Bulky/Fat Calves

I've always noticed how my calves are wide, a combination of both fat and muscle. They've always bothered me a lot, and I can't stand looking at them (but I still wear shorts and skirts). The main reason I wanted to lose weight was because of these things. I then measured them and discovered that my ankles are probably just a little skinnier than normal...or maybe not. I am 165 cm tall, with 18.5 cm ankles and 33 cm calves. I weigh 50 kg.
Here are some photos:
I was wondering if anyone knew anything I could do (short of plastic surgery) that would help make them look...better.
Thank you in advance.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Looks like normal calves to me. Has anyone complained?
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Looks like normal calves to me.

  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Looks like normal calves to me. Has anyone complained?

    Yep...Looks normal to skinny to me.....You might want to go read up on body dysmorphia...
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    They don't look fat or bulky at all.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    You calves are normal looking. Think of this... when I started here my calves were 25 inches (63.5 cm) around. Perhaps the length of your shorts or skirts don't hit in a visually pleasing zone for your taste. Anything hitting on the seemingly widest part of your body creates a visual illusion of more bulk in places where it simply does not exist. This is why I don't wear Capri pants.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    OP you're tripping. your calves look normal
  • Chellellelle
    Chellellelle Posts: 595 Member
    Yeah dude, your calves look great. I was expecting something totally different when I looked at the pictures. You have nothing to worry about!
  • MINIRunner
    MINIRunner Posts: 19 Member
    Hard to reduce your calves unless you are losing A LOT of weight.

    But, you have absolutely normal looking calves.
  • Annetinkerbell
    Annetinkerbell Posts: 36 Member
    You have thinner calves than me! I just measured mine and I am a healthy weight at 124lbs and only 5'2" but have 37cm calves and 23cm ankles. I need to lose more weight clearly!!

    I think you may have skinny ankles but the proportion difference is the same for us. I find it difficult to do up knee high boots because of my calves but am not worried about them in skirts etc. I think if you focus on one bit of your body it can seem like a big problem area but now one else would notice it.

    Look at yourself in a full length mirror and take look at your whole self, not just at the bits you don't like.

    You could always wear heals or wedges to make your legs appear thinner.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Is this a joke thread or do you (OP) have body dysmorphia?

    The calves in those photos are on the thin side of normal. Certainly by no means big. I've been plagued with rather large calves my entire life. At my thinnest, my calves have never been below 15" (38.1cm).
  • watto1980
    watto1980 Posts: 155 Member
    You could try adding calf raises into your workout routine.


    But in saying that I agree with everyone else they look pretty normal to me as they are.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Have you seen Asian men's calf muscles? They look like they do calf raises 24/7 and inject roids in them lol.

    On a more serious note, there's no such thing as spot reduction, you have to lose overall body fat and strength train.

    If I could spot reduce, I would already have arms that make bodybuilders look shy... but nope, just a shapeless lump as of now :D