Breakfast Timing



  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant. I eat breakfast anywhere from 6am to 11am, some people don't even eat breakfast. ;) It comes down to calories in vs out for weight loss. When you eat is purely based on your personal preference and sustainability.


    Calories are only part of the picture.

    Sure, run a calories deficit long enough and you will lose weight.

    But will you KEEP it off long term? Five years out?

    Studies show the vast majority of people who just count calories count regain any weight lost within five years- either by going off their diet or just stopping exercise.

    So calorie is NOT the answer long-term. It is SHORT-TERM only.

    How many people on this board seeking to lose weight are back for another round of weight loss after rebounding from earlier efforts?

    Dealing with hunger is the key to permanent weight loss. "Naturally" thin people are not controlled by having an empty stomach- they don't feel the need to fill it up immediately.

    Meal timing is VERY relevant if someone wants to REALLY change their lives long-term.

    You post the most irrelevant information. Any time you're challenged on a topic you just jump ship to another thread... such a joke.

    Facts are facts.

    BTW I have been posting all along.

    I wondered where you straw men guys went to.

    OK. Defend breakfast. Where are YOUR facts?

    You are the same poster that had two threads fairly recently saying that if you skipped breakfast every day you could then eat ANYTHING else for the rest of the day, no matter how many calories, and still lose weight, aren't you? Both threads were deleted weren't they? I wonder why?
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    All I can stomach in the morning is coffee...eating right when I wake up makes me feel sick...I wake for 6am but don't typically eat anything solid until 10am...and even that is small like a protein shake...whatever makes you feel good and can be maintained is key
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    All I can stomach in the morning is coffee...eating right when I wake up makes me feel sick...I wake for 6am but don't typically eat anything solid until 10am...and even that is small like a protein shake...whatever makes you feel good and can be maintained is key

    Weird, this is true for me too but I've been told it's related to acid levels in my stomach when I wake up... & I definitely can't do coffee until I am ready for solid food.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Eating 3-6 times per day didn't work for me. So I decided to skip breakfast as a test, noticed a drop in weight after a week, then found out about Intermittent Fasting. I no longer have the issue of preparing foods or going out for meals so much throughout the day. I have a small 3-4 hour eating window. And if your wondering, dropped 16lbs in a month on IF. Yes, your thinking water weight maybe? I tank 128 ounces a day like clockwork.
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant. I eat breakfast anywhere from 6am to 11am, some people don't even eat breakfast. ;) It comes down to calories in vs out for weight loss. When you eat is purely based on your personal preference and sustainability.


    Calories are only part of the picture.

    Sure, run a calories deficit long enough and you will lose weight.

    But will you KEEP it off long term? Five years out?

    Studies show the vast majority of people who just count calories count regain any weight lost within five years- either by going off their diet or just stopping exercise.

    So calorie is NOT the answer long-term. It is SHORT-TERM only.

    How many people on this board seeking to lose weight are back for another round of weight loss after rebounding from earlier efforts?

    Dealing with hunger is the key to permanent weight loss. "Naturally" thin people are not controlled by having an empty stomach- they don't feel the need to fill it up immediately.

    Meal timing is VERY relevant if someone wants to REALLY change their lives long-term.

    You post the most irrelevant information. Any time you're challenged on a topic you just jump ship to another thread... such a joke.

    Facts are facts.

    BTW I have been posting all along.

    I wondered where you straw men guys went to.

    OK. Defend breakfast. Where are YOUR facts?

    You are the same poster that had two threads fairly recently saying that if you skipped breakfast every day you could then eat ANYTHING else for the rest of the day, no matter how many calories, and still lose weight, aren't you? Both threads were deleted weren't they? I wonder why?


    I wonder, too.

    Got hundreds of responses. A lot of interest.

    And justifiably so.

    People are tired of failing weight loss protocols. It can be very costly.

    Don't kid yourself, folks. Weight loss in the end is a mental game. Understand what "hunger" really is and you will be successful- no matter how you choose to run a calorie deficit to get there.

    Both times your threads were closed by a mod giving the reason that you needed to take it to a group of like-minded individuals instead of littering the forum. The first thread was people calling you out and repeatedly asking you for actual proof of your claims. The second one was the same people who were only in to see how much longer you'd last. The only interest I saw was whether or not you'd jump ship or keep on trucking.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Well, I honestly think it is important to eat all day. I eat 6 meals a day.....meals doesn't mean a lot of food, it could be yogurt and nuts or tuna and pretzels. It is good for your metabolism if u eat all day and drink tons of water. I have never heard any weight loss guru encourage u not to eat 4-6 meals a day.

    Timing your meals does not impact your metabolism, other than indirectly by eating in a way that provides the most energy, which is very individual.

    There are a lot of 'gurus' who do not encourage you to eat 4 - 6 meals a day.

    You will get lots of opinions on here and most are only opinions including mine. U also have a bunch of unkind people. Do what works for u. No need to argue on these forums. It never helps.

    Fact - metabolism and meal timing have zero correlation….
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    All I can stomach in the morning is coffee...eating right when I wake up makes me feel sick...I wake for 6am but don't typically eat anything solid until 10am...and even that is small like a protein shake...whatever makes you feel good and can be maintained is key

    Weird, this is true for me too but I've been told it's related to acid levels in my stomach when I wake up... & I definitely can't do coffee until I am ready for solid food.

