Weight Loss Partner

Hi, my name is Luis. I'm about halfway through my weight loss journey (36 more pounds to go) , but I feel like a need a little more motivation. I'm a High School Senior and I would like someone around my age to discuss how our journeys go while dealing with school work. We would motivate each other, share weight-in's every once in a while, and talk about weight-loss experiences. Is anybody interested?


  • eml298
    eml298 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi there! I'm certainly not in high school anymore, but I wanted to say I'm impressed with the choices you're making and proud that you're brave enough to reach out for support. Good luck!
  • LilacEyez
    I'm definitely interested! We should begin right away, indeed! :-)
  • hasses
    hasses Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Luis, I'm not in high school anymore either, but I will be going back to college in a few weeks so I'll be back in the school work grind. I definitely need a motivation buddy!
  • DulcieGabbana
    hi, I'm also last year at high school, but new to this so I would love to make some friends for weight loss motivation :)
  • Modern_athena
    Modern_athena Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Luis.First of all, congrats on your weight loss so far. I'm not in Highschool anymore but I'd love a motivation partner. I'm an undergrad, this is my 3rd semester and I'm loving it so far. I've been overweight/obese most of my life but I'm definitely changing that. I lost weight before but regained it back due to many factors. You can definitely learn from my mistakes because I know I have. As for school work, I'm almost always talking about that :P I'm very passionate about learning so I enjoy discussing studies most of the time.
  • luisprieb
    luisprieb Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm glad I received a lot of replies. I really appreciate all of your feelings, but I'm going to have to chose because I can't have so many partners. Nonetheless, I will gladly add all of you to my friends list and if you ever want to share something, you can send me a message. I will gladly read it. I also want to let you know that if I don't chose you, that there are other people here looking for partners too, so this a good chance for all. Congratulations to all on taking this great decision and keep on fighting to achieve your dreams.