P90X3 - Who's with me?!



  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks for the tip! I appreciate it :) I was complaining to my hubby about not being able to do the pull ups and he reminded me we do have a bow flex that has a Lat pull down bar :ohwell: hahah I didn't even think about that. So I think that will work out as my alternative. I'll just set the weight up high and use it for pull-ups.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey ms lady, I am still hanging in there although I have fallen off the wagon as it relates to healthy eating. Hoping P90X3 can get me back in the rt track. There are good and bad days with the arthritis but I try not to let it take me down too long. I have also taken up a new workout that I enjoy.....pole dancing. I have been taking it for 4 months and am thoroughly enjoying it. What workout programs have you been doing lately, you were always a beast when it came to working out?

    I am beginning on January 6th and am excited. I put a pull up bar in the door way and then wrapped the resistance bands around the bar and did that instead of actual pull ups.

    Hi CHOCO!!!!! Good to see ya around!!! Looks like life has been good to ya! How is the arthritis? Keeping it at bay? Hope the series works well for you!!! I will be coming on board around the middle of January!
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I'm in ... starting today and would love to join as well. Do you have a group or is it this same post?
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Happy New Years Eve all :happy: :drinker: Week 1 day 2 today, Agility X. I really enjoyed this one! It's much more fast paced. Those 30 minutes flew by today. There were a few moves I couldn't get, that plyo pushup at the end, I couldn't do the jumping. Gotta work on that upper body strength. Hope everyone else has a great workout today!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    I'm in ... starting today and would love to join as well. Do you have a group or is it this same post?

    Welcome aboard. I don't have a group, just keeping track of everything in this post. Hope you enjoy and good luck to you!
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Yesterday was X3 yoga for me and it was just okay. I only ever did the first 35 minutes of yoga X and I feel like that was a much better workout. X3 wasn't very challenging. Anyway, I'm excited to try Pilates when I get to that week.
  • DECAFLiving
    DECAFLiving Posts: 31 Member
    I'm on week 6 and love it - though i am gaining weight not losing (same with Insanity) - so now focusing on more clean eating!

    Not sure how accurate this is but i use it to estimate my calories - http://p90xcalories.com

    Feel free to add me.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Finished Week 2 Agility X. The time went by more quickly this time and I was able to do most moves. I will say "most" since there were a couple when I had to stop with 5 or 10 seconds left. My heartrate got up to the 180s and I burned 550 calories this time. Not bad at all.

    Menu is on track and I don't plan to have more than a glass of champagne tonight, if at all.


    I'm still doing research on buying a FitBit Flex or Force. Not sure which one and I am open to suggestions.

    Be safe tonight, everyone!

  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! Today was X3 Yoga. I've never really done much yoga but I really enjoyed it. It felt great on my sore muscles. Once I learn all of the poses by name and don't have to watch them constantly I think I will love it! It was nice to get a little extra sleep today and do my workout later rather than 530 or 6am. So now that my workout is done and I'm caught up on everything around the house I am going to enjoy some football and catch up on some reading. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Mike, that menu looks great! Keep up the great work. Regarding the FitBit, I have the One and my hubby has the Flex. He really likes it. I had the flex for a few weeks and ended up taking it back. I really can't stand things on my wrist and it started annoying me so I exchanged it for the One which I love! Hope you enjoy whichever you go with! Happy New year to you!
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    First workout of 2014. Week 2 The Challenge combined with P90X's Ab Ripper. Got my heart rate up to 141bpm and burned 580 calories total. This time I knew ahead of time how to choose my pushup/pullup numbers without killing myself, so I chose to do 20/6. This was manageable up until the end when I had to do pullup negatives (using a stool to get chin above bar, then slowly lowering myself). Pushups were not as difficult, although that last batch I had to do pushups from my knees.

    Keep bringing it!

  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Yesterday was the challenge for me - can only do pull ups with a chair, so I started at 20/20 - ended doing 16/16 with push ups on my knees. Awesome upper body workout!

