2014 is the year this big guy shrinks

I'm turning 30 in 10 months and looking to finally change. I'm a big guy (6'3" 273) and have been all my life. My weight has yo-yoed over the last 5 years 240-275. I've had enough and looking for this year to be the year this ends. My wife and I are doing P90X3 and are through our 4th day. We're helping support each other through this journey to be fit and healthy.

Looking to add friends on a similar journey. I work long hours so may not log everyday, but looking for accountability and support and will give the same back.


  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    Good positive statement, write it on your fridge door!!

    yo-yos are plain and simply nutrition, this is what you need to address ans sustain.

    workouts are for fun, do not think you have to workout to be able to eat - you should eat to workout!
  • avocadoshaped
    avocadoshaped Posts: 35 Member
    The My Fitness Pal is like AA, it works if you give into it. Just be religious about putting it all in and get a proper kitchen scale, and it is a no brainer.

    Good luck though, and you are allowed to laugh at the people who say things like "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" they are just rubbish cooks.