New and wondering if this does actually work?

Has anyone got any encouraging weight loss stories, I have been on here for two days so far enjoying it just hope it works :-)


  • gracienkaidens_momma
    I have been keeping track of everything I eat using this site for four days now. I have the free app on my iphone so entering in all of my foods and exercises has been extremely easy. The database for food and exercise is huge; I haven't found anything NOT on the database that I eat. I love the support from others and the detailed nutrition, exercise and progress reports. It has definitely made me aware of how much and what I'm eating. I have only lost 1lb, but have been under my calorie goals and exercising every day since I've started. I love it!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Yep, 68 pounds down in 6 months. You gotta work for it to!
  • jendudas
    jendudas Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I have been entering everything I eat, everyday. It is really a wake up call as to how many calories are in the foods I ate everyday and thought were healthy!!! I have lost 10 pounds in a month, with exercise, and plan on 10 more! Good luck! :)
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    ive only been here 20 days probably 10 of that ive strictly been dieting i lost 5 pounds last week and my clothes fit better look at the b&a forum topic its got tons of photos of people losing like 100's of pounds
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Keep track of everything ( I mean EVERYTHING) and you'll have success. The database is huge, but it doesn't hurt to fact-check the nutritional info, if it doesn't seem right. I've had some success 11 or 13 lbs in a month or so).
    Slow and steady wins the race, remember.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I've always been thick / chubby and then got fat. Nothing could help me lose. No diets, I never stuck to exercise and am the laziest chica alive or well, used to be since MFP its been super easy to count calories, learn portion control and the forums are rich in info and support .

    I've lost 32 pounds in about 90 days. It might not be a biggest loser story but I'm thrilled :) This is the only thing that ever worked for me!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yep, I'm living proof it totally does.

    And for some more proof,check out this thread of dozens of people who posted pictures of how well it works :)
  • lnuckols19
    lnuckols19 Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined myself yesterday and i love it so far. Its so easy to enter your foods and track things and already meeting people, its great! Welcome
  • ohmohner
    ohmohner Posts: 29 Member
    Yes it absolutely works! But like other people have said, you have to be committed to logging and eating healthy if you want to be losing! Its not a diet, there are no special "do it fast" methods, its plain old eating healthy and working out. That's it! But you have to stick to it.

    Best of luck!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    YES, this site is awesome. It make you aware of what you are eating, makes it easy to keep track and there is alot of support. If you go the the community boards under success stories you will find alot of people who have lost weight on this site. I have been on here almost 4 months and have lost 32lbs. I love this site
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Calorie counting works :D as long as you work at it!

  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I was very skeptical when I joined 4 months ago, but had a lot of hope that it would work. It's just now starting to sink in that I'm actually doing it! 33 pounds lost, and yes, it takes work, but I haven't felt deprived at all. All the support here is so very helpful! Whenever I start to feel like I want to quit, I look through the success board. It always gets me motivated again.

    Welcome and good luck! :)
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Almost a 50 lb decrease in weight in nearly 5 months. This DOES WORK!!! The really important things are really simple.

    1. be completely honest with yourself.
    2. you must become physically active
    3. you must eat healthy (reduce calories to accommodate your life style or increase your exercise to accommodate your diet).

    You simply must exercise and eat healthy to see the benefits. It doesn't happen over night - it takes time. There is no such thing as a "bad day." There are CHOICES - and you get to be the one to choose. You are in control and you are the one that determines your journey to a healthier and happier you.

    The amount of progress = the amount of effort you put into it.

    Check yourself if you aren't seeing the results you want. Make decisions and adjust your thought processes to reach the goals you've set for yourself.