    Today was CVX. All I can say is... whoa. I haven't felt this beat in awhile. I used 8s.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Good morning all, Week 1 day 4 today, The Challenge. Phew that was a rough one. I am horrible at push ups and ended up doing them on my knees for about half, but I was able to keep my goal number almost all the way through. I have no doubt that I will be feeling this one later.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Week 1:

    Dec 31st - Total Synergistics. Burnt 248 cals. I don't have a pull up bar yet so used resistance bands.

    Jan 1st - Agility (264 cals burnt) and X3 Yoga (160 cals burnt) : I did these back to back as I had the energy. Totally enjoyed Agility and I suck at Yoga. Really need to work on this.

    I use a Polar HRM with a chest strap to estimate cals burnt. I must say this program is a nice change of pace from my Insanity workout days. I still do a bit of cardio though since I enjoy it so much.
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    I would love to join. I am starting today. Feel free to add me as a friend. The more the merrier!
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    My plan was simple, but ended up getting complicated, or at least that is what my OCD was screaming at me. Yesterday was supposed the be a 5-mile Tempo run, which means I run at a slow pace for one mile, then run at a much faster than normal pace for three miles, then at a slow pace for my cooldown mile. Today is supposed to be the Challenge and Ab Ripper X, and tomorrow is supposed to be CVX. However, there was fresh snow on the ground and I was worried more about traction than I was about temperatures, so I decided to do the Challenge and Ab Ripper X yesterday and the run today. Simple, right?

    I took my gym bag with me to work and went to the base gym to run on the treadmill. Holy cow, I forgot this was January 2nd, which means everyone and their brother was working hard at their New Year's Resolution! I had to wait to get on a treadmill, but it only took 10 minutes or so before I hopped on one. (That inconvenience will end by February, I am sure) I managed to run my warmup mile followed by 1 1/2 miles at my fast pace, but then the heat of the room hit me. I hate running in warm weather, and that includes warm rooms, so I literally wilted away. I finished 3 miles before I had to call it a run. I was not happy, but I couldn't force myself to do anything more.

    Once I got home I looked at my workout calendar on the fridge and saw tomorrow is CVX... what if.......

    I put my indoor workout shoes on and knocked out CVX using an 8-lbs medicine ball. Burned 575 calories and got my heart rate up into the 160s. This means I can take my cold weather gear and attempt my 5-mile run again tomorrow...outdoors. So all is not lost.

    On a side note, my FitBit came very close to estimating my 3-mile treadmill run precisely. I was impressed! So tonight I will sit and watch a little television while I use the foam roller on my hamstrings to prevent any muscle soreness before it can cripple me like a geriatric zombie.

    Keep pressing play!

  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Week 1 - Day 4 - The Challenge

    This was basically push ups and pull ups. I don't have a pull up bar just yet so I used resistance bands. Nice workout but it barely got me sweating. My HRM read 158 cals burnt at the end of the session. I still like using my HRM to gauge my heart rate and estimated cal burn.

    Since I barely broke a sweat ...I jumped on my trusty elliptical for 20 mins. I was considering an Insanity video but didn't want to push it just yet and I was tired after a long day.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Week 1 - Day 4 - The Challenge

    This was basically push ups and pull ups. I don't have a pull up bar just yet so I used resistance bands. Nice workout but it barely got me sweating. My HRM read 158 cals burnt at the end of the session. I still like using my HRM to gauge my heart rate and estimated cal burn.

    I've done the Challenge twice and agree with you. It does not raise your heart rate up much, but I believe it is meant more to build muscle than to be aerobic. I like your solution, however, to break that sweat.

  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    ...while I use the foam roller on my hamstrings to prevent any muscle soreness before it can cripple me like a geriatric zombie.

