How do I know what to set my macros to?

I have a calorie goal of 1500/day. I want a good amount of protein and medium carbs and fat. Not interested in low carb. But I really have no idea what amount of grams I should have of each a day. Can someone give me an idea please?


  • avocadoshaped
    avocadoshaped Posts: 35 Member
    Just start with the suggested ones. Some people do 50% carbs and 25% for protein and fats, but it all depends on what your goals are. And you can always ask your GP if you have a particular health concern.

    I wouldn't exceed 30% on your protein or you will have to drink a tonne of water to keep the kidneys healthy. (kidney stones suck)

    You seem to have been doing something right for the first 44lbs so is there a reason you'd like to change?
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Well, ive been stuck alittle while and am always looking to change things up. I also want to start strength training and thought I kinda need advice on my protein intake mostly.
  • mdotcda13
    Depends on how intense your training will be. Some people say if you are going to lift then you should eat a gram of protein for each pound of your body weight. I like to use my lean body mass to calculate the amount. If you know your current body fat percent then subtract that from your current weight. If you are going to increase your protein intake then you will also need to increase your water intake as well. This will help flush your kidneys. Hope that helped.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Thx guys!