What "tools" are helping you along your journey?

I am 5 months into my program and thought it would be interesting to hear from other members and for new members what those tools were that really added value or became critical in your program. Thought you could share a short outline of how you lose weight and then list the tools with their use. Here is the first:

My trip
Going from about 255 lbs at my heaviest to a goal of 170 lbs. Doing so through calorie counting, limiting carbs and increasing exercise, mainly running indoors and outdoors and swimming. At about 187 lbs after 4.5 months.

MFP for tracking and inspiration: 1st place as it opened my eyes to my crazy calorie intake and highlighted that a lot of foods with "healthy" marketing is poison for your body. It also kept me focus lazer sharp.

Fitbit: for those first 8 weeks when I was too heavy to really run and needed something to keep me going on those long walks with the dog and taking all those stairs. After about 8 weeks I was down so much weight I became more of a runner and the fitbit ended up displaying little coos of love that went unanswered. Again, GREAT type of tool (all fitbit like step counters) but only for a limited time did it actually really help. Cant wait for that Amiigo to finally arrive...

TomTom GPS Runner watch: once i started running and swimming I ended up buying a GPS watch to track my distances and performance. The things that got me really hooked on this item is that it lets me run against myself by displaying how far ahead or behind I was on the same course. It really makes me compete against my personal best and that has made me run almost daily at this point. It also does heartbeat and treadmill and swimming measurement. Either way, this tool is now the "new" fitbit for me. Also love the online experience with this item.

Blendtec Blender: I started with vitamin, raw veggie and fruit smoothies in my regimen given that I restricted my diet and wanted to be sure I got all the vitamins in (VitaminShoppe anyone!!, best powders). Especially with the exercising I need the energy that this smoothie gives me and even my wife got on it and lost, unanticipated, 20 lbs while I lost my 60). A blender and adding this to your diet is worth it as your body starts responding once it gets used to quality fuel: my skin improved greatly, my Keratosis disappeared. I never had those sinus infections anymore and really havent been sick for 5 months at this point. I think this was critical in that. Start with a magic bullet or a ninja or a blentec, just try the swamp juice. Nothing like goji berries and chia sends and raw kale in a mix with vitamins and minerals and frozen fruit. It really is like liquid energy.

Treadmill Sole F85: I hate running in the cold but didn't want to start growing a winter-fat-coat this time around so i bought a treadmill. I bought a Sole because of the wide belt and the steady roll etc. Anyways, a treadmill was crucial and now, in dead winter, I run on a 4 incline and put my miles in. Netflix and Hulu on Tablet: and treadmill runs are boring. So I watch Netflix shows and hulu shows / episodes that last the duration of a run. Its great and the runs fly by while I watch those Nikita and Arrow episodes :) Looove it.

Good running shoes: running can wreak havoc on your body if not done right. I was very heavy and needed the right cushioning and type of shoe. For me the deliriously expensive Adidas Energy Boost shoes at 150$ did the trick. Never felt anything quite like it and they felt like running on clouds from day 1. Do NOT skimp on equipment / apparel when you work out. Make it enjoyable and fashionable and comfortable if you're doing it.

Finally, buying clothes: I had to buy a new wardrobe as I shrunk and suits and coats are expensive. And now I will rather burn my fridge than let me gain again as my new Paul Smith and Armani and Acquaviva suits are really really nice and I cannot afford to buy them again. Buying clothes is my reward and marketing of my weightloss progress and success. I deserve it for the hard work i put in.

Anyways, sorry for being long winded. But would love to read what others had as critical parts on their weightloss journey.


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Barbell. Plates. Rack. Bench and Chuck Taylor's.

    Day to Page Diary and pen.
  • Efficient post! In stark contrast with my monologue :)
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Efficient post! In stark contrast with my monologue :)

    Ha ha!

    I'm a minimalist!
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    MFP so I can be more aware of my food intake and the value of nourishment it adds to my day.

    Goals - this year i signed up for an 8k run on March 1st. My goal is to run it in 50 minutes. I am working on it and intend on meeting my goal.

    Keeping busy - tend to eat and sit around alot if I am not keeping myself busy so I have a schedule now on my google account.
    At almost 54 i signed up for college. They have a great sports arena chock full of a running track, swimming pool , gym ect and it is included in my tuition. I will be busy, use the facilities and get further educated at the same time.

    My home -I always hated being home. No wonders-- it is full of clutter and things that help me stay fat. I am working on turning it in to a very welcoming part of my life and even gutted my livingroom/dining room in to a gym. i have mini spa treatment things, some of the bedrooms are re-decorated to be escape bed and breakfast rooms and am even using my outdoors as a gym for the nicer weather days.. My home is the biggest tool i have now in helping me along my journey. Some people are enjoying coming to my home now and even work out with me.. Enjoying your environment is the biggest tool you can have!
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    MFP (duh)

    Food scale

    Lifting straps

    ...and all the "tools" with whom I lift at the school gym, providing ample motivation to be better/stronger/faster than they are.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Fooducate app to help make decisions about store-bought foods
    Scale and measuring tape to track my progress
    Reusable water bottle that holds three servings
    Espresso maker to help me avoid high-calorie, high-sugar drinks
    Yoga mat with carrier
    My own kitchen (for the first time, since I previously lived with my mom and in a college dorm) with lots of cooking tools
    Internet access and personal experience for nutrition knowledge
    Measuring cups and spoons and a recently-purchased food scale for increased accuracy
    Cookbooks and recipes magazines with nutrition facts, many of which emphasize health and/or weight loss
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Fitocracy is a great tracking tool if you lift weights.
  • Dargo1972
    Dargo1972 Posts: 1
    Quick Question...... Could yo u provide more thoughts on your F85 treadmill?

    I'm getting a treadmill soon and it's on my short-list.

  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    MFP, and my polar FT4 helped a lot when I was mostly into cardio.

    And groupon. Got my started on crossfit and let me try bikram yoga and pole fitness. I LOVE GROUPON.