced from MFP. i do my run on the treadmill, enter the run into Runtastic (it only requires distance and time) and the app calculates the calories and enters them into my excercise diary on MFP automatically. Simples.

    Dont get too hung up on super accurate calorie counts as they will never be spot on. As long as I'm about 100 cals above or below my goal each day then i consider that a succesful day.

    Good luck.
  • JustineV88
    The best solution would be to get yourself a good heart rate monitor- such as garmin or polar- and wear it while on the treadmill. These devices are more accurate at estimating calorie usage as they take into account the intensity you are working at alongside the activity, your weight, height, age etc. They can be used for running/cycling/walking plus many other outdoor sports as well when you are ready to venture outside :)