No carbs in the evening to shift last few pounds?????



  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Well I've tried eating no carbs in evening past 4 pm, eating complex carbs during day I.e. double the bran flakes for breakfast, brown rice or brown pasta with tuna, mixed beans, chickpeas and fruit for lunch and after 3/4 weeks of reaching a plateau I've lost 3.5 lbs! Soooooooo pleased! 3.5 lbs to go! :happy:
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    P.s that's with the same number of calories and may have gone over by about 100 a couple of days!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Well I've tried eating no carbs in evening past 4 pm, eating complex carbs during day I.e. double the bran flakes for breakfast, brown rice or brown pasta with tuna, mixed beans, chickpeas and fruit for lunch and after 3/4 weeks of reaching a plateau I've lost 3.5 lbs! Soooooooo pleased! 3.5 lbs to go! :happy:

    Congratulations on breaking through your plateau!

    Now ... do you have a scientific study to back this up? :wink:
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    A friend who teaches science / biology told me the theory behind it but all I could hear was her say " I lost 4 stone doing that"! I reckon that's hgood enough for me! ha ha:laugh:
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    A friend who teaches science / biology told me the theory behind it but all I could hear was her say " I lost 4 stone doing that"! I reckon that's hgood enough for me! ha ha:laugh:
    Sounds like she doesn't know much about how the body metabolizes nutrients, then. Avoiding carbs at night, assuming you don't change your calories/macronutrients, will do NOTHING for your body composition. Period.
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    A friend who teaches science / biology told me the theory behind it but all I could hear was her say " I lost 4 stone doing that"! I reckon that's hgood enough for me! ha ha:laugh:
    Sounds like she doesn't know much about how the body metabolizes nutrients, then. Avoiding carbs at night, assuming you don't change your calories/macronutrients, will do NOTHING for your body composition. Period.

    Actually she does! I was joking as really didn't want to get into a serious conversation about this again. She explained it perfectly! It all made perfect sense. I did it and lost 3.5lbs when previously just sticking to the calories and not looking at other nutritional content just wasn't shifting the weight for quite a while. Period!
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Actually she does! I was joking as really didn't want to get into a serious conversation about this again. She explained it perfectly! It all made perfect sense. I did it and lost 3.5lbs when previously just sticking to the calories and not looking at other nutritional content just wasn't shifting the weight for quite a while. Period!
    Do you believe in gravity? Because your friend is arguing against a physical law of nature that is as well-known and as valid as the concept of gravity. It's known as the law of thermodynamics.

    If you are not changing your calories or macronutrients, and ONLY changing the time at which you eat carbs, you will see no changes in bodycomposition. Timing is irrelevant.
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Actually she does! I was joking as really didn't want to get into a serious conversation about this again. She explained it perfectly! It all made perfect sense. I did it and lost 3.5lbs when previously just sticking to the calories and not looking at other nutritional content just wasn't shifting the weight for quite a while. Period!
    Do you believe in gravity? Because your friend is arguing against a phyosical law of nature that is as well-known and as valid as the concept of gravity. It's known as the law of thermodynamics.

    If you are not changing your calories or macronutrients, and ONLY changing the time at which you eat carbs, you will see no changes in bodycomposition. Timing is irrelevant.

    Blah blah blah blah blah! ....... I lost 3.5 lbs. What a coincidence! If having the final say is so important feel free... I have the proof. You have the theory which contradicts the other theory which has in fact been proved by me! Goodnight!
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Blah blah blah blah blah! ....... I lost 3.5 lbs. What a coincidence! If having the final say is so important feel free... I have the proof. You have the theory which contradicts the other theory which has in fact been proved by me! Goodnight!
    No, what it means is you changed something else which resulted in weight loss. Maybe you dropped calories, increased exercise, dropped carb intake as a whole, etc. That or you can attribute your changes to fluctuations in water weight.

    Changing nothing EXCEPT for the time which you eat carbs will not do a thing for body composition. To disagree would be to disagree with gravity. I don't think you understand that it is a PHYSICAL LAW OF NATURE.
  • loseweightkate1
    loseweightkate1 Posts: 5 Member
    I think it deoends on your body to be honest. I know potato, pasta and bread make me gain weight. I did a diet of eating my carbs at lunch and say chicken and veg in the evening but nothing after 6pm except carrot sticks and I lost 2 and a half stone going from a size 14 to a size 10. Didn't exercise much at all either but did take acai berry as well. Lost it in 3 months :) I'm very happy and have kept it as a lifestyle change. I'm not hungry at all in the day as I pretty much eat what I want. The worse thing is I want to go to bed by 8pm because I start getting really hungry after my carb free dinner! Lol think it's more the fact you know you can't eat anything else after it and I was a picker when watching tv etc! Black under my eyes going too though now! Lol good luck guys and gals! :)
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    p.s. It was a scientist who told me about this in the first place and gave the theory behind it too. She lost 4 stone doing this. Again one scientist's opinion may differ from another's which is maybe why a mountain of health problems have not all been solved and research continues. :smile:
    Scientists are not infallible. I can promise you she did not lose weight BECAUSE she reduced carbs at night. She lost weight because she ate a hypocaloric diet

    Her degree was based on studying all of this! That's where she learnt about it! My degree was in Spanish. Maybe can't speak it after all!

    If she were a good scientist, she would know that studies with an n of 1 don't prove anything.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Meal timing and frequency is entirely irrelevant to body composition. What matters is your entire day's worth of calories/macronutrients. Opting out of carbs in the evening will not change anything assuming you are not changing your overall caloric intake.

  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Meal timing and frequency is entirely irrelevant to body composition. What matters is your entire day's worth of calories/macronutrients. Opting out of carbs in the evening will not change anything assuming you are not changing your overall caloric intake.


    eta: just realized how old this thread was-oops!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I think it depends on your body to be honest. I know potato, pasta and bread make me gain weight. I did a diet of eating my carbs at lunch and say chicken and veg in the evening but nothing after 6pm except carrot sticks and I lost 2 and a half stone going from a size 14 to a size 10. Didn't exercise much at all either but did take acai berry as well. Lost it in 3 months :) I'm very happy and have kept it as a lifestyle change. I'm not hungry at all in the day as I pretty much eat what I want. The worse thing is I want to go to bed by 8pm because I start getting really hungry after my carb free dinner! Lol think it's more the fact you know you can't eat anything else after it and I was a picker when watching tv etc! Black under my eyes going too though now! Lol good luck guys and gals! :)

    Holy first post flame-baiting necro, Batman!