stained back and need advice

at the start of the week I managed to strain my back lifting jugs of water to fill a water bin up. I have taken the week off and let my back heal. I had set a challenge for myself to start on Monday and now have to modify that plan to allow for my back to heal. My question is what are some easy, but good exercises I can do that won't make my back worst. I have an exercise bike and work out dvd's. I live in the country pretty removed from any real town so any suggestions needs to home based as I don't have access to a gym. Thanks.


  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    The bike sounds good. So does walking. But depending on which DVDs are involved I would be careful with those. My short answer is to let your back tell you what it's ready for.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    REST!!! If you push your back and end up with an even worse injury, you won't be able to work out for a LONG time.

    I wouldn't do anything more than light cardio- like walking or maybe using your bike gently if it feels ok. All the DVD's I know of involve a lot of circuit type moving around, which is too risky for right now. Maybe you could do some relaxation-type yoga if you're gentle and skip anything that hurts your back.

    Please take it easy, even if it's a couple more weeks.
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I am following the doctors advice on only doing very light so not to injure further but also to start to use the back enough to not allow the muscles to weaken too badly. But he didn't really have a lot of good suggestions other not nothing to fast or strenuous. I am really thankful for the new exercise bike and if I look through my dvd's I should be able to find my old yoga one that shouldn't make my situation worst. Thanks again for the advice, I was kinda at a loss since I tend to have a go big or go home mentality and that isn't what I should do for now. He (doc) suggested walking, but with three feet of snow and ice outside that seems like the start of a bad situation.