  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    Well the weight loss is up to you, but in terms of accountability and support it is AMAZING!!!! I log my weight and food through my gym, but I come on strictly for support, friendship and kind encouragement!! Good luck!!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Hello! Well, as you will see from the postings, a lot of us have lost a lot of weight here. It is an amazing place to get support, and a very easy interface to track your eating and exercise. I have tried some other sites (Prevention magazine has one) and they are slow and don't have the social networking piece. I love it here. I've been using this for over a year, and you can see the weight loss has been significant. Invite whichever ones of us seem like we would be good friends, and we'll be happy to be your "accountability partners" as well as your cheerleaders!
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    ABSOLUTELY!!! I joined in 2009 but wasnt focused enough to stick with it. Then I Got completely focused in Jan. 2010 & lost about 40ish lbs.But then I went astray for a few months & gained some back, so I won't be doing that again!! :noway: So some advice would be to stay focused, enjoy yourself in MODERATION, record everything & exercise. Do not get down on yourself if go over now & then & definitely allow yourself a cheat day, I do once a month. And also you have many friends on MFP who are here doing the same thing you are with the same successes & same struggles, so share with the community....the support is incredible!!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!!:happy:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Has anyone got any encouraging weight loss stories, I have been on here for two days so far enjoying it just hope it works :-)

    It does work but I am not going to lie to you and say that it's easy because it's not. It is hard work and it takes planning and it takes exercising. It involves watching every last thing you put in your mouth and being honest with yourself about that (including spices and oils you use to cook with). It involves watching your sodium and drinking water and LIMITING ALCOHOL.

    I joined September 1 and in that time I have lost almost 22lbs by doing what I said above. I have logged all my food and all my exercise. I quit drinking (well like I used to) and plan up to a weeks worth of meals in advance. I limit how many times a week I go out to eat and I work out 6 days a week (now using P90X as my workouts plus cardio). I also have a lot of supportive friends here. This is KEY. They help with the ups and downs and don't get on you when you have a bad food day. We pick each other up and offer cheers and support in every way imaginable.

    You have to remember this ISN'T a diet, it's a way of eating and learning portion control. Learning that there are consequences to eating that cookie or 500 calorie cupcake. You learn that when you exercise you have to eat those calories back so your body doesn't think you are starving it and hold on to every last bit you put in there sometimes causing weight GAIN!

    The important thing is to STICK WITH THIS ... it does work. I am fitting back into clothes that I haven't worn in over 10 years that I kept with a hope of someday wearing again and now I AM! I am also older, 46 (about to turn 47) and they say it takes longer to lose. Not with this system. I am losing it ... I started at 181 on september 1 ... Today I weight 159.4 lbs :) It can be done. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    ABSOLUTELY!!! I joined in 2009 but wasnt focused enough to stick with it. Then I Got completely focused in Jan. 2010 & lost about 40ish lbs.But then I went astray for a few months & gained some back, so I won't be doing that again!! :noway: So some advice would be to stay focused, enjoy yourself in MODERATION, record everything & exercise. Do not get down on yourself if go over now & then & definitely allow yourself a cheat day, I do once a month. And also you have many friends on MFP who are here doing the same thing you are with the same successes & same struggles, so share with the community....the support is incredible!!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!!:happy:

    Great job on smoke free for 452 days!! Keep up the good work :-)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I used This right from the start. It helped me know where I was at and held me accountable on what I was eating. I logged everything i put in my mouth.

    I went from laying on the couch to running 3 5k's and a 3k trail run this summer. Next summer Im planning a triathlon.

    40 more lbs to go

    It works! Feel free to go read about my journey at

  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    ABSOLUTELY!!! I joined in 2009 but wasnt focused enough to stick with it. Then I Got completely focused in Jan. 2010 & lost about 40ish lbs.But then I went astray for a few months & gained some back, so I won't be doing that again!! :noway: So some advice would be to stay focused, enjoy yourself in MODERATION, record everything & exercise. Do not get down on yourself if go over now & then & definitely allow yourself a cheat day, I do once a month. And also you have many friends on MFP who are here doing the same thing you are with the same successes & same struggles, so share with the community....the support is incredible!!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!!:happy:

    Great job on smoke free for 452 days!! Keep up the good work :-)

    Thank you!!!:wink: