Looking to add people on a 1200 diet!

if you're on a 1200 (or around that number) diet please feel free to add me :)
im currently on one and would like support from members in similar situations and would also love to give support.
im afraid with not enough motivation, i may eventually fall off my diet so please, dont hesitate to add meeeee :P


  • I will- I'm on the same 1200 cals per day. Just started 1 week ago. :)
  • Feel free to add me too, just starting the diet today. Seems so hard but we can do it!!
  • JenR_
    JenR_ Posts: 104 Member
    Hi hi:) I'm on 1200 too. Found the first couple of days the hardest, and it hasn't been too bad since. Not to say I haven't had days I"ve gone over, but for the most part, I've been good at staying at 1200 (or a bit under). Feel free to add me. Support is great, and more fun to go through this together!:)
  • Please add me to just started
  • ngs49
    ngs49 Posts: 5
    I'm also on this diet, please add me. I just started:smile:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You will get LOTS of replies because the 1200 calorie diet is MFP's most popular b/c ppl set their settings as low as it will go in zeal for weight loss. Many ppl wind up at this number but not everyone was honest in setting those settings.

    Then you are supposed to eat back the cals "earned through exercise". Some people mistakenly don't. This is a set up for problems.

    Ideally this thread will be filled with short women who do very little activity "sedentary" and thus their 1200 cals are a legit number. For almost everyone else a TDEE or more honest selection of "activity levels" and a more modest "lbs per week" weight loss setting combined with accurate food and exercise logging and eating back all those earned cals will result in a way way higher cal goal.

    Please tinker with your settings and see if your height and activity truly justify such a low cal goal. :flowerforyou:
  • bex4health
    bex4health Posts: 45 Member
    What's the 2nd thing you all have in common besides 1200 calorie goal?....You all just started!!!!!!! Because it isn't sustainable for a long period of time for most people! Why only eat 1200??? Is it a race to see who can lose the weight the fastest (then usually gain it back cause you're body and metabolism gets all out of wack?) I love food and did great losing 40 lbs last year eating 2100-2500 calories a day including exercise. I would be a crabby, tired, beast if i tried that!! Try the TDEE as suggested.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    You will not last long on 1200 calories. It is unnecessary to eat that little and will ultimately slow down your metabolism. I know you all want to lose the weight fast, but trust me, going this route will just lead to frustration and yo-yo dieting.
  • Hi all

    i was very interested to read the above 3 posts on 1200 not being ideal for everyone. My instincts were telling me it was too low for me long term but I am unsure how to adjust what MFP has set for me. I am age 41, 5'6" and at 210 I am aiming for a weight loss of 50lbs, then tinker as I see how I feel and body looks when I get down there. Would love some advice (and knowledgable friends to add :smile: ) on calorie goals as a newby it is all greek to me. Thank you inadvance for any support and guidance xx
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hi all

    i was very interested to read the above 3 posts on 1200 not being ideal for everyone. My instincts were telling me it was too low for me long term but I am unsure how to adjust what MFP has set for me. I am age 41, 5'6" and at 210 I am aiming for a weight loss of 50lbs, then tinker as I see how I feel and body looks when I get down there. Would love some advice (and knowledgable friends to add :smile: ) on calorie goals as a newby it is all greek to me. Thank you inadvance for any support and guidance xx

    Here you go:



    1200 calories was NOT for me. For all you other ladies, don't forget that you're meant to eat back your exercise calories. Even if you doubt the accuracy of MFP's calorie estimations, at least eat back half. And if you find that 1200 is not working for you, visit the above links to learn what to do next.
  • time2bhealthy
    time2bhealthy Posts: 211 Member
    I just switched to a 1200 calorie from 1400. I would love to be able to support each other! Feel free to add me.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I started out doing 1200 calories, but I was tired, cranky and losing my hair, so I started reading the forums and upping my calories and now I eat around 1900 calories. I'm 5'2, 44 yrs old.

    You don't need to eat 1200 calories to lose weight and I lose more now than I did when I was doing 1200 calories.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Hi all

    i was very interested to read the above 3 posts on 1200 not being ideal for everyone. My instincts were telling me it was too low for me long term but I am unsure how to adjust what MFP has set for me. I am age 41, 5'6" and at 210 I am aiming for a weight loss of 50lbs, then tinker as I see how I feel and body looks when I get down there. Would love some advice (and knowledgable friends to add :smile: ) on calorie goals as a newby it is all greek to me. Thank you inadvance for any support and guidance xx

    Here you go:



    1200 calories was NOT for me. For all you other ladies, don't forget that you're meant to eat back your exercise calories. Even if you doubt the accuracy of MFP's calorie estimations, at least eat back half. And if you find that 1200 is not working for you, visit the above links to learn what to do next.

  • Sisqo83
    Sisqo83 Posts: 7 Member
    I have just started the 1200 cal diet. Feel free to add me. I'm happy to help out (and be helped) : )
  • leonadawn
    leonadawn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am doing the 1200 calorie per day plan. I started in November and lossy 2.5 lbs. but with Xmas and going to Florida for three weeks went totally off the plan. Did my own thing and now have to go back on plan. Looking for motivation and support. As I want to be down 20 lbs by April. Any help or feedbsckwod be appreciated. Have a good one !
  • 1exercisefreak
    1exercisefreak Posts: 75 Member
    My fitness pal set my calorie goal at 1200 calories...After exercise burning alot of calories if I am still hungry I will use some of my extra calories.It is working good:wink:
  • I am on 1200 cal a day as I am small and my maintenance calls w/out adding back in exercise is 1196 cal a day!!! Not much. I lost and maintained a year on this level. I tried to increase and gained. I know, most cannot believe this but if u should weigh 100-105 lbs, do the match. I am 54 yrs old at 5'1" and know what works. Oh sure, it happens that I eat over 2000 and more if I have some wine and a few snacks. I love cheese. But I just get back on track. I am trying to not think that life is all about food. It is hard but I have been able to succeed. Eating like this and exercising has reduced the hot flashes!!!