    Oh, how right you are! I had the worst hamstring soreness after working out to T25. I could barely sit. I was sure I tore something. But then I got my hands on a foam roller. Wow. I'm amazed at the difference!
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Joining late, but not too late! I finished T25 last week, and this week is Week 1 day 5 of P903X. I believe CVX is on the schedule for me tonight when I get home from work. I guess I'm not the only one with hamstring and glute tightness following T25. Still trying to stretch through it.
  • jsantus
    jsantus Posts: 53 Member
    There are three options, depending on the ceiling.
    (1) If your basement is unfinsihed and you can see the joists, you can purchase about 6ft of 2x4 and a pullup bar. Cut the 2x4 into two 3ft lengths, attach them vertically to joistsand hang the pullup bar in between the two.
    (2) Purchase an exercise band and a hook used to hang bicycles on walls. Use a stud finder to locate a ceiling joist (if you can't already see them) and attach the bicycle hook to the joist. You can use this hook to anchor the exerc ise band while you hold both ends in each hand and simulate pullups. Even if you are sitting on your butt while doing them, this would allow you to simulate pullups.
    (3) Purchase the attachments that allow you to do pullups in an open doorway. I can't vouch how well they work or whether they will cause any damage to the doorframe, but I see a lot of people use them.

    Pushups or lifting weights over your head won't work the same muscle groups, unfortunately.

    Hope this helps.


    I actually have a finished drop ceiling in the basement so I can't see the joists and there is a gap in between the ceiling tiles and the joists underneath so I don't think I can do the bike hooks on the ceiling. :/ I'm not to crazy about the door jam ones either. My walls are concrete also. May have to try to rig up some way to do that bike hook at the very top of the wall close to the ceiling and try that. I can't think of anything else that will work. Thanks for the tips Mike!

    I used to have a drop ceiling basement. What I did was slide a tile out of the way and attach a bicycle hook to the floor joist. I would use my resistance bands hung from that for my workout and slide the ceiling tile back when I was done.
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Had a tight hip yesterday so I did yoga again. Just finished the warrior. Fun stuff!

    P.S. weighed in today and I'm .9 lbs down.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    P.S. weighed in today and I'm .9 lbs down.

    Nicely done! I brought my cold weather gear to work and ran 5 miles on the outdoor track (21'F). Felt great for the first 4 miles, then the wind picked up and wouldn't you know I'd be running INTO the wind for that last mile? Came home and fixed some homemade chili I had waiting for me in the fridge. Oh my goodness, chili never tasted so good as it did today! Tomorrow is the Warrior...Bring it.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Just finished the P90X3 fit test and not too shabby. I was able to do 1 wide grip and 2 close grip pull ups (not a part of fit test but wanted to see if I could do it), 15 regular push ups, held my wall squat for 1 min 2 sec, 12 bicep curls holding 15 lb in each hand, 35 in and outs and held my plank for 1 min 30 sec (also not of the fit test but was curious so added it).
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    So I could not drag myself out of my warm bed this morning to get my workout done before work. It was 6 degrees when I woke up brrrr. So I just finished up todays workout. Today was CVX, I loved this one! I think it may be my favorite so far. I only used a 5lb weight as this was the first time doing that workout. I'll likely up that weight next time.

    Now I'm just waiting for dinner to get done. I have some roasted broccoli in the oven, it is smelling amazing and I am starving! Happy Friday everyone :)

    Keep up the great work!
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    CVX 5 pounds for me too today. I can't move as fast as they do on some of the moves. But, it's done!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Another day down :happy: Today was The Warrior. Another one that I really enjoyed. I took it a little easy on some of the moves though. My bad knee is acting up and giving out on me the past few days. I've got some ice on it down and will take tomorrow's rest day to baby it and hope it calms back down.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • NicoleS_2014
    NicoleS_2014 Posts: 10 Member
    I started this program on Dec 28 - sending a FR now!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Well after finishing week 1 of the program I am down almost 1lb, half inch off my thighs and half inch off my hips. Not to bad after a week. How are everyone else's results coming?
  • agentventi
    agentventi Posts: 84 Member
    is anyone doing the "lean" program? I am afraid of bulking up. I tend to do that with any jumping around and lifting heavy. Don;t say it isn't possible because it IS for me, lol.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    is anyone doing the "lean" program? I am afraid of bulking up. I tend to do that with any jumping around and lifting heavy. Don;t say it isn't possible because it IS for me, lol.

    You won't bulk up doing the classic or normal program. Here is an article on a strength/conditioning coach for a professional sports team who wrote an article on the subject.