    The coffee was a learned behavior...I'm a teacher and needed something to pump me up before the bell rings and keep me sane dealing with the little ones lol....I have always believed that acid in the stomach was involved but I wasn't able to get a straight answer from a physician.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant. I eat breakfast anywhere from 6am to 11am, some people don't even eat breakfast. ;) It comes down to calories in vs out for weight loss. When you eat is purely based on your personal preference and sustainability.


    Calories are only part of the picture.

    Sure, run a calories deficit long enough and you will lose weight.

    But will you KEEP it off long term? Five years out?

    Studies show the vast majority of people who just count calories count regain any weight lost within five years- either by going off their diet or just stopping exercise.

    So calorie is NOT the answer long-term. It is SHORT-TERM only.

    How many people on this board seeking to lose weight are back for another round of weight loss after rebounding from earlier efforts?

    Dealing with hunger is the key to permanent weight loss. "Naturally" thin people are not controlled by having an empty stomach- they don't feel the need to fill it up immediately.

    Meal timing is VERY relevant if someone wants to REALLY change their lives long-term.

    You post the most irrelevant information. Any time you're challenged on a topic you just jump ship to another thread... such a joke.

    Facts are facts.

    BTW I have been posting all along.

    I wondered where you straw men guys went to.

    OK. Defend breakfast. Where are YOUR facts?

    You are the same poster that had two threads fairly recently saying that if you skipped breakfast every day you could then eat ANYTHING else for the rest of the day, no matter how many calories, and still lose weight, aren't you? Both threads were deleted weren't they? I wonder why?


    I wonder, too.

    Got hundreds of responses. A lot of interest.

    And justifiably so.

    People are tired of failing weight loss protocols. It can be very costly.

    Don't kid yourself, folks. Weight loss in the end is a mental game. Understand what "hunger" really is and you will be successful- no matter how you choose to run a calorie deficit to get there.

    Some things you say do make sense such as it being a mind game and understanding what hunger really is. As some people do confuse thirst for hunger or simply eat if they are bored or eat out of habit, or mindlessly snack.

    But breakfast of itself isn't the problem - it would only be a problem if you ate all your calories for the day at that one meal and then ate lunch and then ate dinner.

    I didn't eat breakfast for years, was ravenously hungry by lunch and consequently overate and put on weight. Skipping breakfast may work for some but not everybody is the same. Personally most days I eat breakfast, today I didn't. I am learning to eat when I am hungry and learning to stop eating when I am no longer hungry. It's as simple as that.

    But this is irrelevant to the OP's initial post. To which I would answer I really don't think meal timing has any bearing on weight loss at all. If you are happy with your yoghurt and banana then stick with it
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,988 Member
    Recommending that everyone skips breakfast is equally silly to recommending that everyone eat breakfast.

    I have done it both ways and they both work. The only things, for me that drive the changes were my goals and changing lifestyle.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,988 Member
    But this is irrelevant to the OP's initial post. To which I would answer I really don't think meal timing has any bearing on weight loss at all. If you are happy with your yoghurt and banana then stick with it

    IMO, the only bearing meal timing has on weight loss is if it effects compliance...
  • sconfer55
    sconfer55 Posts: 8 Member
    if you eat breakfast 30 mins after you wake up it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,988 Member
    if you eat breakfast 30 mins after you wake up it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day!

    ^^No it does not...
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    if you eat breakfast 30 mins after you wake up it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day!

    No it doesn't.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Doctor Oz says:
    it boosts your metabolism
    It must be true.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Back to the OP's question.
    I wake up, take my dog out, feed dog and cat, and then make breakfast. By that time I'm hungry, so I have breakfast. End of story. :bigsmile:
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Pisch-posch on timing. Are you hungry later on? Eat later on. Are you hungry when you get up? Eat when you get up. Calories in, calories out and deficit if you wish to lose.

    Me? I'm starving when I get up. And before anyone gets their panties in a knot over my word "starving", that's the :word" I grew up on....."ravenous" was for hoity-toity snobbery folks! :laugh:
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    until very recently I had ALWAYS had some form of breakfast before I left the house for work (up around 6.30, leave around 7.30). I would still be starving by teabreak (10.30) even if I had a big bowl of porridge or alternatively a protein based breakfast. But at weekends, I would easily forget to eat until around 3pm.

    I realised that I was probably having breakfast as a routine thing (I grew up in a diabetic household where meal timings were very important).

    Lately I have been delaying breakfast. I get up, get ready for work, enjoy my morning tea then go to work where I have a black coffee (coffee seems to do wonders for keeping any hunger pangs away). At teabreak I then have my breakfast, which may be muesli and porridge, or even just a slice of homemade cake. Weirdly, what I am noticing is the following:

    I'm quite alert in the morning before I eat
    I don't notice hunger too much
    I eat LESS overall throughout the day - it's like eating early kickstarts something in me to eat, but delaying the eating doesn't make me stuff myself.

    As a result I am cutting about 300 calories a day by not having that before work food. I haven't checked my weight yet but it's working for me on a mental attitude level.

    So if you want to eat a bit later, give it a go. There's no real reason to eat immediately after waking (except in some medical circumstances) and it may work for you
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    I love breakfast. It's my favourite meal of the day, and I rarely go without. But it's not specifically required for metabolism or other biological needs. As long as you get enough nutrients and energy from your food through out the rest of the day, you should be fine.
    That said, regular meals help, or they do for me. But that's just because routine is important for some people. For some people, breakfast shortly after waking is a good start to the day; give it a go, see if it's the case for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you eat breakfast 30 mins after you wake up it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day!

    this is complete and unadulterated BS….