if you're thinking about giving up...


i have always thought of myself as an independent person when it has come to weight loss. i was convinced that i could do it on my own and that i could achieve my goals by myself! i was (literally) a big girl and thought i didn't need anybody to help me along. i had it all under control...right? WRONG! i was so independent because i was embarrassed that i couldn't figure it out on my own. but when a co worker of mine turned me on to this site, it was like she had given me the greatest gift i've ever received. i had tried many ways to figure out how to lose this weight, but this site has helped me in so many ways that i can't even explain!

- i am happy to say that although i know none of you, you are some of the greatest friends i have in my life! your encouragements have helped me accomplish so many things, and have pushed me to take baby steps to achieve my goals. THANK YOU!

- i've discovered that there are so many TASTY AND FUN ways of eating and exercising that i never knew of 'til i read all of your posts and blogs. THANK YOU AGAIN!

- i have lost 8 lbs so far and it is the most success i've had since trying to lose this weight...which is a LONG time. this site is wonderful for helping you CELEBRATE what you've achieved so far.

- i am so freakin' happy and excited and thrilled and, and, and... i never realized how much i missed being happy, all of the time. see, i'm smiling right now!

- i am able to finally tackle personal issues rationally instead of feeding my feelings. diet and exercise is seriously putting my brain into order. it has put so many aspect of my life into perspective. it's an awesome feeling!

- i feel peace.

so if you feel discouraged, or angry, or sad or "fat", please know that when you keep on fighting the good fight, you will find that you're a winner in the end. we are all here to support each other and help in any way we can. don't get me wrong, there are MANY days when i want to scarf down loads of junk food, but i think about the tiny little pound i just lost and wonder if i really wanna work as hard i have to lose it, just to do it all over again!? usually, the answer is no! hehe.

use this site to it's full potential.
reach out to us.
keep moving.
and realize how great you truly are.

much love to all of you today, and to all of our veterans, past and present. thank you all so much.


  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    ...yeah, what she said!
  • LJK100
    LJK100 Posts: 39 Member
    Jumping up and down clapping hands!!!! :happy:
  • MandyGirly
    That was amazingly motivational. Thanks so much for sharing!!!:happy:
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    What an amazing post! Enjoyed reading it (and really needed something like this today - thank you!). Good luck in your journey :):)
  • ItsTime2010
    AWESOME, thank you for writing this.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Isn't it amazing when the light comes on? Your post will help many members today & future members down the road! Well said!!:wink:
  • lisafrancis629
    Great post. Your happiness and enthusiasm is jumping off the page! Thanks for the encouragement. :flowerforyou:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    You officially brought tears to my eyes. Thank you....you seriously have no idea.......
  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    YAAAAAAYYYY I feel so happy reading this cause seriously SERIOUSLY I feel the same way about this site =) I feel like I cant give up now.. I WONT!!!! I always feel fat but I feel my self melting into my new me and I love it and people are starting to notice, even if the scale doesnt reflect big numbers... MY BODY FEELS DIFFERENT! =) NEVER GIVE UP!!
  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks so much for this post :flowerforyou: